Monday, September 16, 2019

A Non Congruent United States Policy On Iran

Unless of course you got money in the bank.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Considering the President fired John Bolton for warning against trusting Iran, and in that firing, Sec. Mnuchin was advocating for America to resume trade with Iran, as the President wants to meet with the Iranian leader when he came to the UN, maybe it is Iran which is confused that every time they blow something up, this administration keeps rewarding them and making excuses for them.

The British and Soviets in World War II, had the sense to only take the outlying areas of Iran, as they could not conquer that nation even then. Iran is a nation of rough terrain and a US foreign policy which has not made sense since the Shah was forced out, unless Iran is still laundering Venezuelan gold for oil, flowing into certain banks whose owners set policy.

Everyone made a fortune today when oil prices spiked. Iran makes a fortune for people who are connected, so why should they attack Iran.

It all is as confusing as Syria was attacked, 500,000 people died, ISIS was hauling oil into Turkey and now that same Syrian oil is flowing through Haifa and into Europe. Follow the money, follow the oil. Iran is good for business for those above the law.
