“A Department of Justice team led by U.S. Attorney John Durham is separately exploring the extent to which a number of countries, including Ukraine, played a role in the counterintelligence investigation directed at the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry will continue posting the connecting of the dots, in whether the story ever comes out, that what is taking place in the Trump Impeachment, is the continued search for an association of moles or agents who were in the working process of overthrowing the United States, from those who had overthrown the United States.
Captain Kirk, provided this historical insight to what the armed zone was between the West and East in Europe, in the days that somehow the current Soviet protagonist accusing Donald Trump of quid pro quo, was allowed to immigrate to America, when no one else was.
In those years, the only reason the Kremlin let anyone out of the Bloc was they were sleeper agents.
wow, reading "jewkranians", you NAILED IT!! During my time on the east german border (83-86), I used to patrol the "iron curtain" and brief generals and dignitaries about the border and the security set up. They went to AMAZING lengths to keep people in (signal fence mirroring the "curtain" a mile or more deeper in - so they knew you were heading to the border early, and could kill you out of our sight, trenches, claymores on the fence, observation towers, etc.). Sometimes you simply ASTOUND me!
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Jewkrainians to Impeach Donald Trump
Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman
Every step which has been engaged in by Donald Trump has one common thread. When this blog spoke of the Control, in actions which took place on June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, this was the beginning of a series of operations, meant to dislodge, provide a firewall, place a Donald Trump into the White House to be an espionage target, whereby a group of layered agents would continuously be flushed out.
The issue of the Malese operative of British MI6, in Mifsud, who was operating in Italy, is vital in the William Barr investigation, as the Italians, who work with Mosaad, were in custody of Mifsud's cell phones, and had not turned them over to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who in the long run of this, appears to have been working agent against Donald Trump, and was flushed out.
Someone was feeding information to drive this Pissgate framing of the President, and someone was assisting the handing out of the rope to those involved in this smear of Donald Trump. Those who were behind Donald Trump, were aware of all of this, and they have been progressing all of this forward, as layers of these operatives are being exposed, as they become active in these waves of attack against the President.
The phones, two BlackBerry models, “only recently” came into the government’s possession, said Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell, a former prosecutor, in an Oct. 15 court filing (pdf).Mifsud — for those who may have been on a long vacation on Alpha Centauri – is the man who supposedly told George Papadopoulos the Russians had Hillary's missing emails to share with the Trump campaign and therewith launched a thousand Russia probe shipsData and metadata on the phones “is material, exculpatory, and relevant to the defense of Mr. Flynn,” she said.
While the original inquiry by the Attorney General is still constructing the operational basis in this was a NUMBER OF FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE COUNTRIES, besides Ukraine, who were involved in framing the President. That is foreign intelligence services, coordinating, and they were coordinating in the NSA and being run by CIA Director John Brennan for Susan Rice and the image of Birther Hussein Obama.
In the murky shadows of this Peter Strzok was shadowing Brennan, and was part of an unknown Internal Affairs probe of this mole group. Strzok is being protected for what he did, as much as he was suspended for what he did.
It has now surfaced that the whistleblower who with another staffer, and coordinated with Adam Schiff was Eric Ciaramella, who was photographed in the company of the First Lady.
He literally was a Susan Rice protege, and was advanced by Herb McMaster. In the world of counter espionage, it has yet to be learned if McMaster a John McCain stooge and George Soros confidant was setting up Ciaramella, or if McMaster was allowed to be put into place by the McCain group, in order to expose this operational wing working against the United States system.
Ukraine Whistleblower Is a Biden, Schiff, and DNC Errand Boy
But the name of a government official fitting that description — Eric Ciaramella — has been raised privately in impeachment depositions, according to officials with direct knowledge of the proceedings, as well as in at least one open hearing held by a House committee not involved in the impeachment inquiry.
This moves onto Kyle Frese, a Canadian of sorts, who in the meley of Donald Trump, and Lindsey Graham, in the gay ear, whining about Trump Syrian policy, actually provided a comfort zone that Frese started leaking security secrets.
If you watch this, there have been stories generated which have triggered these moles, and these moles like John Brennan, think they are protected, so they move boldly forward and are being exposed.
Meet Kyle Frese: Trump Hater, Federal Employee, Arrested for Leaking National Security Secrets

Frese went to college and graduate school in Canada. His posts routinely cover national security and foreign affairs issues. They are also vehemently hostile to Donald Trump and his foreign policy. A post just this week regarding Turkey and Syria says, "Once again we remind our current, and any potential future allies, that at some point we will [expletive] them over."
What the Lame Cherry has informed you of exclusively is this is factored in as part of the Trump 2020 election strategy, based upon his knowing there is an intelligence operation taking place at the highest levels of the US regime.
Attorney General William Barr was the attorney for the shooter at Ruby Ridge who got that murderer off. Barr is a big dog in this pound, and that is why he was sent in. He is the system, and is hunting down the operational group who literally put Obama into power in two stolen elections and was working to frame Donald Trump.
Remember where this all started was with Hillary Clinton crimes in leftest whistleblowers exposing what was taking place in the deep state, and were moving to keep her from the White House. For all purposes, what has manifested here is that Hillary Clinton was the chosen bait to expose the mole operational group. Donald Trump producing WWE theater sent these fellow travelers into a frenzy and after Robert Mueller, the protector of America, succeeded in protecting the Missing Link, who set up Donald Trump, that investigation shut down, and what followed was the operational trip wire for a phase 3 against the President. That is impeachment, and most of the people, who Donald Trump allowed to be gathered around him, who were #NeverTrumpers, were hired by the White House, as the Control was waiting for the 3rd wave of hirelings to appear as those were the deep sleepers.
Attorney General Barr has stated that his team will get to the bottom of this. Mifsud being rolled on by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who booted out coup plotter Theresa May who assembled the Pissgate Dossier for MI6, is telling. That Mifsud phone allows for the AG to open the NSA files, without noting they are NSA recordings. That is the smoking Blackberry in this and why the Italians had it and were keeping it for leverage and their own protection, as they were involved in an operation to bring down the United States elections.
Watch for this information if it starts appearing in the Mockingbird feeds. That will be an important signal of if this will go public concerning this subversive ring of moles, or if this is going to remain, pecking around the edges in these assembled diversions.
The Control is not letting this go about Jeffrey Epstein, and that is why FOX and this story generated. Epstein is the little pre pubic children sticky sweet which glazes all of Pissgate in the framing of Trump together. It was not an accident that the frame chose 14 year old Russian prostitutes pissing on bed sheets for Donald Trump.
That story is real. I repeat that story is real in the dark files, but IT WAS NOT DONALD TRUMP. It was someone else who was recorded by Epstein / Mosaad and that someone is part of this klusterfuk of Pissgate and Impeachment.
New York City's former chief medical examiner says that Jeffrey Epstein's death was a homicide ∞ trunews
It's just like the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, when he arises from the pumpkin patches, searches the entire world for the most sincere pumpkin of all, to bring presents and candy to all the good little children who only believe.
Nuff Said