Monday, May 13, 2019

Wayne LaPierre of the NRA : Just leaves a bad taste in the mouth

But President Meadows is the leaked information FACT?
The NRA's new president, Carolyn Meadows, told The Wall Street Journal: 'The entire board is fully aware of these issues. We have full confidence in Wayne LaPierre. 
'It is troubling and pathetic that some people would resort to leaking information to advance their agendas.'

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I simply do not know of anything the National Rifle Association could have done to destroy the Firearms Coalition more, and no more proof of what the NRA is, in nothing but the  deep state, than what it has engaged in, since the criminal embezzlement of money by the NRA's Wayne LaPierre and the Board, in instead of addressing the problems which members are well aware of, including President Donald Trump, the NRA instead AFFIRMED that lavish spending for personal graft is exactly what the NRA is all about.

I gave up on the NRA when they jerked me around quite awhile ago. From personal experience, I  concluded that they did not care about the membership, and were nothing but a self gratifying group of elites living off the poor.

Between 2004 and 2017 the bill totaled $274,695.03 with two visits hitting $39,000 alone, the documents say. 
LaPierre’s disclosed compensation in 2017, the most recently reported year, was $1.4 million for his role with the NRA, which he has headed since 1991. 
Luxury hotel stays are said to have included $6,500 at the Four Seasons, $2,400 at a resort on Italy's Lake Como and $17,550 for 'Air Charter' between Budapest and Italy. 
It also shows nearly $18,300 for a car and driver in both countries and requests for the agency to cover $13,800 in rent for a summer intern. 
And LaPierre is said to have also claimed almost $40,000 in air transportation charges from Washington to the Bahamas in December 2012. The following month the letter lists a charge of $29,000 from the Bahamas to Dallas.  

After the revelations hit the media about LaPierre's criminal abuse of position in self indulgence that even the finance company was contacting him, asking to address these record expenditures, the NRA opted to elect someone who is the media left wing dream, who can be portrayed as a nutty, white supremacists with a God complex.

Carolyn Meadows is the fresh face of the NRA, being a Southerner who is 80 years old, and has a penchant not for diplomacy, but ending up at CPAC and other venues, where she tells black women who win Congressional elections, that she won because is a minority, and not because her kid was shot.

A letter said to be from Ackerman McQueen to LaPierre said: 'We need to address your wardrobe you required us to provide, specifically purchases at the Zegna store in Beverly Hills, CA.'

It is not that the Lame Cherry disagrees with how Carolyn Meadows positions herself, because she is correct in voting to deny a Martin King memorial on Stone Mountain,  to calling a woman a minority candidate, it is she is doing Donald Trump zero favors as Trump needs the Black vote in 2020, and Meadows is the worst stereotype of the Southern Redneck, Quoting God for all actions and alienating everyone, and that includes NRA members as donations have plummeted in the LaPierre fiasco. The reason being LaPierre is a crook and everyone knows it.  No it is not  the kind of crook that you get indicted for, but it is the kind of crooked that NRA members know when they see it, in someone taking the company vehicle on vacation, charging the company the expenses when the in laws are in town and when it is Grams credit card she gets billed for the 5th Avenue store, but when it is the person spending the money, then Walmart is the kind of gifts they give to others.

Wayne LaPierre just leave a bad taste in the mouth. Wayne LaPierre  of the NRA : "Let me eat Cake......but include a private jet!"

The NRA has faced some financial struggles in recent years, losing a combined $64million in 2016 and 2017, and that has prompted some to question whether the large sums spent on public relations and NRATV are worth the money. 

What stuns me in this is the NRA board. They voted unanimous for keeping Wayne LaPierre in power. They voted unanimous for Carolyn Meadows. Again this is after Donald Trump told them to get their act together as the New York government is looking to destroy them legally.

Now the pressure has increased with New York's attorney general opening an investigation that could threaten the group's tax-exempt status. The NRA's charter was originally filed in New York, giving authorities there broad latitude to investigate its operations. 

President Trump has a great deal to be upset about, because it was LaPierre's NRA in global outreach which ensnared Don jr. at the NRA in meeting with Russians. As I stated, you could not set up a Michael Bloomberg smear job on gun owners worse than what Wayne LaPierre and the Board of Directors just pulled off.

So like the NRA paid me tens of millions of dollars over decades
and 1968 Gun Control Act still exists......


I simply am disgusted by the NRA. The entire leadership is corrupt. The entire NRA leadership is either out of touch with America or the entire NRA leadership is nothing but a deep state Obama extension to end the Second Amendment.

Meadows said she accepted the job as NRA president to “save this country.”
“I would not have taken this job if I didn’t feel like I could save this country. That’s obvious, I’m not young. … My husband said, ‘Your whole life has led you to this point.’ And he said, ‘If you don’t do it, you dishonor God,’” Meadows said, adding she’s “not a religious person — I’m a Christian,”

In watching this, thee entire NRA Board of Directors needs to resign and I honestly call upon President Trump to demand this for Gun Owners in America. The President must step in to save the NRA and that includes Carolyn Meadows to return to the shadows of blunt force verbiage as she does not belong in an executive position. As for Wayne LaPierre, the NRA in receivership needs to sue him for millions of dollars to recoup expenses and send the message that this will never be tolerated again.

What the Lame Cherry advocates is simple. President Trump needs to place the NRA into receivership.  New elections must be called for in the NRA rank and file, not of a board but a two tier system of representation, of an upper and lower house, with the power in the lower house of the rank and file.

I believe the President should appoint singer Charlie Daniels as interim leader of the NRA, as Mr. Daniels has proven he is an honest man. I would hope that Chuck Norris, Larry Pratt, Sarah Palin, Ice T, Karl Malone, Adam Baldwin, would round out the TRUST SEVEN, and into this, I would advocate that Mark Levin in his legal group would oversee an audit of the NRA, make recommendations for financial recovery, and write an entire by law section making it harder than pulling dinosaur teeth to spend membership money.

The NRA ceased being pro gun when it started becoming an insurance company selling gun insurance. It is time that the corrupt leadership which is absolutely out of touch with the American People be banned for life from serving on the NRA Upper and Lower House.

The NRA must be restored and the President needs to move on this, before the state of New York destroys the NRA, because what has taken place and is the current NRA response of the STATUS SPEND SPREE is not the answer nor solution for Donald Trump 2020.

You are one crooked mother, LaPierre.

Nuff Said

