I rigged the election and I still almost lost
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is the purpose of this post to not examine racism, Niggers, bigots or any of the other taboo subjects which people are conditioned to not deal with, as it allows the real repression to bind an entire nation to their genocide in the 21st century. The Lame Cherry instead based upon the over two decade old book by John Waugh on the Election of 1864 AD in the year of our Lord to reveal to each of you how you have been lied to, and as it has to do with charges of racism, no one will embrace these Truths which are Self Evident.
On page 354 Waugh records from the historical records of the 1864 Presidential election.
Out of 4 million votes cast, Abraham Lincoln was victorious over General McClellan by 411,428 votes. Lincoln 2,213, 665 and McClellan 1.802,237.
This election was about either peace with the South in a new brokered Constitutional Convention, preserving State's Rights, the non admission of slaves as Citizens and the protections of the Amendment Rights on McClellan's platform to Lincoln's prosecution of the war to absolute surrender of the South, the abuse of Citizen rights and ending of State's Rights.
Each party had it's radicals. On the Democratic side were the Copperheads who would not agree to abolition or the freeing of the slaves as the purpose of the war, and the Republicans in the Niggerheads who advocated the extermination of the Southern White Race.
Into this, is the reality of John Charles Fremont, who detested Abraham Lincoln on the Republican side. He termed Lincoln a despot who had abused Constitutional Rights and Lincoln had so bastardized the war on the Negro Issue, that the war was no longer about the Union.
Abraham Lincoln as an incumbent had only received 350,000 more votes than in 1860 in a 4 way split which had installed this radical into the White House and caused the war.
Waugh states that 80,000 votes in key states would have swung the victory to McClellan.
In the military, voting for the first time, Lincoln electioneered and managed the vote which was heavy for him, because the Soldiers were angry that the Chicago Democratic Convention had put in a peace plank which had disavowed their fighting and dying for 3 years. The Soldiers adored McClellan but that plank he was stuck with, is what caused problems in the military vote.
Lincoln though made certain that Democratic officers were removed and only Lincoln men as officers were schooling the Soldiers to vote for Lincoln.
The result was 150, 635 votes counted, 116, 887 were cast for Lincoln and 33,748 were cast for McClellan.
Lincoln's trouble in the election was with immigrants, namely Irish and German. The Irish were furious to be put at odds with Niggers for jobs, and the American West were the Germans prevailed were displeased with the turn of the war, and the great threat which Lincoln imposed in massive drafts of the young men in the country. When Lincoln called for 500,000 more Union boys as General Grant took over the war in 1864 AD in the year of our Lord, Grant and Sherman both stalled, and the worst of it was Grant had 20,000 butchered Soldiers in hospitals in Washington City.
The majority of the wounded Veterans voted againts Lincoln. In one of the most abusive and heartless things Lincoln ever stated, he told his Secretary, "Those boys know us for what we are compared to the rest of the country".
The Lame Cherry now desires to clear the dust from you minds. Consider that half of the United States did not vote in the 1864 AD in the year of our Lord elections. And of that half which did vote who were loyal to America, almost half did not want Abraham Lincoln on his platform of war, absolute subjection of the South and making the Negro an American Citizen.
This is the propaganda all of you have been conditioned with in the victors with guns writing the history. At least 2/3rds of the population did not want Lincoln's war or policies. They were high taxes, they threw people into prison, they killed off the young and they were absolutely not Christian in the genocide it unleashed on Southerners.
Americans have been told what a great badge of accomplishment it was to Emancipate the slaves which was an illegal act by the President, as the Supreme Court stated that only an Amendment could end slavery. The majority of Americans did not want slaves free. The Northerners did not want them in the North and the Southerns did not want them in the South. Like aborticide and sodomy, unleashed on Americans by the Supreme Court, Americans did not want either of these legalized, but a minority of zealots raped the nation and opened up another wound on the psyche.
This is not about being pro Black or anti Black. This is about the reality that the majority of Americans did not want a war to free livestock and did not want them given voting rights in order to disenfranchise White Americans in the South. There was nothing genuine about abolition. It was funded by European bankers to create a war, embraced by American money interests to wrest political control from the South and to gain war contracts. The slave was the cover for all of this high minded eulogies on sin, but was about hatred of White Southerners and lust for gold.
Only here will you face the realities of real American history. For those who wonder the Lame Cherry judgment, I was for Lincoln's final solution in exporting all the Africans to Panama to build a canal there, where they could be free and begin a people there to all of their liberty and injustice for all like Liberia. That is what Lincoln's thoughts were as the war ended and reconstruction was to begin, he wanted to separate the emancipated from the Americans and make then Latinegro American.
Donald Trump in the Webster Griffin Tarpley, leftist captivity of America is to lead the Blacks as Father Don. It is his piece of the cartel pie along with faggots, as the Christians will be disenfranchised as neo Nazis and neo Marxists will be all Americans have a choice to vote for in the polls, as America in overthrown.
The fact is Abraham Lincoln rigged the 1864 elections and still almost lost, in being rejected by all of the South who he would not allow to vote and half of the Citizens in the North rejected him too. Abraham Lincoln was a minority violation in ruling the majority in America in negating their Rights.
Those are the facts of the numbers, not having to do with anything racist. The shame of 1864 was that the few dictated to the many and the checks and the balances of the Constitution were not allowed to prevail.
Cyrus McCormick, the genius of the reaper in grain harvesting, was against Abraham Lincoln with his entire soul. I have written before that with industrialization which was coming to America, that the slave, who was absolutely a retardation on production, would have been marginalized by mechanical devices replacing them with efficiency. What was spent on Lincoln's war, if it were invested in manufacturing, would have ended slavery, except for house servants by 1880. The war and slavery would have passed, without the slaughter of Americans. The American majority were right in this and voted as such.
The problem as in the Obama and Trump minorities, is that the legalized slaves poured into America for commerce are causing another genocidal shift in the electorate by the same money interests. None of this is discussed or the majority would not accept the same rapine of the nation which is always behind these schemes.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said