Sunday, May 12, 2019

Kurz Crosses Trump Off EU Gas Supplier List

Wenn Sie lieber Arnold sind, werde ich Sie zum Präsidenten und Donald kann Ihr Auto waschen.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Why would Chancellor Sebastian Kurz be moving in a dichotomy, wrapped in a riddle and shrouded in an energy enigma? Observe the following dates from July 2018, where Donald Trump first tried to leverage Europeans to become addicted to expensive American natural gas.
Shortly after this odd exchange, Europe said it would allow America to build LPG ports in Europe, costing American's billions of dollars, for gas Europeans did not want, as Russia was building pipelines.

By May of 2019, the exports of US LNG were up to record levels as American's were being forced to pay huge sums of money to heat their homes due to HAARP bombs.

Europe is subsidized while Americans are gouged.

In a vague statement Energy Secretary Rick Perry signed an agreement to sell over 13 million  tonnes of LNG to nations which America has no trade agreements with. These phantom states will get US gas while Americans are being held hostage.

All of this takes on a most puzzling reality as on May 11, 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, the Europeans are moving to import more natural gas, via Russia from Turkmenistan, while China was bitching about the inadequate pipelines for their needs.
This gas is going to eastern Europe and the Balkans, the so called NICHE MARKETS which Donald Trump was coveting in 2018 AD in the year of our Lord.

Now the question in this is, just who is Rick Perry for Donald Trump giving American natural gas to as Americans languish? We know from an Exxon Mobil plot, that they are in process of dumping American gas into China. Is this not a strange Trump Trade War world that Rockefeller Exxon is above the law as Americans are robbed, along with American farmers in embargoes, and the American gas is flowing somewhere in this world in huge volumes for the profits of the few.

What is more interesting in this is the Europeans are buying 1.4 billion cubic meters of American gas, while their use is LESSENING, and Europe just set up a long term contract to purchase 1.2 billion cubic meters more from Turkmenistan.

Bare with the Lame Cherry in this in connect the dots. the 1.4 American and 1.2 Turkmenistan is a very close to equal number. Listen now to the Lame Cherry reasoning, in could not these two numbers be interchangeable?
If you require the answer then, I will stop wasting time and simply explain by reasoning, is it not reasonable to conclude that Europe is preparing for a near time when the United States natural gas supply would be interrupted?

 There are patterns emerging and trends being set in place. They have been noted in various places on the internet, and now Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has prepared Europe for a reality that America will be unable to supply natural gas to Europe by ship.  This is not little Croatia manipulating Russia to do trade deals in national oil companies, this is the Chancellor and those he represents know a reason to prepare for a time when the United States will be incapable of shipping natural gas.

The Chicoms are energy devouring cannibals. They become immensely testy about energy, and they have been pirates in the South China for energy and Africa. Yet Russia just worked a deal infringing on the flow of Turkmenistan natural gas, with it going to the United States.
Europe and Russia are reaching agreement for their progression which will hinder China, which is a threat to both Europe and Russia in full energy fulfillment.

Someone in Europe is preparing for a world in flux and a key element in this is centered on a series of events playing out, from all our yesterdays, and a key manifestation in this is American energy exports being denied.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Zero Hedge New York Nuclear Death Mask

Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Race to save America from Obama 9 11 2.0

 Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter in all of our yesterdays.

July 2018:
The comments follow trade talks with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker last week where Trump said the EU would purchase “vast amounts” of U.S. LNG. Juncker said Europe would build more terminals to handle the influx.
But the projects under consideration for EU funds pre-date the Trump administration and are being developed mostly by private companies over which politicians have limited sway.

On top of that, three-quarters of Europe’s existing LNG import capacity lies idle and the new terminals being mulled in niche markets such as Croatia, Greece and Cyprus represent a fraction of the continent’s overall capacity.

May 2, 2019:
U.S. liquefied natural gas exports up by 272% as EU and U.S. host High-Level Business-to-Business Energy Forum

In their Joint Statement of 25 July 2018 in Washington D.C., President Juncker and President Trump agreed to strengthen EU-U.S. strategic cooperation with respect to energy. They came in particular to an understanding on the benefits of expanded exports of U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the EU gas market.

Since the first cargo in April 2016 U.S. LNG exports to the EU have been increasing substantially and have seen a steep rise after President Trump and President Juncker's meeting in July 2018 increasing by 272%. As a result, March 2019 recorded the highest volume ever of EU-U.S. trade in LNG with more than 1.4 billion cubic metres.

U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry today signed the Department of Energy's authorization allowing Sempra Energy's SRE, +2.38% Port Arthur LNG to export approximately 13.5 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of U.S.-produced liquefied natural gas (LNG) to countries that do not have a free-trade agreement (FTA) with the U.S. during the first U.S.-EU Energy Council High-Level Energy Forum in Brussels, Belgium.
"I am pleased to announce the order signed today authorizing Port Arthur LNG to export up to 1.91 billion cubic feet per day of LNG, to any country that does not have an FTA with the United States," said Perry. "The United States is in its third consecutive year as a net exporter of natural gas, now exporting domestic LNG to 35 countries. I applaud the American private sector for continuing to reach new milestones and look forward to continued growth in this sector."

May 11, 2019
The European Gas Game Is About To Change

Yet Turkmenistan suffered a double blow to its gas export plans – supplies to Iran were halted a year after Russia stopped its imports, due to the NIGC’s non-payment for substantial parts of the Turkmen volumes. This left Ashgabat with only one market outlet – China – which was satisfied with the roughly 40 BCm per year it received from Turkmenistan and did not have any immediate plans to increase it. Moreover, the Chinese were voicing their displeasure on the allegedly subpar level of gas transmission infrastructure on Turkmen territory and the inability of Turkmen side to supply gas uninterruptedly, especially in times of increased demand. Thus, Turkmenistan had to go back to Russia and find common ground again with Gazprom.

Hence came about the most recent Russo-Turkmen deal, which contrary to previous practice is short-term, a temporary filler before the two sides iron out a new long-term contract. Under the new deal signed April 15, it would be Gazprom’s Swiss subsidiary that would buy 1.2 BCm of Turkmen gas in H1 2019, to be supplied through the usual Central Asian route to customers in Southern and Central Eastern Europe (Gazprom Schweiz is routinely responsible for supplying the Balkan countries and Romania).
Yet there are other interesting facets of the deal – for instance, it might seem a little counter-intuitive that Russia would start Turkmen transit in a year when European gas demand this winter turned out to be significantly lower than during the 2016-2017 and 2017/2018 seasons. Consider this in view of the quite small amount of gas in question, largely inadequate to make the long route via Central Asian gas pipelines economically viable, and you will see that this move might be a part of a wider strategy.
