As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As this blog has exposed, the homosexual agenda was created as cover for elitist pedophiles to one day legalized child rape, as Barack Obama legalized sodomy.
The scientific facts keep proving what was already established that sexual perversion is an action, not something one is born with. A homosexual is not a race of humans as has been proven there is not a Homo Gene.
None of this matters though to Donald Trump and his Jewish allies who have launched an international threatening of nations who have criminalized homosexuality as a threat to the social order of nations, as the Bible in God's Word laid down the Law.
US ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell – who is the administration’s most high-profile openly gay official – told the Post on Tuesday that “71 countries criminalize homosexuality and eight will put you to death for being gay. The Trump administration is launching a new push with our European allies to end this human rights outrage.”
is spearheading the international effort to stop the persecution of the
LGBT community in countries that impose criminal penalties – including
the death penalty – on homosexuals.
The Bible terms sodomy an abomination both in the Old and New Testament.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
The Romans 1: 26 -27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Nowhere in the US Constitution is there a power granted a President to use the powers of the United States to threaten foreign nations concerning the promotion of homosexual perversions. Donald Trump is overstepping what the Constitution granted him as President.
The Constitution based on Biblical Law requires governments to protect their social populations from deviancy. This is NOT something afforded to individuals ever, but is mandated of the Courts to prosecute deviants for societal order.
The orthodox Jewish Kushners can debase their Christ denying religion in the promotion of sexual deviancy and Donald Trump can promote his anti Christian mandates threatening the world, but this is a reality of contending against the Lord God. This is not acceptable to people of Faith and is rejected, for a Christian does not join themselves to abomination.
Homosexuality is sin, open defiance and rebellion against God. That requires stating in these ignorant times, with the facts that homosexuals sought marriage legalization and once they were rewarded divorced themselves from that in their sham sexual deviancy is not a basis for a God blessed union.
Those are the facts in this and the reckoning by God will be visited upon the United States for what the American regime has been engaged in, and is disrupting American society and threatening other nations.
Those are the facts according to the Bible and to history. Where are the clergy warning the leaders and the people of this? Why is it only here that Scripture is posted educating those who will still listen.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Why is it a sodomite ambassador is making war against the nations of the world in the name of the United States usurping the powers of Congress?
Where are your donations, you brood of vipers, wed to this sin by your portfolios that this President made you rich from, and has joined you to the Biblical punishments of Sodom and the cities of the plain.
Nuff Said