Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Jewkrainians to Impeach Donald Trump

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I would that Dr. Stephen Cohen would address the issue of Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who is a most interesting addition to the impeachment lynch mob operating against Donald Trump, as his defenders doth to seem to protest too much.
From Nichole Wallace who somehow engaged in destroying Sarah Palin on the McCain presidential ticket of 2008 AD in the year of our Lord, smearing Laura Ingraham as "chicken shit", and the elevation of Vindman by the New York Times of holiness like the Pope's testicles, the smokescreen for Vindman is too much, and points to the same working order of John Brennan, John McCain, James Clapper and James Comey of the first framing of Donald Trump.

How Vindman was elevated to the job of national security is the problem or the operational skill of Donald Trump in his director of personnel who was Johnny DeStefano at the time. What the Lame Cherry is reminding you of, is someone has been hunting a foreign intelligence group operating inside the US regime, in leaking information to draw out the sleeper agents and their controllers.

The reason I would prefer that Dr. Cohen address the Vindman issue, is something which I noticed in his bio. Most of you reading this have no idea what the problem is with a 3 year old Ukrainian Jew immigrating with his family to the United States in 1979. I do though as all the Soviet Union experts are now covered with moth balls.

That was more than 30 years ago. “The Vindman family had emigrated to the US from Kiev in the Ukraine in December of 1979. Semyon Vindman wanted a free and better life for his 3 sons – the twins, then 4, and 11 year old Leonid. Their mother had recently died, in Kiev and when they came to America, their maternal grandmother came along to help with the boys,” the page continues.
“I think their father felt they would do better in the United States as Jews,” Kitman told The New York Times. Kitman’s page is filled with pictures of the Vindman family throughout the years.

There was a literal Iron Curtain which kept communists from getting out of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pac, or the group of Soviet controlled eastern European nations as they were known then.
People tried all sorts of inventive ways to get out from under communist repression. They made balloons, dug tunnels, made kayaks, crashed through barriers, joined sports teams to defect once they reached the West, and in most cases they were hunted down and killed in the attempts.
One simply did not get out of communism. If you applied to get out, you were put on a list, you lost your rights, and the KGB hounded you non stop. No one would have anything to do with you, as you were a pariah and no one wanted to end up exiled in Siberia in a gulag.

For Jews, there was a special category in the Cold War. Jews had created the Soviet Union in Marxism. Jews who had rejected communism were an especial treacherous evil to communists. Jews were the darling of American foreign policy, against Muslim Arabs which Russia supported, so the way to antagonize Americans, please Baathist communists in Egypt, Syria and Iraq who were Soviet allies, was to make life hell for Jews in Russia and the Soviet Bloc.

There was a special name for Jews of this category who wanted to flee communism, they were called Refusenik, because Moscow incessantly refused to allow Jews to migrate out of communist states.
The term focused on Jews trying to migrate to the Jewish state, but the United States was under this cloud too.

For those who are lost of this era, 1979 was the time of the failings of Jimmy Carter. He had antagonized Moscow with grain embargoes, Olympic boycotts, whined about human rights which was embarrassing the communists, and then Carter had the audacity to beg the Soviets for help to defeat Ronald Reagan, as his venomous Russian hating NSA adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski was creating militant Islam to butcher Russians in the Vietnam of Islam in Afghanistan.

If you read the above closely, the communists of Russia were not going to be doing any favors for the Carter regime and their proxies in Tel Aviv who had humiliated Russian allies in two Mideast wars.

Ronald Reagan appeared in 1980, but it was almost a decade after 1979 AD in the year of our Lord, before quietly the Soviet's began allowing Jews to leave in mass, because Ronald Reagan kept his word in not making an issue of it in humiliating the Russians.

1987 is not 1979 though, and the question is why with almost zero migration of Jews being let out, would a Jewish father with 3 children, a wife who just died, win the lottery of lotteries to be allowed to immigrate to the United States?

Why would the Soviets allow this Jewish family out of the Soviet Union, instead of exiling them to Siberia as they did thousands of other Jews?

Vindman entered the US military, served overseas which his defenders champion, and then moved for some reason from infantry to intelligence, and in the era of the Obama Clinton Ukrainian connection to framing Donald Trump, who should be elevated to NSA as an expert on Ukraine, in Vindman who had never lived in Russia, had not lived in Ukraine for decades, but from Little Odessa in New York City, most certainly was part of the Mosaad American intelligence community.
Again, Mosaad has been lurking around in the background of the entire Trump frame up, Mosaad just toppled Benjamin Netanyahu, toppled Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, and is once again providing a Jewish voice inside the Trump regime to sink Donald Trump, concerning a phone call, which Trump scripted and any objective review of that text reveals that it was the Ukrainians who brought up Rudy Giuliani and the President has every authority to bring up illegal activity by Americans as Hunter Biden, inside Ukraine.

I have stated from the start of this in educating you about the Missing Link, about the Mole Cell, about the framing of Donald Trump, was about a leftist group keeping Hillary Clinton out of the White House, to cover up Obama crimes, as Obama usurped the presidency by stealing two presidential elections, and the undertone of all of this, was Peter Strzok was part of an Internal Affairs operation looking for this mole cell, which FBI Director Christopher Wray has been stonewalling about.

If I was an intelligence analyst or an agency director, or the President of the United States who has an Attorney General hunting this group,  I would have scripted a Ukrainian phone call, exposed as many persons of interests to it, and watched every rat in the maze who was flushed out.

By that perspective, Vindman, along with his cohorts, have been flushed out by design.

In reality, Alexander Vindman, should never have been let out of the Soviet Union in 1979 with his family, yet they were. Instead of being Americanized, he retained his Russian and Ukrainian languages, and in 1950 he would not have been let near the White House or National Security. And yet in 2019, Vindman is bringing down the President of the United States, covered with military decorations.

Vindman is supporting a fabricated narrative on Ukraine to impeach Donald Trump, from the same group which attempted to frame Mr. Trump in the Pissgate Dossier.

A fabricated narrative, by a Soviet national, connected to Mosaad America, with the group that installed Obama and smeared Sarah Palin giving Vindman a smokescreen.

What does that look like to you, and what kind of intelligence assessment would you give the Director of the FBI, NSA and CIA, with that type of data?

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

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Nuff Said
