Monday, September 16, 2019

The MAGA Throat Mumps

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am sharing this health alert, as the brier patch has had a number of Visa Vermin here, namely Texas Mexicans and those yellow skinned things from Central America.

This all began one afternoon when I thought, "What the hell is that?"

See it was my left gland under my ear, and it hurt with a quite noticeable pain and ache. I thought perhaps first it was an allergic reaction, until TL mentioned to me about two hours later, that TL also had definite pain in this gland.

What is odd in this, we had no fever or other symptoms. Physcians a few years ago began labeling things like this as, "Oh yeah, you got a virus", as they did not know what the hell was going on in what was being released into the United States. I remember a bone pain in my pelvis which really nauseating and the time my eyes got cloudy like bad tweed on the sides in I thought I was going blind, and the time my eyes flicked in a twitch pulse that about made me puke........yes my sister had it too and the doctor said, "Oh yeah that's a virus".

My symptoms cleared up that afternoon. TL on the other hand had a sore gland on the left side for five days. I deem this "virus" as  mumps related, as I had the mumps as a child, while TL was vaccinated. There was limited immunity on my part and a kind of immunity to a like mumps on TL's part.

Now this means that the new batch of Trump Visa Vermin are carrying a contagious disease which is spread rapidly, easily is contracted and it is mumps related. There is a sort of immunity to it in having had mumps or having been vaccinated, but it is not complete.  The VV are immune to this tropical disease, but Americans are not.

You simply can not dump 1.5 million foreigners into a country per year, and not have this shit infecting people and killing people. A nice gal we know who has a 4 year old daughter, took the kid twice to the emergency unit, as she had a 104 temperature, and both times they said, "Oh that's probably mono". Where she got it is of course the little vermin children spreading things, as their form of "mono" which is a bit young for a 4 year old in a kissing disease.

Our former Principal's son in law died of one of these Mexican diseases as others did in drowning in their lungs in 3 days a few Obama years ago, and this was covered up. I am just warning all that if you have something like this, it is what it is, and where it came from are these foreign carrier dumps.

.......and for the facts, TL and I ALWAYS wash our hands multiple times with hot water and soap. We swab our noses out with alcohol when we return home. We are most careful and we still got this contagious shit. So whether it was some food service vermin or just some booger on the door, I have no idea, but as we both got it at the same time, it was the same source.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
