As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Most of you reading this will never listen or read a liberal publication. The problem is most liberals will always mock Christians, Conservatives and Constitutionalism as their logic gets in the way of not following the rules of God and man.
I was though reading an article in The Atlantic, by a whining liberal, whose main point was Donald Trump is getting away with things now with the FBI that Hillary Clinton could not. His treatise on this was focused on the Clinton emails in how the FBI investigated them. I am not here to debate the point that Hamrod is still not in prison, because there is something the author focused on concerning FBI Director James Comey's lack of leadership in the FBI and his interaction with other Obama officials which is a piece of the puzzle which everyone should comprehend.
While The Atlantic writer complains that the New York office of the FBI was out to get Hillary Clinton, in his one sided world, he does not face the reality that the FBI office as not pro Trump as The Atlantic posts, but this office was engaged in mounting a legal stance in order to control or blackmail Donald Trump too.
Every single one of us on the right was played in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. Our noted talking heads were telling us if you remember that if Hillary Clinton was not indicted, that there was going to be a mass resignation in the FBI.
That never took place as not one agent ever resigned. So that was a pure lie by Mockingbird to placate the masses like all of these other Qanon wild ass stories which is not insider information, but mental reasoning in which anyone is going to be right a majority of the time in predicting things.
Tom DeLay: 'Almost 100' Agents Threatened to Quit Over ...
FBI Director James Comey reopened the agency's investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails last week because "almost 100" agents threatened to resign before next week's election, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay told Newsmax TV.NAPOLITANO "If Hillary is NOT Indicted" FBI Agents Who have ...
NAPOLITANO "If Hillary is NOT Indicted" FBI Agents Who have HAD ENOUGH will "LEAK THE TRUTH". Napolitano called the case against Clinton "overwhelming" and said that President Obama, if his Justice Department chooses not to indict her, could face a major scandal. "If FBI agents resign and leak on the eve of the election or the eve of the DNC,...
The reason the Lame Cherry is interested in The Atlantic's examination of the details recorded by James Comey is they reveal Comey was not in complete control of the FBI, even after Robert Mueller tried to put Muellercharian candidates into the FBI by moving everyone around.
The DOJ was not in control of the FBI, as Attorney General Loretta Lynch reported, James Comey told her the New York Office of the FBI had a group of senior officials who detested Hillary Clinton, and they were going to leak stories about the emails, if the Attorney General and Director attempted to hide the information.
The Atlantic bites onto the false posts that some in the FBI hated Hamrod Clinton and were pro Trump. The reality of the story is though that the New York FBI was the office spying on Donald Trump in what appears an Agency blackmail scheme against whoever stole the election.
Was there a Missing Link group who was moving to stop Hillary Clinton? Most certainly and they were LEFTISTS, as Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Chuck Manning proved, in they were all anti Clinton, and that is where this movement against Hillary Clinton began and ended. It was not the right wing, but the left wing which was taking down Hamrod, and that included the murdered Seth Rich after copying DNC files, and the FBI refusing to investigate the murder, and more to the point, propagating the story that the Russians were behind the hacks. There was not a hack. It was a copy to a flash drive.
That fear was echoed by other Justice Department and bureau officials. Former FBI counsel James A. Baker told investigators, “We were quite confident that … somebody is going to leak this fact. That we have all these emails. That, if we don’t put out a letter, somebody is going to leak it.” Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates told the IG that it was her understanding that Comey did not believe it was “survivable” for Comey not to notify Congress that the email probe was being reopened, and that “they felt confident that the New York Field Office would leak it and that it would come out regardless of whether he advised Congress or not.”
Regarding the New York Field Office, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch told investigators that Comey had informed her that “it had become clear to him, he didn’t say over the course of what investigation or whatever, he said it’s clear to me that there is a cadre of senior people in New York who have a deep and visceral hatred of Secretary Clinton. And he said it is, it is deep. It’s, and he said, he said it was surprising to him or stunning to him.” Lynch further elaborated that “it was hard to manage because these were agents that were very, very senior, or had even had timed out and were staying on, and therefore did not really feel under pressure from headquarters or anything to that effect.”
An FBI agent told The Guardian that Clinton is “the antichrist personified to a large swath of FBI personnel,” and that “the reason why they’re leaking is they’re pro-Trump.” The anti-Clinton leaks, however, appear to have drawn little interest from Horowitz, or from the Democrats now in charge of the House of Representatives. Comey himself reportedly ordered an investigation into whether FBI officials were leaking to Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani;
The reason this is of particular interest to me is in the August period, I was remote viewing as all the noted viewer were publishing information, in Dick Algire on the Rense program kept reporting of a major violent event in America that summer.
I started tracking that event in flash reading. I was experimenting in stopping events from taking place, and actually Mr. Algire did stop posting for a time in 2016 after a remarkable record of hits, because he was not aware that this blog was shifting the time line and stopping bad events from taking place.
See Algire's event that I was reading in the matrix, involved two events in the same city in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. What I was receiving in the matrix was that the Obama regime was cutting the New York office out of this operation, as Eric Holder had fudged a number of offices previously in his events as in California wildfires, Straw walker in Indiana, Boston blow jobs etc...
Those postings on Algire's work is what had the FBI hand off my file to Homeland, and they appeared here for an interview. Homeland is a nothing burger agency as they really do not cover anything like the DEA or BATFE does, but the Agents who interviewed me were very trained and skilled at intimidation and smiles. I of course cooperated and explained everything. There was though something as I have replayed that day over and over again in my mind for the time they were here, including to their taking photos of the mother's home before they left, is their focus in the questioning. Of the two events in the Algire read, they did not question the main event. That indicated that they knew about this event. The one they focused on was the minor event, which was the one that the matrix pointed to was the one the FBI had been cut out of, by the Obama regime.
The focus was on that event just as when I posted the links for this article, my computer went to sleep and wound not wake back up. I knew I had company again in the spiders were interested in those above quotes of James Comey was stating that the New York office of the FBI could not be controlled. The same office that was leaking on Hillary Clinton was the same office spying on Donald Trump. That looks a great deal like J. Edgar Hoover's operational structure in getting dirt on everyone to leverage them and in that you keep the power in the FBI.
Everything in Trump and Clinton has revolved around New York. Even the murder of the pedo Jeffrey Epstein was in New York, Paul Manafort was almost put down, and the New York office has not lifted one finger.
This is fascinating to watch, in knowing what James Comey stated, and knowing that Robert Mueller when he needed to put the last screw to Donald Trump, he handed the cases over to the New York US Attorney and the FBI. Once that took place, Robert Mueller pretended he was shit for brains, and everything settled out for Donald Trump, just like everything settled out for Hillary Clinton, who was having the same major legal trouble before 2016 in crimes, but they all disappeared in New York, and she ran for president.
No one is ever going to cover this story nor will Attorney General William Barr ever gain control over the New York office. The last who gained a semblance was Theodore Roosevelt a century ago, but that is never going to happen again.
So The Atlantic liberal did have part of his story right. I for one want the same justice for Hillary Clinton and the same justice for Donald Trump, but it all goes back to the Pontius Pilate lament with Jesus the Christ in, What is Truth?'
"What is Justice?", because by the evidence of events, there is a new definition of Justice as it is a world where a crook like James Comey can not control the New York office of FBI, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch could not investigate, fire or remove the New York office, because it was so in power.
Not for Donald Trump. Not for Hillary Clinton, but for J Edgar Hoover's way of managing the situation.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said