Monday, May 13, 2019

Arresting Attorney General William Barr

Whoa Nanc......what the hell is it, you liberal women's time of the month or what?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and figurehead of the Democratic Party in the leadership of Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, has stated that impeachment is not off the table of in dealing with Donald Trump as President.
In further contest of the Constitutional crisis which Nancy Pelosi, has announced is she will send the US House's Sergent at Arms to arrest Attorney General William Barr for contempt, for giving democrats everything they have demanded in the Robert Mueller report released to them.

In this, the Lame Cherry has produced the storyboard for the arrest of that nemesis of Nancy Pelosi, in William Barr.

By the authority of me, I have ordered the protector of Congress
to go out and arrest the Attorney General.

I am the protector of Congress!

I have given my mallet to the Sarg at Arms to take
 the Attorney General into custody!

Barry, is that the Barr fellow or should I keep looking?

The Sarg will grab the AG by the balls and ......

Does anyone have the address of the Attorney General?

Barry do you know where I can find the AG?

And then Sarg is going to pull his hair!

And then Sarg is going to scream TARZAN in a yell!

I got you now Mr. Attorney General.
You are now my prisoner!!!!

I would take you serious if Nancy Pelosi was not nuts.

You better come a long peaceful Mr. Barr!!!!

Wait, I can't stop laughing......

Mr. President, you tell your AG to obey me as Nancy says ........

Listen lint ball and listen good.
Meet the men you have to go through to get to me.

Mr. Sargent at Arms, it is time for you to get out of town.

Please don't hurt me! sent the bald guy???

We have apprehended the Attorney letting him go.

Thus ends the democratic saga of arresting the Attorney General of these United States.

 Nuff Said
