Saturday, June 1, 2019

What Robert Mueller Covered Up For Donald Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Considering all I accomplished by God's Grace and all I have been deprived, suffered through, and have a Homeland file on myself, courtesy of supporting Donald Trump, and the Lame Cherry received nothing appropriate from Mr. President or his rich operatives for this service, it is time now that Donald Trump has been "cleared" to investigate what the protector of America in Robert Mueller, in his quest for the Missing Link, beginning with the Paul Singer and Marco Rubio, that Robert Mueller was not just covering for the Obama deep state, but the same deep state which had interests in Donald Trump.

We begin this odyssey with a  quote from one of the leading Republicans in Congress who was absolutely certain that Donald Trump was getting money from Vladimir Putin, as certain as the Obama zealots were.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said the following during a private meeting with Republican leaders on Capitol Hill on June 15, 2016. “There’s two people I think [Russian president Vladimir] Putin pays: [Republican Congressman Dana] Rohrabacher [from California] and Trump.”

That sort of makes one wonder and ponder, in just what kind of information was floating around about Donald Trump, which had nothing to do with the Steele Pissgate reports manufactured by Hillary Clinton for Theresa May.

All of this centers on two persons of interests, who keep appearing in connection with the noted Russian honeypot, Maria Butina, as she keeps showing up in key areas of Team Trump. Her paramour, as we like using that term with Lisa Page being the paramour of Peter Strzok was a South Dakotan known as Paul Erickson.
Erickson is interesting not in the FBI found a note he wrote contemplating being a paid operative of the Russian FSB - KGB while working as Republican, but because Erickson just has that taint about him of being a bit too close to black operations from Reagan's Muhajadeen and Contras, so that like Oliver North and other notables, the FBI never seems to find ways to arrest them or question them.

A potential smoking gun comes in the form of a handwritten note taken from an FBI raid of Erickson's South Dakota home. In it, he asks, "How to respond to FSB offer of employment?" The FSB is the Russian equivalent of the CIA.

Paul Erickson is one of the wheeler dealers of the GOP. His passion of the past few years was the Russian woman ,Maria Butina, who had the contacts in Russia for money for influence in America, while Erickson had the contacts in the GOP to open doors for the Russians.
Yes money and semen exchanged hands in this, and Butina considered it business, disgusting business, but that did not phase Erickson, because after her arrest, Erickson was still visiting her in prison.

Butina was never really a criminal. She was just not a registered influence peddler in her high crimes, because Robert Mueller could not and would not arrest the big names in this.

The 56-year-old GOP operative’s relationship with Butina was clearly sexual, but the Russian appeared to view the liaison as means to further her ends.

Court filings filed following her arrest stated that “Butina appears to treat it as simply a necessary aspect of her activities.”

Maria Butina had “expressed disdain for continuing to co-habitate with” the American man, according to documents seized by the FBI. Among other things, she used him to do her homework for college courses she was taking, which also was part of her cover.

“On at least one occasion, Butina offered an individual other than Erickson “sex in exchange for a position within a special interest organization.” The National Rifle Association is widely believed to be the organization.

Federal prosecutors say Butina, who is half Erickson’s age, engaged in a “duplicitous relationship.” Erickson was used for cover and connections as she developed an influence operation.

Throughout her plight, however, Erickson has continued the relationship. He has been spotted visiting her in jail.

You have read these files of the FBI in Person 1 and Person 2,  Person 1 was Erickson. Person 2 is a Rockefeller offspring by the name of George O'Neill who had a penchant for loaded guns and unloading his semen into any females he saw moving, and desired them all to share his semen with his wife.

Erickson was moving so much money that even Wells Fargo flagged his accounts for the FBI and shut them down. There was big money in Russians selling arms to the Americans with NRA support under Obama, and the Russians figured out that their lives would be easier if they had the NRA and the National Prayer Breakfast on their side lobbying Republicans.

