The Donald, The Woofus, The Ivanka
Trump confirms ‘cowardly’ death of ISIS terror leader Abu al-Baghdadi!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was over at Uncle's last night as FOX breathlessly announced during the World Series that President Donald Trump had big news............
TL thought maybe Melania was pregnant. Our doctor cousin wondered if his sperm still wiggled, and I added that Mike Pence came in as a switch hitter for the President.
As we did not care what the President was twittering about through Dan Scorvino again, I did not realize that the President was not watching the World Series like normal people, in Texans beating the hell out of DC residents, but Donald Trump was watching drone feeds like LaVoy Finnicum being hunted down in Oregon to shut him up, of the leader of ISIS, ISIL or whatever Obama was calling his terrorists in Syria he had trained and armed, being chased like a runaway Nigger slave in Alabama by dogs, armed men and it all the kind of entertainment, they used to get from horseback, but now it is easy chairs in the situation room with bottled water.
Donald Trump has a pattern in this, in he really gets his rocks off on terrorists being killed.
Trump Dines With Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden (Photos)
Rob O'Neill, the former Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden, visited President Donald Trump's house in the nation's capital for dinner on Oct. 10. "[President Trump] is a great host," O'Neill wrote on Twitter, adding that he and his wife, Jessica, had "a nice dinner" at the White House. The ...
Now the Lame Cherry supports terrorists being killed, but when the SEALS are sent in by Obama to change the Birther narrative of Jerome Corsi and Donald Trump, I do have a problem in the politics.
I have a problem with Obama and Trump glorifying SEALS who canoed the skull of the person who was said to be bin Laden so no one could have closure in bin Laden's execution. I do have a problem when Mark Levin is spitting on his microphone he is celebrating an event that deprived American's closure, was political theater, that killed others in that house, and left dead bodies where children were still in the house and crawling around in that muck.
I have a problem with the above, especially when Benazir Bhutto, the Prime Minister of Pakistan stated that bin Laden was dead years before. I have a problem when Obama ordered a stand in shot in Pakistan, claimed it was bin Laden, left a blown up stealth helo in the compound as a bribe to keep China silent in this event, as bin Laden died in their Muslim region.
Benazir Bhutto named Osama bin Laden's killer before her death
Benazir Bhutto, who was killed in a suicide attack at the end of 2007 stated in November that the Osama bin Laden, the head of the international terrorist network al-Qaida, had been killed. Bhutto claimed that she even knew the man who had killed the prime suspect of 9/11 terrorist attacks in the USA.
I have a problem with the leader of a nation in Obama doing this, and I have a problem that the current President has no problem with sitting down with a SEAL who blew someone's head off in a race with another SEAL who pumped a round into that blown up head to say he put one into bin Laden too.
That ain't John Wayne American fiction or Ronald Reagan reality.
But with less fanfare President Trump announced the death of Hamz bin Laden. If people have forgotten about this, the US Government offered a reward for the location of this terrorist. This blog provided specific data through flash read remote viewing. I have not seen a dime of the millions which were offered in this reward, as everyone seems to think I work for free, including the Uncle.
Ask nice questions or Woofus will get you!
Trump confirms US has killed Osama bin Laden's son Hamza
Sep 14, 2019 · Donald Trump confirmed on Saturday that the US has killed Hamza bin Laden, a son of the former al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.
The problem in the "death" of Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi is that for a number of years, he has been outed by whistleblower Edward Snowden, with absolute NSA documented proof that Abu was a created asset of British MI6 intelligence, worked for the CIA, was trained by Mosaad, and the reality in this is, he was Obama's terrorist to control ISIS, ISIL or whatever Obama was calling this group as Donald Trump is still blowing up al Qaeda, and ISIS was the Kurds, who were employed to steal crude oil out of Iraq and Syria, sell it to Turkey and a cut of that came into the American political parties.
That oil is still pouring out, but in pipeline to Jews in Haifa and mixed with other crude and ending up in Europe, not Turkey at the moment.

