Monday, May 13, 2019

Ivanka and her Jewelry

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

To put this plainly so everyone will comprehend this, in order to gain normal channel access to the White House or any Federal building, there are a series of mandatory security clearances which must be passed or waved.

Once inside those locations, there are still the necessity of security passes, which are often worn on neck chains and must be present. Everyone from the press, to visitors, to staff must have these clearances.

That is why it was missed that Ivanka Trump, once again on her mission to relegate little boys worldwide to the fate of Spock's Brain as the little girls get all the education and power, met with her favorite world bank thug and could not resist posting the photo  and bragging about it.

People thought the reason Ivanka deleted and then cropped the photo was due to a US Security Strategy which was laying in the foreground. That was not the case at all, because the strategy is available. It is what is laying on top of the pamphlet which is the immense problem.

Before we examine the security clearance badge, let us first though examine Ivanka, who looks quite washed out. Yes Ivanka must be menstruating, losing blood, so she looks pale, her breast are large, but they are silicon large, but this time full and heavy.....yes she is on the  rag......has been starving herself to a bone pile, which means she is not happy with her big ass, is under stress in agreeing with the public that there is nothing to like, and of course, she has  let herself go in not touching up the bottle blonde peroxide.
Yes raccoon eyes, stress, forced smile....looks like a bit of plastic surgery touch up......pour aging woman has to force an old geek to photo op, in order to validate her self worth with the power looting of poor people's money into the lucre of the rich.

Now for the issue here in  the security pass.

To explain this.

See you get a Jew like Benjamin Netanyahu or an  MI6 asset like Theresa  May or the worst of it like John Brennan who apparently hands out security clearances like Obama soiled little boy underwear, in the global intelligence community can and does manufacture security passes like tickets to the Whore's Banquet at West 57th Street. That is not the problem. The problem is in Ivanka just published in exact detail a White House security pass in minute detail.

As stated, Mosaad, MI6, FSB, PLA have these passes on file as does the CIA have passes on file from the White House to Red Square. That is a finite community of controlled access and direct responsibility. See the Kremlin simply calls  up Obama and says, "Hey Michelle can you smuggle out something in your snatch", and Michelle does it.  It is these other persons of interest, the rogue state operators, who are a problem.

Say it is an Iranian or some Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Resistance zealot who says, "I could print me up one of those passes, get into the White House on a tour, and simply sluff off the tour and next thing you know is some element is down in the kitchen putting rat poison in the stew, putting something that detonates someplace or just has an unction to cut up wetware, and you got real problems.

This is why when people are fired from the White House, they are escorted off the grounds, because they need a security pass to get out, and the Secret Service does not allow passes off the grounds.

Those passes all light up the board and track. This can project out though to the reality of published accounts that the Obama mega bunker for Chicken Entree is not just connected to the White House, but the Supreme Court. Imagine some enterprising zealot gaining access through "Bill Clinton needing to get his dick smoked so leaves the White House through a tunnel", and they have an Ivanka pass once inside, and this spirals out of control extremely fast.
Every one of you has watched RED starring Bruce Willis in how security can be triggered, and how protocols are followed by them to protect people in exact routes. What happens if a threat triggers the system with an Ivanka pass, the President is moved as Dick Cheney was on 9 11, and that limits the location of that politician to exploit the situation. I am not being specific in this for a reason, but am attempting to explain what a cock up this Ivanka photo bomb was and she should have her security clearance immediately revoked and in all honesty should be fired.

This plays directly into what that crook John Kelly was stating in why the Kushner's are a problem in always sticking their noses into everything and not having any sense about security to keep the President safe.
Ivanka was so worried about being validated by money, that she abused the security clearance, by taking it off and laying it on her papers, so she could get a photo.
To be more blunt, Ivanka Kushner is so fixated as an aging woman to show off her tits and ass, that she can't wear a normal business suit where that security badge should have been slipped into a pocket.

There is a reason there is a chain on that badge and it is to be ON THE NECK the entire time, and the least Ivanka Kushner could have done to keep the President safe, is to wear it, and put it down her dress top to get her photo.

The problem is now that every malevolent factor from terrorists to anarchists has a working model for the White House. The entire pass system should now be reworked immediately to offset any replicas, because even a rough facsimile of this pass could allow some nondescript individual to slip through, as what happens if someone dresses up to look like someone who is known in the White House, and the security in a lapse does not check as the badge is there and they assume it is someone they know, because they are already in the White House and the outside security already cleared them.

 This is a most serious issue and honestly it is a point that President Trump must be protected from the Kushners.  As Jarvanka seem dedicated to two issues, then both of them should be relocated from the White House.
Jared should be placed under the Assistant Secretary for Mideast Affairs in David Satterfield and Ivanka should be placed under her good friend at the IMF in David Malpass. If the Kushner's are so possessed for Mideast peace and helping little girls not to need little boys in their lives, then the glory of the White House should not be important as the Jarvanka can work under established offices which were created for these venues.

Then with Jarvanka out of the White House, new security badges can be issued, costing taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars more money.

I honestly wanted to appreciate Jared and Ivanka, but this last fiasco in endangering the President has voided all hope in that to ever be fulfilled. One would think a West Wing employee, especially a daughter of the President would be phobic about a security clearance badge in knowing it is protecting the President.  I doubt anyone reading this, if they ever were in the West Wing, and were instructed by the Secret Service about protecting that badge from even being photographed, that they would be phobic about it.

That natural fear of consequences has never been established in either of the Kushner's.

To save the President the responsibility of dealing with this, the Secret Service needs to refer this to the Department of Justice for review and upon their recommendation, the Kusher's be relocated outside of the West Wing.

The last words in this are, Ivanka Kushner takes better care of her jewelry than she does her White House security credentials.

Nuff Said