U.S. Person 1 “worked with Butina to jointly arrange introductions to U.S. persons having influence in American politics, including an organization promoting gun rights … for the purpose of advancing the agenda of the Russian Federation.” According to the affidavit, she emailed this person in late March 2015 about a diplomacy project, because a major U.S. political party “traditionally associated with negative and aggressive foreign policy, particularly with regards to Russia,” would likely be in power after the 2016 election. She wrote: “However, now with the right to negotiate seems best to build konstructivnyh [sic] relations.” She went on to talk about being introduced to political party leaders as a representative of “informal diplomacy” and requested a budget of $125,000 to participate in the political party’s major conferences.

From Paul Erickson, the food chain moves up to Governor Scott Walker, Mitt Romney and none other than deep stater Jeff Sessions. The question in this is "Was Jeff Sessions a swamp croc, or was he framed early in this, so he rolled over so the coup could get at Donald Trump?"
Past the questions, Paul Erickson was sending messages from Russians that Vladimir Putin wanted to meet with Donald Trump, including an invitation for Trump to come to Moscow, which would have proven Trump was a Russian stooge, which would have elected Hillary Clinton.

In May 2016, Erickson sent an email to President Donald Trump’s campaign advisor, Rick Dearborn, asking Dearborn and then-Sen. Jeff Sessions to help him set up a meeting between Trump and Putin during the annual NRA convention. He wrote: “Putin is deadly serious about building a good relationship with Mr. Trump. He wants to extend an invitation to Mr. Trump to visit him in the Kremlin before the election,” the New York Times reported.

The money flow which this blog has stated is the heart of all of this, was from Putin confidant Alexander Torshin who was running Butina. Remember in this, that this is exactly what Paul Manafort envisioned in Russian money funding nationalist candidates in the United States and Europe.
Seriously, this is nothing new, as Conservatives in the Reagan era were taking money from South Korean CIA sources in the Rev. Moon, who funded all kinds of right wing situations in America, including the Washington Times, which just happened to be the platform of former NRA President writing op eds for Russian melding with the United States.

In January, McClatchy DC reported that the FBI was investigating whether Butina’s former boss, Alexander Torshin, funneled money from a Russian bank to the NRA to help Trump’s campaign. It’s illegal to use foreign money to influence federal elections. The sources for McClatchy’s article were all anonymous due to Mueller’s ongoing, confidential investigation. Torshin, a Russian politician, former Russian senator, and deputy governor of the Bank of Russia, has worked closely with NRA leaders in the past. He reportedly met with Donald Trump Jr. at the 2016 NRA Convention, NPR reported, and made repeated attempts to meet Trump at the convention, but there was no evidence that his attempts were successful.

Erickson later advised Trump’s transition team after Trump was elected.

This entire operation from the shadows of the deep state was what Paul Manafort was initiating years ago.  It was literally involving the God and Guns Americans by design.

Prosecutors also say Erickson “worked with Butina to arrange introduction to U.S. persons having influence in American politics,” according to ABC News.
Those individuals include high-ranking members of the NRA and organizers of the National Prayer Breakfast, “for the purposes of advancing the interests of the Russian Federation.”

Now we come to an offshoot of this, to show you how absolutely in depth this was, and why I always tell you to focus on South Dakota as odd shit always happens there. Oh you did not know South Dakota was at the heart of Russiagate?

Well look at that picture below and focus on that penis looking thing in the black shirt surrounded by children.

Yes on a close up, it sure as hell looks like South Dakota Congressman Dusty Johnson in bed with a convicted Russian agent. The thing is in this is Dusty Johnson only got to be in Congress, due to the fact that Donald Trump sent in a Trump stooge to split the vote, and force out the Conservative, Chantal Krebs who should have been the victor. The exact same scenario which Donald Trump used to force out Conservatives in Arizona and the infamous smearing of the innocent Judge Roy Moore of Alabama.


