Friday, May 31, 2019

Jesuits On The March


 those damned right leggers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While all of you have been distracted with the Robert Mueller's of this world, there has been a story taking place which very well could turn America not just into a political inferno, but a literal inferno of war, because unnoticed by each of you, DIA agent Steve Bannon has been busy in Europe, attempting to establish National Socialism there, on the manifesto of what Paul Manafort had written of in a white paper years ago, in using Russian money to create nationalists in the United States and Europe to seize power.

Donald Trump was the first conduit in this scheme, and if you have paid attention to this blog, you have been made aware that Europe has her own National Socialist in Sebastian Kurz, a direct competitor to this Bannon led group, which is attempting to keep Europe Balkanized to control her.
In the shadows of the smarmy Brennan CIA, Mosaad, MI6 and Italian Intelligence, the very group which targeted Donald John Trump, Steve Bannon appeared with a convenient election eve disaster for Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria.

In essence, this group set up the number two in Austria in Heinze Christian Strache, to be recorded spilling his crimes to a Russian, who happened to be a Romanian, in the same guise as a Clinton operative named Silberstein who was meddling in Ukraine, Austrian and Jewish politics previously.

This brought down the government of Sebastian Kurz weeks before the European Parliament elections and on the eve of those elections which were supposed to elect Bannon candidates, Kurz dominated, but was removed from office by a staged no confidence vote.

For those who are blind by the Russian Meddling nonsense being blamed on Russia, Bill Clinton deposed Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. Obama tried the same tactics against Netanyahu. In this case, Steve Bannon has been attempting to bring down Sebastian Kurz, and in this there is evidence pointing to the Clinton group actually did stage a coup in Austria, which if it is a crime in Robert Mueller America, it is a crime in Robert Mueller Austria.

If you pay attention to Kushner media, at Conservative Treehouse which is leaked to all the time to manipulate the voters, there was another guise in Bannon's people were behind resurrecting Human Events after Bill Kristol was bankrupted.

Burn the Protestants at the stake...

A block away from the former Capitol Hill headquarters of Breitbart News — known in Washington as the “Breitbart embassy” — sits a second-floor apartment its occupant calls “the Consulate.”
Here, surrounded by memorabilia of the British empire, two right-wing entrepreneurs — a protege of Steve Bannon’s and a social media activist — are rebooting a dilapidated conservative publication from around a dining room table.
This month, the duo relaunched the 75-year-old Human Events, once Ronald Reagan’s favorite newspaper. Their efforts to reinvent it as a thriving digital media enterprise driven by “tabloid intellectualism” represent the latest test of whether President Donald Trump’s haphazard insurgency can mature into a durable political movement.

The problem is for Americans, is that the Bannon proteges are  intent on Cecil Rhodes reconquest of America by London finance as was attempted in the Civil War. In a truly treasonous reality, Bannon's people have on their wall a map of the British Empire and a hat which someone is promoting in MAKE AMERICA GREAT BRITAIN AGAIN.

This is what was at the center of Theresa May of MI6 in being the intelligence for Christopher Steele's Pissgate Dossier in bringing down the American Elections in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. This was the strange brew of fired Katie Walsh who was proposed to at 10 Downing Street by Mike Shields who was raised in Great Britain, and fully remember that after Donald Trump fired this hose bag, it was Mike Pence who rehired her and set her in position of fundraising, after she was the gatekeeper of all of your names being sold on political lists.

The ‘Consulate’ also features a map showing the British empire at its largest extent and a red hat that says “Make America Great Britain Again.”
All of that should be making you uncomfortable and having you ask, "What the hell is going on here?"

This becomes even more interesting in none of you realize that the protege's of Steve Bannon who are running this propaganda, are joined at the hip with the Rockefeller family. Yes the CFR, control the world and "let us start a civil war in Syria to steal their oil for money laundering by ISIS, as America now has troops in Syria protecting that oil in massive shipments which are going through Haifa into Europe, and no one knows where that money is going".
Well we do, but it is called profit margins and CIA black operations, as much as Mosaad and things called retirement accounts.

This group was busy in targeting the young Trump skulls full of mush to indoctrinate them to the cause, in going lock step with a reality where all of the Trump loyalists and Protestants were removed by Trump Trans, as this was intended, and planned from the start.

This was designed to cause the exact fracturing of the Republican party in the United States, and it moved to Europe where Bannon began creating a pan European allied political group, which is where the contest for Europe now resides between Bannon and Sebastian Kurz's benefactors.

Kassam left Breitbart last year and briefly went on to oversee “The Movement,” Bannon’s effort to create a pan-European nationalist front. But the strategist and his protege had a falling out over Kassam’s management, as captured in the new Bannon-centric documentary “The Brink,” and Bannon fired Kassam.
Kassam said he and Bannon keep in close touch, but he thinks “the Movement” was poorly thought through. "It's gone fantastically well, Steve" Kassam deadpanned sarcastically. This prompted a chortle and a “No comment” from Chamberlain. (Bannon did not respond to a request for comment.)
Chamberlain and Kassam first became aware of each other online. They met in person at at the Northwest D.C. townhouse of Catharine O’Neill, an heiress to the Rockefeller fortune who works for Trump’s State Department and regularly throws parties that draw a young, Trump-leaning crowd.

If you notice in all of the Judeo Christian propaganda, the Protestants are never mentioned, except with scorn in the Evangelicals. The driving force behind this is Melania Trump's Vatican order, allied with the same pro Vatican groups of Jewry and Islam, for the absolute control of Europe.
Not in one instance is the term Lutheran used in any of this as they are competitors to the Vatican.

Those left leggers are expendable with Jesuits, Jews and Muslims.

