Friday, May 31, 2019

That Negative Charge

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As you will read of this post in a future post, this post is after it, in being later in the day, and it deals with negative spiritual energy. I post it, as a reference point, an example, an interesting cause and effect.

Today I began removing the mother's things from our home. For those who are not aware of this women, she was stealing from us,  was a liar, was deceptive, and did everything to break TL and I up. She simply was heinous.
She is dead now though, and this is about residual energy.

We have basically cleansed the area this past five months of her negative charge, but there are outside sources who had been spiking the mother, who have still been directing negative energy or hate toward TL and I.

It has taken a form without her here as a host of a once living entity, now embedded in her things. Think of it as a stink in clothing which settled in. That is not to state that this energy has a scent, but I can feel it brooding about in negativity. So in that, today, we hauled out like 8 garbage bags of the mother's shit, and the house felt so much better.

As a cause and effect, the fence quit a greater cause and effect Baby Moo was out as I began this journey, and has been misbehaving. Baby Daisy the other cow, summarily shorted out the fence, so I spent two hours checking it, then barged her way through the fence, and when I  got her back in, she broke a panel. That is cause and effect. Something was displeased and was affecting the conscience of these two animals.

Of course prayer remedies all in Jesus Name, but it is fascinating that this malevolent energy spiked when thrown out of the house,  and started affecting innocent creatures.
As stated, I can feel it brooding, it gives a fearful charge to  attempt to intimidate me, but that is gone as I resist in Christ.

I have observed these bizarre events of the dead, like a wicked uncle at his grave plot, looming up, quite stupid, sullen and intimidating. TL felt it and knew it too. It was just negative energy which had no direction and had not lost charge.

Our situation is more difficult here, as someone in hatred is spiking that hate field, The problem is the mother is dead and not here, so that entity which is reducing to itself, is being charged, but it has no place to channel that hate to. The residual effects were Daisy and Moo, with nothing that much of  a problem, but it was designed if I was not vigilant to create a huge problem of all the cattle being out., That will not be allowed to happen, and now that I understand the cause and effect, in Jesus I direct that negative to where I  command, to never return here again.

In experiencing all of this, in the mother entertaining sin or hate as it pleased her, the way all people think they can handle sin, in knowing it destroyed her literally to death, and  the residual effects of these hateful energy charges from other people, and how it as Christ recorded when casting out the legion, entered into the swine who sent insane, have concluded that this negative projection of though when it becomes entitized is a problem akin to the demonic. I never asked for any of this, never allowed any of this, but Lord God  this has been something God has had to deliver us from as this is something which is bizarre, but it has to be dealt with.

We just about have things displaced now, so I believe and command this evil will end, but it is something to be aware of, that there are evils out there, in bad energies which do affect and cause problems.

With that, Nuff Said
