Friday, September 13, 2019

When the Nazi's Farm America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Back in 1979 AD in the year of our Lord, Pioneer Seeds of the United States was experimenting with a corn crop which would grow on top where the tassels were as some mutant varieties of corn do produce inferior ears there.

That did not achieve the success promised, but since Monsanto was purchased by the international conglomerate Bayer, something new is in the offing. See with Frankenfood genetics 120 bushel corn became 200 bushel corn. 30 bushel soybeans are achieving 50 bushels to the acre. 30 bushel wheat has expanded to 50 bushel wheat. Fewer farmers, using toxic sprays have been able to produce more food on the same acres.

That in turn drives prices down. That in turn causes even worse depletion in soil nutrients. That in turn causes less nutritious food as it is like using one vitamin for 5 people, instead of one vitamin per person. That in turn has moved seed prices from 100 dollar a bag to 200 dollars per bag. That in turn translates what was once the cost of 100 dollars an acre to plant and harvest a crop to 500 dollars an acre.

One of the most notorious crops in this has been corn. Corn in it's original open pollinated state was a remarkable food of nature. It adapted to the hills of Montana in 3 foot sweet corn, to the prairies of South Dakota where the corn was 5 feet tall, to the jungles of Missouri which had 10 feet tall corn.
Corn came in colors from white, blue, red, striped, black, where it was once rare that corn was yellow. Corn was sweet, oil, field or popcorn.

What became standardized with the hybrids though of the 1960's led by Pioneer, DeKalb and Funks were corns based upon the moonshine corn of Minnesota #13 of the 1930's. Up until the 1960's, before commercial fertilizers, corn in America was 5 feet tall and planted in 32 to 36 inch wide rows.
That all changed with the high production corns of 28 rows were narrowed, and where 18,000 plants per acre were a norm, it has risen to 30 to 50 thousand plants per acre as corn is grown as thick as dog's hair.

What this blog complained about in the stupidity of American production was this Frankecorn was moving past 7 feet to nine to ten feet in arid areas on the plains. It requires volumes of water to grow corn that large in plants and it requires huge amounts of fertilizer. Hence that is why the corn was grown that tall to make farmers pay for petro chemical fertilizers.

With the German Bayer though entering the market, they are more interested in the time when American farmers are removed for corporate robotics, in corn is moving to what it was in five feet tall corn as it is unnecessary to grow corn ten feet tall for an ear of corn.
Bayer though is moving toward though growing corn even thicker in the fields. See nothing will have changed really as Bayer will plant corn like wheat, and while the corn is half the size, they will double the plants per acre. That helps the conglomerates as they will sell twice the seed. Corn will then cost 1000 dollars per acre to plant and harvest with the new magic seeds, and farmers who are left will not earn any more money as prices will fall on more production and the producers will only be paid what the economic chain can stand, in order to fund John Deere, DuPont and Bayer.

In my world of genetic testing, I have the greatest adoration for corn and potatoes. They are miracles in how much food they will produce and the varieties. Only squash equals these crops. In their non hybrid form you can taste the differences. They delight the eye in surprises of colors and how they are all different in growing and how they appear.

I go back to the original problem in this, is American soils have been depleted of trace minerals. All of the soils are saturated with parts per Round Up of herbicides and pesticides which end up in the food, just as corn has an algae in it that Monsanto discovered growing in their cesspool dumps and by this they spliced in the gene so that corn could be sprayed with herbicide and not die.
It is why though for almost 20 years that corn stank like petroleum and nothing in the animals wanted to eat that poison. The flavor is changing in the fodder and corn to something more attractive, but it goes back to the reality that with depleted soils, and five times the production coming off those soils, the grains are about as food value as a cardboard box.
There simply is not any nutrition in the crops, just as most American crops have zero flavor as they are bred for shipping, storage and looks.

So America is about to be deluged with Nazi corn. That is the reality. It will be like Nazi bread with sawdust in it to POW's. It is something that even the Germans can not trump in God said to leave ground fallow every 7th year to recover. Crops were rotated in husbandry as each crop consumed different elements in the soil and replaced certain elements in their depth of roots.

Bayer can overcome a great deal, but it will not be able to overcome it's own Frankenstein creation. It is what it is. It is an empty bushel.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
