Monday, September 16, 2019

The Gulf of Trumpkin

Setting aside the implicit admission that US foreign policy in the middle-east is now inexplicably run by Saudi Arabia, what is far more troubling is Trump's statement that the US military is "locked and loaded", and set to attack the country which instigated the attack on Saudi facilities, which according to Mike Pompeo was not Yemen, and its Houthi rebels, but rather Iran.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I for one am so pleased how smoothly things have gone since President Trump has fired John Bolton. I mean it is a little thing when the world's oil supply is blown up, Mike Pompeo says Iran did it, Steve Mnuchin wants to start money dumps into Iran, Donald Trump wants to meet with their terror leader, and John Bolton was warning everyone not to trust Iran.

What we do know is absolutely nothing in the Saudi's have changed their story from drones to missiles. We know that Aramco fuel tanks had nothing in them, but somehow this facility was ablaze and it can no longer keep refining oil.

We do know that Donald Trump is blaming Iran, and for some reason Saudi Arabia is deciding what the United States is going to bomb in Iran. This of course will save Tel Aviv from bombing Iranians in Syria as America will be bombing Iranians in Iran, and it is convenient again that every time Benjamin Netanyahu is political toast, that Donald Trump appears in stealing Syrian lands in the Golan and giving it to Tel Aviv, and now with Netanyahu about to face defeat again in elections this week, Donald Trump is ready to give Tel Aviv another election gift of worrying Jews by bombing Iran and electing Netanyahu for the Kusher "failed peace plan".

All of this looks to convenient. Convenient in how are Yemeni terrorists operating in Iraq, with Iranian missiles like they own the place?

There are so many questions in this in as Donald Trump bombed Syria over fake chemical weapons in blowing up Iranians there for a crying Ivanka, would Donald Trump bomb Iran for Jared crying over his peace of looting the Mideast?

So many questions, but perhaps you need reminding in John Bolton last week was fired for being at odds with Jewish Secretary of Treasury Steve Mnuchin over rewarding Iran with trade like Obama had employed?

Donald Trump has been employing policy on horrid advice. This President invited the collaborators of 9 11 to Camp David on the week of 9 11. This President after lambasting Obama over Iran, went Jew finance was ready to break bread or trade wives with Iranians in whatever kind of congress they perform. Donald Trump has been praising every North Korean missile launch like John Kennedy at NASA for the moon launch.
So this President having a political disaster in firing the one right wing person left in his cabinet, suddenly has an Obama moment over the birth certificate and says, "Hey lets off some Muslims to change the story".

There are only two things, no three things I am certain of. The first is Donald Trump lies. He lied about the border wall in using it as cover to legalize millions of Obama illegals for exploitation by the Chamber of Commerce. As for the second and third, I forgot as I was typing the first, and if I don't remember by the time this is typed, it doesn't matter as you or anyone else is not ever going to come up with those realities.
The reality is Donald Trump OWNS John Bolton being fired, being humiliated, and now the Saudi pyrotechnics show, as the one guy saying to not trust Iran, is gone, and the two guys in Mike Pompeo wants Trump to fail so he can be President and Steve Mnuchin only jangles 30 pieces of silver on every Shylock policy which endangers America, are the ones who are remaining like Jared Kushner, in they are the ones who are responsible and politically Donald Trump is entering the 2020 presidential election and he just alienated his right wing foreign policy base, as he just alienated his right wing 2nd Amendment base.

As Abraham Lincoln would say, "Donald Trump reminds me of the laundry girl who emptied both her buckets of rain water and then went to find the well was dry". This President has been bitch slapping the right wing in America for sometime, arrogantly thinking they have no one else as this President goes Obama policy hard in gambling the left will vote for Trump in November 2020.

After John Bolton's firing the only thing we are certain of, is we now know the source of those planted pictures of Bolton glaring at Donald Trump. It was not Mike Pence and Pence was backing Bolton. It was the duo of President Mike Pompeo and Moneychanger Steve Mnuchin. They are the duo who appeared to gloat afterwards.
What Dan Scavino is twittering about though in waiting for Mecca permission to bomb Iran is a tweet that makes Donald Trump look feckless as Obama getting his dick sucked by a queer.

So this looks like the Gulf of Trumpkin like Lyndon Johnson in Vietnam. See Donald Trump has crossed the Rubicon in like people expected failures from Jimmy Carter, people no longer believe Donald Trump. There is now always that nagging doubt in people question Donald Trump. He NEVER connected with the American public, because Twitter rants are great salvos for attention, but he never learned to hold America's hand like Bill Clinton did and lie through his teeth.

Which brings me to the two points I forgot, but are now brought to mind by the Holy Ghost, to wrap this up, I am certain of two things in this besides Donald Trump can not be trusted, and that is Dan Scavino after that idiotic Saudi tweet should be fired and Steve Mnuchin should be fired as Secretary of the Treasury over being absolutely wrong on Iran.
John Bolton was fired for being right, so it is time for firing people for being wrong.

The Gulf of Trumpkin reveals one thing, and that is Donald Trump is desperate. He needs to bring right wing bulk to his cabinet, as all he has are Shylocks and Pompeo pimps.

As Donald Trump likes leftists, I suggest Paul Romer to be Secretary of Treasury and Dan Quayle to bring stability to the State Department.

That solved, Tel Aviv is endangering every US Citizen. Last week Iran was good, but this week Iran is bad. Last week John Bolton was bad and this week..........Donald Trump has again been a very inept president and electing Benjamin Netanyahu or bombing Iran is not going to change that.

Nuff Said
