Thursday, September 26, 2019

Let My AOC Go!!!!

Ivanka, you and the Jews must let your Niggers go's the law!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All of us thought when President Abraham Lincoln illegally issued his Emancipation Proclamation that slavery was over in America, especially since that Amendment was passed forbidding it, but under Barack Hussein Obama, a neo monetary enslavement was unleashed on many shades of color, and now it has come to the attention of the Lame Cherry, that the hope of the left in America, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is one of these many Obama slaves.

Try as AOC might along with her entrepreneurs, she could not make it, in  marketing little propaganda books to future child spouses of the Jeffrey Epstein pedophile nation, and she went bankrupt and owes taxes almost a decade old.

A warrant in New York has been issued to Ocasio-Cortez related to an unpaid tax bill, The Daily Caller reported Monday.
Specifically, the State of New York issued a warrant against the liberal lawmaker’s failed children’s publishing company owned by Ocasio-Cortez, the Brook Avenue Press.

Frankly my AOC, I don't give a damn!

Yes AOC has the money now to pay her New York taxes in she is being paid six figures, but in this, there is an even darker cloud as he appealed to her new slave masters, the Whites in the United States Congress to buy her bill of slavery from Obama and set her free, free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, she might be free at last!!!

I though have no faith in Congress and therefore offer a new emancipation for AOC and the American slaves of the 21st century.

Earlier this month during a House committee meeting, Ocasio-Cortez revealed to her fellow lawmakers the stunning amount of debt she was under — and said the government was obligated to help her repay it.

For 2020, I call upon President Donald Trump to issue his, Emancipation Trumplication to set Alexandria Ocasio Cortez go along with her other slaves to the system.

Donald Trump could proclaim:

I, Donald Trump, President, declare in this 21st century, the Emancipation Trumplication of all attractive people who have been made Obama debt slaves. I free these people, whether democrat or republican, and forgive their debts.
I place before you the Alexandria Ocasio Cortez standard, anyone uglier than AOC will remain an Obama slave, anyone who is as attractive as AOC or more attractive will be freed.
Let it be known, that in American precedent, the 3/5ths maxim will be in order for all ugly slaves. 3/5ths of their debt will be forgiven, 3/5ths of their votes will be counted and 3/5ths of their wages will be put forward to Ivanka's plastic surgeon, to free them completely from their ugliness and or fatness, according to my daughter, Tiffany's standard.
Let the ugly be liberated, as Ivanka and Tiffany are sisters, and one had plastic surgery and one is, well Tiffany. There is hope for all, beautiful and ugly, 21st century slaves, and I am that hope.

Let my AOC Go!!!

Donald Trump, attractive.
President of the United States.

Don thought it best to just buy AOC's livestock options...


If Mr. Trump frees all attractive people in debt from debt, and gives hope to the ugly debt slaves to be made surgically attractive, he will win in a landslide in 2020. Let us all join the President in the freeing of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in a funding bill to set her free, in the Emancipation Trumplication.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said.