And it was Dusty Johnson in the above photo, confirmed by the link below, praising the hell out of the woman who is in federal prison for pedaling Russian influence. Did I mention that Dusty Johnson is a Congressman, and he was put into Congress by Donald Trump meddling in the elections in South Dakota.

Oh it gets much deeper than  this, in Mutard Daugaard's protege in Congress being a part of bringing Russian influence into the American heartland.

Maria Butina spoke to a South Dakota Teenage Republicans Camp in the Black Hills on July 21, 2015. NRA Life Member/GOP operative Paul Erickson was present. The event was organized by Dusty Johnson, a Republican candidate for South Dakota’s lone U.S. House seat. “Maria Butina was incredible,” he tweeted. “The kids *loved* her stories of working for freedom in Russia.”

Yes Donald Trump was posing with Marionette Melania and a rather Stormy Daniels looking woman at the NRA convention, being photographed by Vladimir Putin's main Russian operative in America.

On August 23, 2015, the deputy governor of Russia’s central bank, Alexander Torshin, tweeted a photo he took months earlier at the NRA’s annual meeting in Nashville, Tennessee. In the photo are Donald Trump (who spoke at the “Leadership Forum” conducted by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action), his wife Melania, and an unidentified woman. Torshin tagged Igor Korotchenko, a pro-Putin military scholar and member of the Russian Defense

 Ah then we come to the problem for Donald Trump in the real collusion, in Maria Butina had contact with Donald Trump, as even Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus knew something was wrong, as Butina appeared at a Trump event, Donald Trump selected her, and then had a rehearsed answer for her question.

That is coordination, in premeditated, and for some reason Robert Mueller never touched on this reality.

“Much later,” Trump campaign adviser Stephen Bannon raised the issue of Butina’s question for Trump with Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus. “How was it that this Russian woman happened to be in Las Vegas for that event?” Bannon asked Priebus. “And how was it that Trump happened to call on her?” It was also “odd” that Trump had a “fully-developed answer” in responding, Bannon thought. Priebus agreed “there was something strange about Butina.” “Whenever there were events held by conservative groups, she ways always around,” he told Bannon.

Of course what would Russian collusion be without Jared Kushner being involved.  Kushner though enters the saga with FBI asset Carter Page and a host or Russian protagonists.

In December 2015, an American adviser for the Russian energy giant Gazprom, Carter Page, asked the chairman of the New York State Republican Party, Ed Cox, to recommend him for a job to the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. The sister of Cox’s wife is Julie Nixon Eisenhower, who sits on the board of the Center for the National Interest along with Henry Kissinger, Dimitri Simes, David Keene, Hank Greenberg and others with deep ties to Russia.

 It was this group of Russian protagonists led by Dimitri Simes of the Nixon Foundation, who was linked to MI6's Joseph Misfud. The very person who would first move to set up George Papadopoulos, selling the Dirty Hillary Dossier.

 On April 26, 2016, Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos met with Maltese academic Joseph Misfud for breakfast in London, England. During the meeting, the professor told Papadopoulos he had just returned from a trip to Moscow where he met with high-level Russian government officials. According to Misfud, these officials had “dirt” on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton that could assist the Trump campaign. The Russians proposed to anonymously release “thousands” of previously-unseen Clinton emails to embarrass her and damage her chances of winning the presidency. Misfud is an “expert” with the Valdai Discussion Club, a Moscow-based think tank, along with Dimitri Simes, the Soviet-born CEO of the American, “nonpartisan” Center for the National Interest (formerly the Nixon Center).
It would be Kushner who reached out to the Dimitri Simes, as Kushner was attempting to gain noted foreign policy advisers. In proving how incestuous this is, at the Kushner meeting, CNN was there also at the Nixon Center. In degrees of separation, Jared Kushner was with the person in Dimitri Simes who was with Joseph Misfud.
In all of this, whether it was the NRA or the Nixon Center, Kushner the Jew was in contact with Jews who were hip deep in Russian collusion, but then so was Kushner, as he was laundering money from Jewish mafia interests from Russia.

