Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Through the Cherry Glass

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am still surprised sometimes in posting this blog in what the artificial intelligence of the NSA will react to. The basis of this is the explanation why you are here, as few of you trolls conceive what "purpose" the Lame Cherry has for the elite in why they have not shut down one of the few remaining independent voices in media.

As of this past week, the person of Rudulfo Montoya and Anthony Scaramucci, both caused reactions in the AI of the NSA, as this computer froze and revealed again that a secondary browser was running on this old laptop, when none was. This the keylogger browswer the NSA created in order to duplicate exact copies for the files in real time.
Montoya was a California test case in throwing people in prison for not doing anything when accused of going postal and Scaramucci concerned Trump theater in what his spyware was engaged in lurking over Bill Kristol's shoulder. The spiders were interested in what this blog was posting, because if those two stories were noticed, then the theater was being exposed, and it was necessary to gauge the reaction of you trolls.

I can inform 99% of you that in the NSA monitoring you, as a sample of the population, they know they will have zero problem in the final phases of the American Genocide. You are a group, when not the Obama or Trump zombie who are just delusional, that few Alyssa Milano's appear in stating her wetware are bad examples in celebrating the death of David Koch when they say they are against the death penalty.
Yes  Ms. Milano is a test case for the forensic sciences of psychological graphing, but in that sub category the left is a group which relishes the torture of people in their most vulnerable moments. The right is a group who likes the Trump cartoon played in endless loops and bathing in that past high in being MAGA stoned.

In the end evalution of this, the left will donate their money to their cause celebs in the millions of dollars. Those on the right will leave me die, while sucking the last drops of milk from my nipples in a Grapes of Wrath scene. The short of this is, the evalution is, the people on the right are all talk. They are too smart phone imbecile now in arrogance to project out a reasoned thought, and will sit like Gramma Goomer watching Wheel of Fortune with their mouths open in a 1000 yard vacuous stare.
The way the rich hold onto money proves what their validation is, their god is, and they will be held in place, take any kind of police state infringement, in order to preserve that portfolio.
Americans have been so invalidated by being made so small, that those on the right can not have enough money to make them not feel vulnerable. Those on the left in being celebrities, rich, still have been invalidated by Tavistock Stanford that they cling to Twitter in rants, along with the FBI minders who are endlessly posting on Trump or whoever sites to incite the ranters to keep posting a record of themselves.
When I think of Rob Reiner to John Cusack, to Bette Midler to Debra Messing, they are a far cry from measured response in Alyssa Milano to Susan Sarandon. Those on the right hire their ranting by Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity and Carlson. It is all a measure of the animal politic. It is all a revelation of what the NSA knows about the entire population of America and the world. The fork is in, the bird is done, and the future phases are in full deployment and the fact is, the way you treat the Lame Cherry, is the way you will treat you community, your neighborhood, your friends, your family. Let that one sink in as the NSA knows this about you. When the time comes for the real pressure phases you will be like the Jews offering up crippled Jews to the Nazi for a jar of orange marmalade.

Yes of course you are protesting this, but sister I know what you have done to me, the NSA knows, the cartel knows, and  as Jesus said if you do this in good times, the answer is what will manifest in the worst of times even more. You don't get it that the biggest barometer is that smart phone. People will throw their kids to the wolves but protect that thing. People on the left must have that text media to validate themselves, while those on the right must have their 30 pieces of silver or they in phobia  will have to face the lie that they are nothing. The brainwashing is complete. Americans are manic depressives, phobic about themselves and as long as they have a text or a portfolio, the world regime can do anything to them.

Each of you is proving daily what you are. You have set absolute patterns the spiders in the wire  have recorded, sorted you into the exodus system and those in power know they have you.
The mass population is mind warped. Obama buys a 14 million dollar mansion on Marthas and his followers do not ask how this fraud got that kind of money in his never having worked a day in his life. Donald Trump tells you is for closing the borders as he has an express route into America bringing in millions legally a year. Yet Trump's rallies have thousand of zombie and liberals cling to the assortment of Balkan candidates promising they can defeat Donald Trump. There is absolutely no reason in America or people would not be grasping onto this kind of nonsense.

Each of you pass through the Cherry Glass and leave a psychological profile, as you do in every site you are on, or every television program you flick to. You do realize all of those "fix it shows" which are so popular now reveal how broken inside Americans are, and they just want some kind restoration to their souls.
Yes you learn all sorts of things that the cartel is monitoring here, and you never considered what kind of rats you are in the maze, revealing all you are, including me, just wanting the money so I can get away from this jagged glass assocation of how toxic people are.

Americans are in prison from their smart phones to their portfolios. There are diversions of things like sports to dope, but the inmates are what America and Europe are. To the last penny, the cartel knows how much the mind will take to how much they can remove from the economy in putting people in debt to control them. This soul grinder is all with purpose and as I will repeat, how you have responded to this blog, has been noted as a gauge to what world society really is.

If this blog had been donated to, if this blog had rich people sending in donations, it would have informed the spiders that the next phase would not be unleashed for the final countdown. Instead you are telling the powers that be, that you are no different from the woman that serial murderer, John Wayne Gacy, kidnapped, in he parked at a gas station, with pistol in the cubby hole, left her in the car alone while he went inside to pay, and she did absolutely nothing, but sat there for him to come back and do whatever he wanted. He was in absolute control of this woman. She would not even run away.

With the police state control, it is illogical for any dolt in desperation to react in violence, as  that only serves the drone system tightening control more. This blog would never advocate that and has posted that time and again, as the system is so large now, that it has conditioned law enforcement who will pull the trigger on their own mother.
America is the most armed nation on the planet, but the most disarmed people in the world. The actions which should be taken to funding free speech, defending Protestant religion, peaceful assembly to gain control of political parties so MAGA actually is not a figment of the imagination, are abandoned. There is zero need for violence if you isolated text trolls would simply be human, flush your minds to Constitutional thought, and begin asserting your political rights, and by that appointing security and military leaders who would look after their people, that America and the world would be Reagan in a few months.

This is what the cartel did, and did not use weapons, until they had control over the police state.

For now you have proven in what you left the Lame Cherry for, how effective the conditioning has been and is. You have imprisoned yourself in the looking glass and refuse to be freed.

It is the the Cherry Glass and the face you behold is your own in the illusions and delusions of what you think you are, but your acts of being a text hostage reveal to the cartel how effective they have been.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
