Thursday, October 31, 2019

Better than a Bunghole

This my vote buy back program Gramma!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I am writing this on the replacement computer, which is interesting in the lid is broke, and the seller sold me a shit battery, which only went to 85% and then went to 0%, and I was told to order a new one, so I have not had time to go to the library to download necessary things to move into this new home for the blog, none of this matters to my story except we are overstretched for time.

So we show up to check on the Uncle, and he says,"There was someone up here today, in an old black dirty Chevy. Went out in the corral for a half hour and left.

So we went to the renters and asked what was up........they had no idea.

So TL told Uncle to call if the prowler came back and I suggested parking his pick up out front.

To that Uncle said, "Oh I got the rifle by the door, I will give him a few rounds to run him off."

I of course laughed and said we would assist in burying.

The Cherry family resonates back to the American pioneer settler past. It is of course why we are the focus of extermination in the era to come.

I was kind of worried about that old fart, but he was not the least bit worried in defending himself. I have always wondered about these geezers, who really do not have anything to lose in what kind of hard sells they would be to any regime confiscating guns or a foreign invasion.
A million of those old bastards who should have not allowed America to be overthrown, putting it on the line someday, could actually save the remnant, but what a turd pile of snowflakes there are in mass.
Who knows maybe the snowflakes will bung hole the uniform wearers to death by draining them of body fluids.

Nuff Said
