Monday, June 3, 2019

The Criminal Influence Pedaling of Jared Kushner

I made a deal with Jared Kushner 
to keep grabbing guns for you Boss.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For the record for Attorney General William Barr, there is absolute evidence that Jared Kushner engaged in a quid pro quo to get his "Love thy Felon" policy through Congress, which has the President pardoning dopers and perverts in the black community.......and in Jewish slave labor communities.

Trump Nominates Gun-Hater As Next ATF
Director And Continues Betraying His Base
By Acting Exactly Like A Socialist Democrat

The reality is Kushner bribed the anti gun Fraternal Order of Police, Chuck Canterbury,  to back Love Thy Felon, with the promise of appointing this liberal anti gunner to head the BATFE.

Chuck Canterbury, president of the National Fraternal Order of Police, has been under consideration for several months after the group supported a White House-backed sentencing reform bill. Canterbury's support for the bill -- the First Step Act -- caught its opponents off guard, as the police organization had opposed it in the past.

Though the legislation gained support from both sides of the aisle in Congress, police groups initially viewed it as too permissive and lenient on criminals. The organization eventually backed the measure -- which was largely driven by Jared Kushner -- and it passed overwhelmingly late last year.

For those who forget, Donald Trump promised to make National Carry a law under his presidency. It is 3 years in and this President has not made a move, but he has made a move now to appoint an anti gun zealot to be in charge of ATF in order to harass, persecute and deny gun owners the 2nd Amendment.

It is a criminal act, to offer positions in government, for support for passing legislation. This is exactly what Jared Kushner was involved in AGAIN. Remember Mr. Kushner sold his 666 real estate disaster in a sweet heart deal of influence pedaling too. This is the same Kushner whose family was selling access to Donald Trump in China.

Jared Kushner may have received immunity from Robert Mueller to roll on his brother in law, Don jr., but that does not allow Jared Kushner to engage in further criminal activity.

How much do you want to bet that the NRA leadership will run cover for this Kushner crime in feigning horror over this, and this nomination skates through, along with all those fine Republicans in the Senate voting his Obama cultist into power.

The NRA and the Daily Caller are both giving Canterbury cover in this sucker move in betraying another Trump Promise which is being shattered on National Carry, as  Canterbury testified in favor of lezo Obama nominee Sotomeyer.

testifying July 2009 before the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor,

That is the reality in Donald Trump is nominating people who supported Obama's sexual deviants to the High Court who gave us Obamacare, Sodomy etc...

The fact is Chuck Canterbury only backs being armed, by police officers, who he demands are above local gun laws. Yes you can have your guns taken and thrown into prison if you enter New York City, but cops are supposed to be above the law. This is the same garbage which James Comey, John Brennan and Robert Mueller have  been preaching which caused Pissgate.

Those realities should not be lost in Jared Kushner has been engaged in felonies as assistant to the President. The DOJ  is protecting Peter Strzok, will it continue to protect the criminal Jared Kushner in Canterburygate?

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

