As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is interesting in the paths a trail takes, as I was reading some threads and the name John Ehn came up, and I had no idea who this trapper was, in having never heard of him, and all I could find was some old fuzz in California who looked like Reno chicken ranch operator, that I did a search on Archive, and an article came up about Mouse Trapping.
The thing is, the article on mouse trapping was in an article about Coal Fire Stoves and Submarine Photography. None of which seem to be related or have a purpose as it is not like mice are under the ocean and coal fired submarines went out in the Civil War as no one could breathe.

The thing is, that if you read the articles, you find the genesis of this lunatic green movement, as they have all the statistics claiming to be real. The essence is I think that an electric stove is better than a coal stove, because out of 100 tons of coal burned, 97 tons are wasted. The wasted reasoning in the article is that it requires that much heat to warm up an iron stove.
Waste is of course a bullshit liberal word, as the heat to warm up the stove is not wasted as it is contained in the iron, and the 3 remaining tons are just maintenance of temperature.
We are bombarded by all this bullshit in the modern era of green movements, which are all funded by the same Nazi conglomerates. The people who had electricity wanted to sell electricity, stoves and coal, so suddenly electric became the solution, to rip more money from poor people.
If you look at the green people now, they were once all protect bald eagles........well with wind power, those windmills are killing these "endangered" birds. So eagles are expendable for green energy, but the fact is green energy is not green at all, as it is subsidized in your paying over 40% more in costs, so that once again these Nazi Conglomerates can make billions of dollars, in another scam, which like climate change is the same paid science propaganda to fleece the masses.
Speaking of fleece, the mouse trapping article only matters as filler as it mentions cyclone and wheel traps, none of which exist without looking in historical books for them. The cyclone apparently is bad as moles and shrews are meat eaters, of the Brown Meadow Mouse and New England Jumping mouse, which if killed, are eaten by these little predators.
There is information about corn and apple bait, but this guy seems to be expending a great deal of effort for killing a few wild mice, when European vermin are the problem invading human domiciles.
So my idea of learning how to trap mice has been shortchanged and I have lost interest, as I had a family of deer mice in my Blue Bird house as those pissing little American critters are quite clean except for the urine soaking.
Anyway, submarine pictures are not in a submarine, but in a glass box you submerge. Not quite Jules Verne, so I lost interest in that, as I now ponder how many trees died for this old information which is worthless and even worse it is green bullshit. In one page I have the entire nutty green movement from animal rights people killing animals for their bias, while lying about energy in order to fleece people, as we are all supposed to buy Nature pictures that some dick has been out taking as we are all supposed to Tony Dean sit at home and not go outside.
