As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
We have all heard of Minnesota Mike Lindell, in his success story and hearing his ads on television and radio. Recently we have learned that Mike is expanding into Giza cotton mattress pads for an even more comfortable snuggle nights sleep.
The Lame Cherry though is privileged to have a peek at Mike's personal emails sent in from fans, in some products which are being tested by celebrities. When you read of the benefits of the 59.95 life changing events in people's lives, you will be amazed in what MyPillow can be made in to as the answer to life's problems.
This first from Ivanka Trump Kushner who we all adore and love.

Hi Mike,
I have to say that MyPillow changed my life. After trying your products, I can honestly say that when I get into bed, Jared feels bigger, almost Justin Trudeau size in black face. Thank you for MyPenis!!!!
Hugs and Kisses
Ivanka Trump Kushner
Then there is this from another woman whom we all love and adore in Hillary Hamrod Clinton.

Dear Mike,
After being rejected by the American people again, I was having trouble sleeping at night until I got MyPillow. After putting my head on that pillow, I never heard or felt a thing all night in I slept right through sex with Bill. Thank you for MyPussy as I will never have to go through that again with a man or a Huma!
presidentially Hillary Hamrod Clinton
and finally, this from Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi whom we all love to adore.

Hello Mike,
Life has been hard on me in my waning years in carrying Obama and impeaching Trump, but the thing that has gotten me through is MyPillow. I want to say I have found another use for your wonderful product, as I am a bit big down there after having children, so I sleep with two pillows and my husband loves it. Thank you for MyTampon as you have been a nation saver and a marriage enhancer!!!
My regards,
Speaker of the House
Nancy Pelosi
I will have to stop there, but there were many letters from women we just adore to love, like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez discovering a green thing with virginal white MyPillowTalk to something I did not quite understand from George W. Bush in what Michelle Robinson Obama does with MyShemales.
In any event, thank you Mike Lindell in Minnesota made, Minnesota proud, Minnesota nice and Minnesota My in MyPillow.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said