Monday, September 16, 2019

John Bolton is the 2021 Savior

Why yes John, it is time for a new President

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We will soon see if #NeverTrumpers like Bill Kristol were real, or just more Jew window dressing enabling the leftism of Donald Trump as a cover, with the humiliating firing of John Bolton by Donald Trump, because John Bolton is the one person of standing in the United States who could deny Donald Trump the presidency in 2020, and with a Lame Cherry message, deny Donald Trump the Trump Party nomination to the Republican Party and the one person who would be elected by the People of these United States to be sworn in as President in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord.

I preface this fact for the Trump zombie who desperately want to believe the womanizer they wed on 2016 is not the whoremonger bringing Obama VD home to them for their eventual racial genocide in the United States. This is not about White Supremacy, but about the literal fact that Donald Trump has been progressing the Bush Obama doctrine of pouring into the United States over 100 million foreigners as slave labor. This kind of Jesuit Catholic influx of low DNA and IQ groups will end the Caucasian Race and make it an enclave people by design, which will face the same expulsion in 2050 as the White's in South Africa are facing the past years in Africa.
Those are realities and those realities are being hidden in racism by design to keep this issue from being discussed.

It is Mockingbird to have the silence of 30 pieces of silver Mark Levin not challenging Donald Trump, joining the Silence of the Lambs in Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson and the worst of Sean Hannity, once again championing the Freedom Caucus in "We just have to elect..."

WE HAVE ELECTED CONSERVATIVES and all America has been is betrayed. The time is now to hold this Obama 3rd term president in Donald Trump to the fire in demanding DONALD TRUMP KEEP HIS 2016 PROMISES which have been vanished from the internet, lest the people be reminded how Donald Trump has been Jeb Bush leaving the borders open, whining about walls, as Trump LEGALIZED ALL THE OBAMA INVADERS and then legalized his own millions to replace American workers.

The Silence of the Lambs in Hannity, Levin, Limbaugh and Carlson are pimps to Donald Trump in whoring out the Republican base.

It is in this, that the Lambs should be exposed as much as Bill Kristol in being a Trump bad actor, in demanding that John Bolton with full monetary support be placed on all 50 state ballots with a Ronald Reagan platform to deny Donald Trump the 2020 nomination. Mr. President needs his feet to the fire as Mr. President surges to the left in demanding your medical records before you may purchase a firearm to once again lying to Americans about a tax break.

American Republicans must stop being the fool to have Donald Trump stop treating you as the fool. Donald Trump by John Bolton is the only candidate with the standing to drag Donald Trump back to 2016 and force this President to stay in the right wing, instead of being Michelle Obama's new far left testicle.


 No Mr. President, we do not trust Obama terrorists.

Read the following praise on John Bolton as the savior of Donald Trump, and Mr. Trump instead belittled him and fired him, for warning Donald Trump to not trust terrorists in Iran and Afghanistan..

With the appointment of John Bolton as National Security Adviser, President Trump will be on his third adviser in 15 months. That is a modern-day record. The only president to go through a larger number of national security advisers is Ronald Reagan, and there's a good reason why. In fact, the lesson from Reagan's NSC is one that both Trump and Bolton should take to heart.
Reagan went through four national security advisers before he got it right—because before that he had gotten it disastrously wrong. Instead of focusing on the detail of policy or policy making, Reagan relied on a succession of national security advisers to get things done. And so they did, taking on a growing operational role that had few prior parallels (Henry Kissinger’s tenure being the great exception). Ultimately, the lack of oversight and outright skullduggery by NSC officials led to the illegal arms-for-hostages deal, known as Iran-Contra scandal, which almost brought down Reagan’s presidency.
Reagan learned his lesson. After the scandal he first appointed Frank Carlucci and then Colin Powell as his national security advisers. Both saw their role first and foremost as process managers, rather than operational actors, to ensure the president was presented with the best possible options for policy

Is this what now awaits America in a new Iran Contra Scandal as John Bolton has been removed? Do we really want to find out in 2021 that Donald Trump was sending nuclear spare parts for bombs built in Tehran by Barack Obama's billions in bribes?

What we have now in Trump Trans is anti gunners, anti fur, Jew Stingray spying, American Soldiers under Tel Aviv control in war, disasters in Turkey, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, beneath the rocket's red glare of Donald Trump praising Kim Jong Un of North Korea on every Pyongyang rocket launch over Japan and South Korea.

Add to that the replacement of Americans with Mexicans, social media banning of Conservatives, gun grabbing via your private medical records, record inflation, debt and a teetering stock market and the reality is if Donald Trump was an agent of Moscow, they could not have put into 1600 Penn Avenue are more adept foreign agent.

It is in this reality that in order for America to survive, America must put another horse into the 2020 Presidential race and make Donald Trump an honest broker for Americans. Do not depend on the old stalwarts of Mockingbird in George Will, Breitbart or the Washington Times, writing scathing exposes of Donald Trump, as all that is being produced is silence, stupidity or enablement.
Jeb Bush counseled that we all had to be like Barack Obama before Republicans booted him. Donald Trump has become Obama, and it is time to boot him from the ticket or make him see the religion of being American again.

There is not any better time for this to force Donald Trump to keep his promises. The democrats by design in this fraud election are so Balkanized and weak that even a John Bolton will win the Presidency. This is the reason the Lame Cherry is producing this reality for your understanding. This Conservative Christian blog is not going to tell you to drink the kook ade. This blog is going to provide you with a lamp to light your way out of this abyss. I am your advocate and remaining silent will get you nothing. The squeaking wheel is the one which will get the policies to benefit them, and John Bolton is the best horse to either pull Donald Trump back to the right, instead of the Jeb Bush left, or John Bolton will be President in 2021 AD.

You children and brats have to stop being mad at me. I am the sole arbitrator finding you the way out of this darkness. We need in mass to start backing a candidate who will challenge Donald Trump's leftism and if Mr. Trump does not accomplish things before the spring of 2020 in being right wing, then it is time to vote for John Bolton and deny this President the nomination as he has not earned a second term.

You rich people need to step up. I need donations and your murmurings are needed to raise a Conservative standard to challenge this President, instead of quietly going into the night. If not, you will elect a Trump that is a New York valued leftist without any restraints with a sham GOP majority, passing Obama relaw into laws of the land all in your name.

Richard Nixon would see the moves in this and the gambit. John Bolton is the best bet to make this a horse race. The time for John Bolton as the 2021 Savior is now.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


John saved Dick's and my ass from Colin Powell in Iraq.