A Vatican which is flux with the communist Obama zealot, Pater Pope and a ruthless faction which brought the Pater Pope, from the black robe Jesuits.

It's not going to suck itself boy...

There is a major schism involved in Catholicism which no one is speaking of. There are the Jesuits who were backing messiah Obama and world invasion in the Pater Pope, and then there is the backlash Jesuits who are termed the anti Francis group, who are finding succor with apostate Conservatives, who think they can pet these creatures and not end up at the stake.

This is who Steve Bannon has allied himself with in Europe and the United States, the storm trooper, right legger Jesuits.

Herald leaders on this side of the pond appear to be following in its parent publication's footsteps, aligning themselves with both conservative political allies and anti-Francis forces in the church — such as the Ethics and Public Policy Center and First Things magazine, among others — to deliver "what's really happening in the Catholic Church," as the Herald's tagline promises.


Cardinal Raymond Burke

For those who do not comprehend the seriousness of what this means, as what could a bunch of robe wearing old men threaten them. The threat is all of these factions lust for control of the United States in nuclear arsenals and finances. They all have a sworn hatred of Protestants and that is why Catholic, Muslim, Jewish and yes the bastardized Lutheran Social Services has been importing foreign Catholic and Muslim vermin into the United States. It is to break Protestantism once and for all.

Steve Bannon has created a super state Vatican inside the USA and Europe, which is in direct conflict with the Pater Vatican. Yes you are missing this as you think this is all nothing, but you are missing that these Jesuits right and left are now in contention for the Vatican's billions. Each side is setting up their own political power bases in Europe and the United States, which will allow them to unleash the police state internally and the the military externally.

Kaiser Wilhelm, the German Patriot, revealed that the Pope attempted to enlist Germany as the Vatican's war weapon to extend Vatican power. The same situation is built in there are now two Catholic factions, one in the Pater Pope's Sebastian Kurz, and the other in Steve Bannon's exiles and they are at war in Europe for control of those nations, and the armies those nations possess.

They fully mean to vanquish the other side in this is blood sport. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who has the Habsburg royals backing him, along with the Vatican, just had a coup unleashed upon him by the intelligence community,  and Steve Bannon's group. The Chancellor knows very well who did this.  Kurz is not going away. He will be back stronger than ever, and now that he sees that Jared Kushner's Mosaad, Mike Pompeo's State and CIA, along with Bannon's national socialists were behind this, the same Jared Kushner who was moving for a world without the United States, is going to upon being re elected to power, gain absolute control of the European Police State and smash all of his enemies, with the Vatican's blessing.

They also have consulted with none other than Breitbart News founder Stephen Bannon for editorial guidance. Since leaving the Trump administration, Bannon has been busy in Europe, founding a nationalist nonprofit (the organizers of which have met at one of Forte's hotels) and working with Cardinal Raymond Burke — a leading Pope Francis critic — on a Rome-based right-wing Catholic institute committed to the "defense of what used to be called Christendom."
In his meeting with Herald leaders last fall at the "Breitbart Embassy" (the name given to the website's headquarters in Washington, D.C.), Bannon allegedly encouraged the editors to connect with "Catholic influencers and millionaires" as part of a "defense of the Judeo-Christian West," according to a Buzzfeed article.
"The U.S. version of the Catholic Herald can have a massive impact, especially with the demise of the Weekly Standard and other conservative periodicals," Bannon told Buzzfeed. "These are sophisticated people with a sophisticated publication if they follow the lead of the Spectator [a conservative British publication] with their American edition."

I desire each of you to think about a vague reference about the anti Christ when he rises to power in Europe. It is stated that the Beast, the United Europe, turns on the whore (Vatican) and persecutes Catholics. Reason in this, that Jesuits allied with Steve Bannon were in on the coup against the Chancellor and are contending with the Pater Pope. Is it not reasonable to assume that such treachery and treason, would be viewed as a criminal act in coup plotters are political assassins and literally are engaged in acts of terrorism and war, so would not a Government have every reason to move and crack down on such sedition?

And this intrigue drives back into the United States in those Jesuits allied with Bannon. The Muslim religious war which Zbigniew Brezinski and Birther Hussein dragged America into for 9 11, is nothing compared to what a Jesuit war will do to the world.
Bill Clinton with Allen Greenspan stuck Europeans with the bill for the DOTCOM bust and they retaliated by crashing the US economy and installing Obama. What do you think these same people are going to do in their Chancellor was just deposed and the entire European continent hangs in the balance with control of Jerusalem?

Does it make more Biblical sense in following the lines and connecting the dots of the severe dangers involved in this intrigue. We are not talking about Ronald Reagan allied with Pope John Paul II and his taking credit for the Lutherans bringing down the Berlin Wall. We are talking about We are talking about Melania loving the Pedo Pope while Steve Bannon in the people who put Trump into the White House, just brought down the Pope's Chancellor  in  Sebastian Kurz to dominate Europe.

I have placed warnings here for years for the United States to not get involved with these Europeans  and Catholics, and it has not been heeded. The United States is now involved in a Jesuit religious war, and these people are infamous for destroying nations.

While it will never be written of, save the Lame Cherry, it was Bannon's proteges who want America a vassal of England, whose sponsor had the Russians running operations inside the Trump campaign. Robert Mueller did indict this woman, but you will notice that the Rockefellers were not even questioned.

You should probably be paying attention to this as the Vatican had a history of setting fires and scorching more than Joan of Arc.

Jul 26, 2018 - Rockefeller heir George O'Neill is Russia agent Maria Butina's 'U.S. Person 2 ... Mr. O'Neill, an heir to the Rockefeller fortune and an outspoken ...

Nuff Said
