Saturday, June 1, 2019

A Match Made in Tedven

 The Rise of the Quadtinos

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

That Donald Trump jr, had better watch out, as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is not a woman to be kept waiting around, as he spends far too much time trying to sabotage Conservative Christian Roy Moore, than in courting the virginal AOC.

AOC has reached out to that sexy Canadian, Ted Cruz, in a Match Made in Tedven., in order to begin draining the swamp. Yes AOC is the Swampbuster of Washington DC in the Neo Latin Order.

It is really quite simple, the two Quadtinos, will join political congress in banning all representatives from ever becoming lobbyists. This is a fine bill and a good start for the CIA mole in American communism, who has had a very rough time of it, in being beat up by Nancy Pelosi and acting stupid by uttering things that tarnish Marxism, like Blacks are not people of colour.
Yes I know she was trying to help Donald Trump get the Black vote, but in her little Mini Mouse voice, it is like the mouse squeaking threats at a lion.

I sincerely hope that Ted Cruz continues his congress with AOC, to just show Don jr. that he needs to show this Jewtino a great deal more respect. I would offer that TC and AOC, would congress on Invasion and Greenisms.

I'm just having Congress with her, as she likes Don jr.

For Greensims, AOC could get her building new homes clause in America which would be earth sheltered and solar powered, real disaster shelters with grants from the government, and in return TC could get 50 clean burning Thorium nuclear power plants in America.

For Invasion, AOC could get all the Donald Trump open borders Visa and Amnesty vermin she wants, providing AOC gets her abortion clause in all immigrants and invaders have vasectomies and tubal ligation, starting from 2000 onward, in a zero sum 3rd world carbon footprint in the United States.
TC would receive for his part, a bounty of 1000 dollars for Americans apprehending all illegals dead or alive to help Americans in these financially stressed Trump Times.

So the Lame Cherry is all in favor of the CIA's Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and the DIA's Ted Cruz getting into political bed together, as great things can come about in this compromising situation. Who knows maybe in the next round TC will get Constitutional Carry and getting rid of the 1968 Gun Control Act and AOC will get to release all the Mexicans from prison that Jared Kushner has overlooked.

AOC and TC, yes the anagram of TACO politics by the Quadtinos. I am all for this!!!

Oy vey, it's just Congress as I am a woman with needs Riley!

