Saturday, June 1, 2019

Who really is Peter Strzok?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

This past week, the media erupted with a report that the Department of Justice refused to prosecute a high ranking FBI official for leaking to the media, which is a felony.
Instead of gnawing off limbs as to why Attorney General Barr is not indicting this person, after the Inspector General recommended prosecution, let us follow the Lame Cherry in what I do of many things in best, in forensic psychology, in assembling why the DOJ would not be indicting this individual.

IG: DOJ Declined to Prosecute Deputy
Assistant Director of FBI Who
Made Illegal Leak to Media

The Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Justice says that the department declined to prosecute a deputy assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who made an illegal leak to the media. In announcing that DOJ had declined to prosecuted this unnamed high-ranking FBI official, the inspector general also said that the case in question had been referenced in the IG’s earlier report on the FBI’s activities leading up to the 2016 election. “The OIG investigation,” said a summary released by the OIG, “concluded that the DAD engaged in misconduct when the DAD: (1) disclosed to the media the existence of information

We have confirmation at this point from another Kushner outlet of leaked information in Sunprancer at Cucksevitude Treehouse, an outlet which the FBI never visits either to determine who is leaking to them. The person not indicted is none other than FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, a most interesting person of interest, who seduced Lisa Page, destroyed her career, and quietly faded from the FBI, to now be protected by the Department of Justice.

Rep. Collins Identifies Peter Strzok as
Likely FBI Official Who Leaked
Grand Jury Information and
Prosecution Declined…

This is rather stunning. In letters from Representative Doug Collins to Inspector General Horowitz and AG Bill Barr, Collins identifies Deputy Asst. Director Peter Strzok as the official who leaked grand jury information to the media and yet the DOJ refused to prosecute. Incredible. WASHINGTON — Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, today sent letters to the attorney general [HERE] and inspector general [HERE] regarding the Office of the Inspector General’s investigation summary into misconduct by a former FBI deputy assistant director. The letter to the inspector general raises questions about the identity

In studying Peter Strzok, we discover a number of things. Peter Strzok was involved in protecting Hillary Clinton, and is the agent dispatched to frame Donald Trump.
In all of this we know from Lisa Page's texts that the duo was leaking and framing Donald Trump for investigation. We also know that Strzok from the start knew there was nothing in this Trump frame up which was real.

Page and Strzok were concerned about someone else who was leaking,  with more detailed information which would point to them.

We know that Strzok was CIA Director John Brennan's point man at the FBI, as the FBI was used as cover for this illegal operation. We also know that Strzok was using Lisa Page as a sort of "confirmation  source" to what he was telling the FBI Director concerning Donald Trump, in a one two punch to drive forward what Strzok was lead on.
We also know that Strzok in content, was acting more like an outsider, he had contempt for the FBI heads, and it appears as if he was playing a part.

Assembling those facts, and the fact the Department of Justice is not prosecuting Peter Strzok and whatever Peter Strzok was engaged in, as he smugly appeared before Congress lying to that august body, that it is a fact that the Department of Justice knows what Peter Strzok was involved in, has not informed Congress, and more to the point, the conclusion is, Peter Strzok was leaking information to the media, with full knowledge of the DOJ, as this was part of the operation he was involved in.

The conclusion of this is, is that Peter Strzok was part of some investigative group, was part of some Internal Affairs investigation, was part of some other intelligence body, which was running an operation within the CIA and FBI operations in Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

As the Inspector General of the FBI is not privy to who Peter Strzok really is, this is over the FBI's head and the IG's head.

As the President, in Donald Trump has been silent on Peter Strzok, it leads to the conclusion that Peter Strzok was linked to the same Defense Intelligence Agency. There are hints of this in Strzok's background.

Peter Paul Strzok II was born at the Kincheloe AFB Hospital near Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, to Peter Paul Strzok and Virginia Sue Harris. His father was a longtime member of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. One of Strzok's uncles is Father James Strzok, SJ, a Jesuit priest doing missionary work in east Africa. The Strzok family hails from Poland. For high school, Strzok attended St. John's Preparatory School in Minnesota, graduating in 1987. He earned a bachelor's degree from Georgetown University in 1991 as well as a master's degree in 2013.  After graduating from Georgetown in 1991, Strzok served as an officer in the United States Army before leaving to join the FBI in 1996 as an intelligence research specialist

Georgetown points to the CIA DIA in this Jesuit order. It is of interest that Strzok entered the FBI out of the military in the Clinton political minder era, rose through the ranks swiftly under George W. Bush and in the Obama era was running counter intelligence.

Strzok rose to the position of Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, and as the number two official within that division oversaw investigations involving Russia and China. In that capacity, he led the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, and examined both the Donald Trump–Russia dossier and the Russian role in the 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak. He also oversaw the bureau's interviews with then-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn; Flynn later pled guilty to lying during those interviews.
In July 2017, Strzok became the most senior FBI agent working for Robert Mueller's 2017 Special Counsel investigation looking into any links or coordination between Trump's presidential campaign and the Russian government.[36][37] He served in that position until August 2017, at which time he was moved to the Human Resources Branch.[38][39][40][41][42] According to The New York Times, Strzok was "considered one of the most experienced and trusted FBI counterintelligence investigators," as well as "one of the Bureau's top experts on Russia"

The United States Congress is not being told who Peter Strzok really is. The American People are not being informed. All there are, are clues, clues which indicate Strzok was an asset of another intelligence agency or Peter Strzok in his department was part of some super unit, which has never been revealed, in a sort of FBI spying on the CIA and this unit is answering not to the FBI Director, but directly to the Attorney General of the United States.

We know Peter Strzok is being protected by DOJ. There is an absolute reason for that, and that conclusion is Special Agent Strzok was involved in a deep cover unit, within the unit, and by Strzok's illegal actions not being prosecuted, means whoever his superiors are, they had Strzok involved in illegal activities, as an FBI undercover agent would be snorting coke or fucking whores, to add to his cover.

The question now is WHO DOES PETER STRZOK answer to, as the DOJ is protecting him, and is definitely protecting his criminal activities, as revealing who Peter Strzok is, would reveal that someone either above the DOJ in intelligence, the DOJ or both, have now  informed Attorney General Barr that Peter Strzok was investigating the framers of Donald Trump, while framing Donald Trump.

There are numbers of very powerful people who are going to be nervous and furious, as they conclude the above in the DOJ protecting Strzok, as they know a mole when they see  one.

This blog stated at the beginning of this, in Peter Strzok appeared to be running an operation, and using Lisa Page as a cover for whatever he was engaged in by seducing her. There have been far too many secrets in all of this, of crimes given carte blanche, and mysterious units in Divisions and intelligence assets running operations inside security agencies for cover.

For this Government by, of and for the People, it is necessary to reveal who Peter Strzok really was, what he really did, and just who the Missing Link  in this is that Robert Mueller was protecting, and more to the point what was the counter intelligence mission of Peter Strzok against the United States and foreign intelligence agencies.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