That Woofus is tough on us Sand Nigger Actors!
- Elliot Simon
NSA Doc Reveals ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi is U.S., British and ...
The allegation about ISIS and al-Baghdadi, however, pairs up with other information demonstrating ISIS is an intelligence asset. According to a document recently released by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, now the Islamic State, is an intelligence asset.ISIS Leader 'Al-Baghdadi' is 'Jewish Mossad Agent' Named ...
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, so-called "Caliph," the head of ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is, according to sources reputed to originate from Edward Snowden, an actor named Elliot Simon , a Mossad trained operative reports The New York Times.ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israeli Mossad ...
Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech. The original source of this article is Gulf Daily News
But this is the disturbing part of the death ofAbū Bakr al-Baghdadi which the American President was a part of, in Donald Trump watched this. This asset of the CIA and MI6, was chased through Syria by dogs as drones streamed the footage. As the President calls him a "coward", this intelligence asset was wearing a suicide vest, and he killed his 3 children who were with him. Whether this was Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi, that is all suspect after Obama with bin Laden's stage theater, but it is certain that this was some kind of Mideastern man, who was being chased by dogs, had his children with him, and as parents have done in dangerous situations, he killed his children in order to protect them from being paraded through the streets of Rome as Hermann the German's child was by the Romans.
That is not cowardly, that is what people with no options do, after being placed into a desperate situation with dogs hunting you down.
The purpose of this examination of events is not about sympathy for terrorists, but the troubling reality that the United States, has no problem running Sand Niggers, as the Russians, Turks, Iraqi's and Kurds.........yes the Kurds who we have been lied to in Turkey is bombing the Kurds, the Kurds are letting ISIS free from jails, and the Kurds hate Americans.........
Yes they held the American robes as the Americans were hunting Sand Niggers like Niggers in Alabama in 1840 AD in the year of our Lord, and involved in a situation with children, who were Uncle Sam Suicided due to the policy, and Donald Trump watched it all like the World Series.
Sic em Woofus!
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi raid involved Russia, Turkey, Iraq ...
Oct 27, 2019 · American Special Operations forces carried out the mission to kill Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, but Russia, Turkey, and U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters in Syria each played key roles in ...
The Lame Cherry is pleased that President Trump is finding his inner Jehu, as while he bans guns, criminalizes hunters of lions and elephants, while Melania bans fur from the White House ruining the rural North American economy, as a repose, this President watches US Special Forces hunt a terrorists with his children with dogs, who were closing in to rip them to shreds, which the President would have seen, but instead the President of the United States watched a father of 3 children, blow himself up, and those children not wanting any part of Americanism, stayed close in terror of dogs and America, and were blown up too.
........and the President tweeted about the big news he had as a tease through proxy Dan Scorvino.
Now did the United States really kill Abu or was this some other terrorist with his kids, as was MI6 forced to give up the ghost on this one along with Mosaad, or is Abu or is Elliot Simon, having a tea and crumpet with Meghan Markel in the Palace of Sussex in south England as a reward for a job well done?
See that does not matter in this, because the soul examination is do we want a Hillary Clinton cackling with laughter as Colonel Khadaffi is raped to death, and bullet put to his brain by the French CIA to shut him up as 50 of his loyalists are murdered as American leadership watches from a situation room?
Should there not be an examination of what is at the heart of America which is hunting Sand Niggers with dogs to the point they are blowing themselves up with children as a President watches the drone footage.
I disapprove of it, as being a Protestant Christian, my God, states there is a time for killing, war, executions, but when it has to be done, the knife is not twisted to torture the person, as the killer then takes on a heinous nature which will never change, as Justice was not served a nation, but what took place was brutality in the death of innocence.
This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Woofus is a Sand Nigger huntin' fool.
But wait, this just another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As the World Series was playing, there appears to be a double header for the President, as instead of dogs huntin' down the Sand Nigger Sir Elliot Simon, the President called in the pepper in a TOW missile strike on the #2 of ISIS, in their spokesman. Thing is no one knows who this foreigner is or it is kind of hard to figure out how they knew this Abu al Hassan al Muhajir was dead when the Americans blew this one up, as he is anonymous and there are not photos of him.
Thee mysterious and unknown
Abu al-Hassan al-Muhajir
U.S. Strikes Kill ISIS Spokesperson One Day After Baghdadi's Death in Syria Raid
He is believed to have been a foreigner due to his kunya identifying him as "al-Muhajir" meaning "the emigrant". His true identity remains unknown as the Islamic State did not reveal any information about him.
But wait, we now have the number 1 of ISIS in an MI6 agent has been reported dead, and now another foreigner who no one knows who was the number 2 of Obama ISIS oil operations is reported dead, which leaves the question, who is now in charge of ISIS?
Just a second here, didn't the President tell us that ISIS was kaput and that General Sec of Defense, Mad Dong Mattis had killed it? How did Donald Trump defeat ISIS when the entire leadership was alive and accumulating an MI6 pension in her majesty's service?
Let's not get cluttered with the details as this is Mockingbird propaganda.
Anyway, here is the new leader of ISIS in Syria.
Is this not one sexy bastard in Yahya Abu Hassan. That Abu guy sure stick his dick into allot of Islamic muff as he fathered allot of terrorists. If you are a Texan though, Mr. Sexy is named John Georgelas, yes a real Taco John is now in charge of ISIS.
That kind of looks like Donald Trump did a bit of Brexit in Obama ISIS, in he just retired the British agents that Obama had managing his oil pirates in the Middle East, and put an American in charge.
Sure glad we didn't have the border wall built or the CIA would not have had a wetback for the President to take charge of ISIS as The Donald said YOU'RE FIRED to the Brits.

The President is a great boss!
-John Georgelas
Must be tough to have Donald Trump fire you, well I mean the actor who is Fahrenheit 451 getting the torch while you are cuddling with Meghan Markel at Sussex Palace filing your British pension papers.

Ain't that a pisser Nancy.
- Elliot Simon AKA
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Look, for you rich people who just adore the President, I agree, this is good business in putting American management in charge of ISIS. All that opium, oil and gold skimming will be making some of your portfolios another few million.
So how about donating and helping a poor orphan girl whose Uncle pays her Nig wages to save his life. I mean what that hell is that Maxwell?
Now once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as no one else has pieced this together for you, as you been drooling over blood boogers in the Mideast.
Woofus says Donate Lame Cherry!!!!!!
Nuff Said.