The Center for the National Interest conducted a lunch event at Manhattan’s Time Warner Center on March 14, 2016 with CFTNI honorary chairman and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as featured speaker. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s son-in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner, attended the event and spoke with Kissinger and CFTNI CEO Dimitri Simes.

Kushner attended the event because the Trump campaign was having trouble “securing support from experienced foreign policy professionals” and he wanted Simes’ advice.

Center For The National Interest CEO Dimitri Simes met with Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on March 31, 2016 at Kushner’s New York office. Simes recommended the Trump campaign organize a group of experienced foreign policy advisers to work with Trump to find his authentic voice on foreign policy. The two men also discussed the possibility of CFTNI hosting a foreign policy speech by Trump.

Thus we enter to Person number 2 in George O'Neill. I really would have loved it if George had donated big bucks to me, like all of this money train, as it seems all overflowing with money. O'Neill though has a daughter who he purchased her way into the Trump Trans, and she did quite well, as she was promoting close Russian ties also.

 George D. O'Neill jr.

Catharine O’Neill, the daughter of conservative scion/Rockefeller heir George D. O’Neill, Jr. began an internship in the office of Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA-48th) in June 2016. The internship ended in September 2016.

Which brings the circle full in all of this Russian collusion, in the NRA was getting money from the Russians, and more to the point, which will surprise you, is the NRA was supporting Donald Trump, but was really working to defeat Donald Trump, as the NRA did not want Trump to win, because it would be bad for money flow.
Hillary Clinton would be better for the NRA  as President to increase money flow, so Wayne La Pierre could continue on with Russian retreats as the NRA leadership was doing business with the Russians for huge financial returns.


 On August 1, 2018, The Trace interviewed a former employee of Ackerman McQueen, who did not want to be named for fear of retribution. Ackerman McQueen is the in-house PR firm the NRA has used for decades. The former employee told reporter Mike Spies: “In the run up to the election, executives at Ackerman were talking about how the NRA backed and supported [Republican presidential candidate Donald] Trump, but they never wanted him to win, because it would cause a large reduction in their revenue.”

 So as this concludes, we discover that the NRA was a corrupt group of money launderers, joined with the Russians, as the Russians for their national interests targeted the NRA and Prayer Breakfast to manipulate the electorate on the right, whose Republican leadership was making semen donations or somehow feeding questions to Donald Trump.

 “The NRA has been a very important ally for [Donald] Trump, and going into re-election [in 2020] it’s a critical group to have firing on all cylinders. It would be logical for the president and his campaign to have concerns moving forward about how effective an ally the NRA will be because of the infighting and legal threats from the New York [attorney general Letitia James].” Former NRA spokesman John Aquilino added: “The NRA has become part of the Washington swamp where people look out for themselves and their buddies, as opposed to the constitution. The dollar sign has replaced the constitution as the emblem of the NRA management.”
 So you pretty well gain a glimpse of what a fraud all of this has been. Robert Mueller was covering everything up, just like his Jewish investigators covered all of this up, as in the shadows of this was NRA trips to Israel, Jewish gun merchants and Jews directing Russian  collusion.

Who put Maria Butina at Las Vegas and other Republican events. Who told Donald Trump to call on her, who gave Donald Trump the rehearsed answer, as Stephen Miller's name keeps popping up in this too.
Just what was Dusty Miller doing in South Dakota, with Paul Erickson, that was so important that Donald Trump meddled in South Dakota elections, destroying the Conservative Christian woman, so Dusty Miller would be a Congressman?

So many questions in this, and the real questions in this, as the money flow Paul Manafort envisioned out of Russia to elect nationalists in America and Europe, was in full NRA mode according to the above data.

The reality is though that Nancy Pelosi and the other liberal frauds are not going to mention the above nor investigate this in the impeachment of Donald Trump as it is all fraud.

Without the Lame Cherry, none of you would know these facts and even glimpse the Truth. You really have no idea that this swamp is in ever shit hole you exist in manipulating you.
