Saturday, June 1, 2019

The All

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry does know all, by the Grace of God. Compared to each of you, you are all infants clothed still in your natal blood, with only the the instinct to suck and cry for something to hold you close, while by God I see things, hidden things, which you will only know when spoken.

That is not bragging. It is a burden for ignorance is your bliss. I have no such luxury. This though is not about the station I have been placed in, but about in knowing all, being splendidly beautiful in Wisdom and Knowledge, I observe others attempting in their little minds to dominate others, as it empowers them to a validation of the fool, as I know the path and simply reject them as they will come to reality the hard way.

In all of this knowing and being superior, I have the revelation in how inferior I am to God. I am nothing compared to Him. Locked in this wetware, bound by a world of shadows, I yearn for Home and can not return. I am kept honest in the not knowing before the Revelations, lest like all mankind I will think the miracles of Christ as nothing to note, as the disciples have.

All of this Wisdom and Knowledge, is nothing though, as all that matters is knowing what the infant, here am I, the nothing without God. All that I know is nothing, save the One Reality, in Jesus is my Lord. That Light is the fulfillment of all. Nothing else has value, place or has any importance save that Living Essence.

What profits a man to own the world and lose their soul in hell fires. What value is knowing all, when it is a burden which is an obstacle to being closer to God. Those are not questions, but statements of reality.

The first good of Wisdom and Knowledge is to instruct. The burden is knowing all, as it is unnecessary. The final good of Wisdom and Knowledge is to shed it away, and hold onto the one Faith in Jesus Christ.

- Lame Cherry

Here am I, nothing without God. I am everything with God.

Lucifer was full of Beauty and Wisdom, and it destroyed that splendid creature in the worst manifestation of incarnate spiritual rot, in light becoming darkness, peace become chaos, love become hate, complete become fractured.

All people think they know it all, and want to grab control at the worst possible times, while shirking being responsible in their own lives in doing what God mandates in caring about other people. They think it is their light which is so wonderful and God should be grateful in how precious they are.
One of many disciplines I have is to NEVER take credit for anything, but to give all the credit to God. I do not intend to be exposed as a fool when someone needs the right answer, and I blew it by being vain in stealing credit for the Wisdom and Knowledge which comes from the Holy Ghost. I make it an action to always follow that rule, to not accept even thanks, but give it all to God. I have enough problems with me in life, without being caught in the selfish ones. I know the hard lump of clay that I am and it is all God and here am I, nothing without Him. Being humble saves me from most cases of humiliation in God looking out for His interests represented in me.
Never forget the hard lesson in God is looking after His interests in Love for you, not ever favoring you, because you believed satan's lie that you are something special compared to others.

I was told today that there was a great deal of wisdom and knowledge in a letter I wrote to a relative going through a like time which we experienced with the mother. The Holy Ghost protects His interests and makes me look very good. It is though the burden of having to be right all the time, and the gut checks I do, as this is about God and not about me, in people needing help when they do not have the answers.

Because when I shed this life for Life, it is not Wisdom and Knowledge which Redeems me. This is Christ and nothing of me, except the rejection of all of me in my will, for the all which is Christ.

Nuff Said


