Friday, May 31, 2019

Socialist Trump to Meddle in Alabama Elections Again

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Bannon - Trump Will Fall When People
Realize He's 'Just Another Scumbag'

I could come up with all sorts of clever and memorable things as God Inspires in the posts on the Lame Cherry in dealing with Trump I and II in their meddling in Alabama elections, but I am simply in the mood to be moved to write the Truth.

Some of us, which are most of us in this world, have not sold our souls out to those in power, and most of us will never have that opportunity, because we are not that immoral to do anything to get positions which the cartel would use to exploit.

What is bothersome in Donald and Donald Trump is that in order to save themselves, from a situation they became involved in, after Barack Hussein Obama publicly humiliated Donald Trump at a gathering, in which Donald Trump found common cause with a group who were initiating a series of Edward Snowden events to restore their order from the Obama foreign order, to take the Obama legacy from him in revenge, they have been betraying the people who voted for them and going along with destroying innocent people like Judge Roy Moore.

It is absolutely ridiculous for Donald Trump to give a rat's ass about Alabama, because that seat means nothing, except in the guardianship of Roy Moore, who being a real Christian Conservative, would be a true voice, exposing what frauds the GOP is led by, and remind voters how Donald Trump has utterly failed.

It is in this, that the Lame Cherry celebrates Judge Roy Moore for reminding Trump I & II, that Americans decide who they vote for, and the real revelation is, that anyone who gets enough petitions can run for any office, providing of course they qualify by age, residency and long as they are not Birther Hussein who did nothing but break Constitutional Law.

“The president doesn’t control who votes for the United States Senate in Alabama.
People in Alabama are smarter than that. They elect the senator from Alabama, not from Washington, D.C.”
- Judge Roy Moore

The People of Alabama know that Roy Moore was smeared and framed. They know that John Kelly for Donald Trump rigged the election in Alabama, in order to stop Roy Moore from being a voice of the American People.
Remember in this that Donald Trump backed the loser Luther Strange who Roy Moore defeated, and remember that Roy Moore beat the baby butchering Doug Stone, a democrat, except for election fraud that had Donald Trump colluding with liberal CIA media.

Roy Moore can win the GOP nomination and Roy Moore will defeat any democrat in a fair election.
