Wednesday, October 30, 2019

President Trump Hammers the Renegade Republicans

The Miss Empty Chair Gathering of Erick Erickson


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Erick Erickson is important. I know that is a ridiculous sounding statement, but Erickson is like a rat in your nuclear power plant, in the rat is not important, but what is important is where the rat is digging holes in to the reactor is important.

For those who have forgotten, Erickson led the #NeverTrumpers as a real fascist in 2016 AD in they year of our Lord. You may remember when this was in the balance how Erickson with Mark Levin refused to allow Donald Trump to speak at a Conservative gathering, as this bunch was trying to get Obama's white nipple, Jeb Bush elected, and then this treacherous bunch was trying to get Hillary Clinton elected.

Erickson suffered from Limbaugh Syndrome, which is a fat pink small penis which thinks it is the big cock on the block, who got to the vulva holster because they have talent, and not because the CIA Mockingbird bought their soul.

el diablo bought my soul lunger

Erickson though has cancelled his girls club which excluded Donald Trump, and puts to e print a meandering manifesto why it was cancelled, in something about the NBA and China, and then swerves to Bill Taylor, who I think is this lemming, who worked for the corrupt democratic Senator Bill Bradley, was the reason Iraq imploded on liberation, was behind Obama's Arab Spring of communist takeover of the Mideast and started the slaughter of half a million people in Syria, and is the rodent who came up with the Trump Quid Pro Quo for Ukraine.

I do not follow Erickson, but what he does not say, is what I think Erickson did was back Bill Taylor against Donald Trump, which set off a firestorm in the right wing support, the way Mitt Romney can not help but lighting his Mormon cock on fire in trying to smear Trump.


 I love the smell of Trump on bonfire in the morning...

I'm not going to bother with researching this as it is not important. What is important is what Erick Erickson reveals in his post.

What the "gathering" was, was a money making scheme. Think of it as Carnival Cruise for celebrities, but instead of the nice Caribbean it is the sweaty slum hole of peanut scented Atlanta.
As you can see in the above photo, no one came in the empty chairs, but someone had to fund the project, like Ted Cruz funneling money to Hannity, Limbaugh and Levin in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord for good press over Donald Trump.

So if I was a schemer, I should find a way to do a gathering in some shit hole, and launder the money into my accounts as rich donors are not fulfilling their obligations here. It is though why you see these obnoxious cruises with fossils like Cal Thomas, in they must be getting paid, and get a cut out of the cruise funds.

Resurgent Gathering in Atlanta. I decided to cancel. Anyone who has registered will have their money full refunded by close of business today. As the annual conference is the way we have kept this site afloat and sustained my managing editor’s salary (full disclosure: I don’t earn income from the site, but others do), I know I am risking a lot

Now that Erickson has informed the world of this money making scheme, Erickson reveals that he was backing the genocidist Bill Taylor of Obamaland against Donald Trump, meaning Erickson went full Mitt Romney in trying to impeach Donald Trump and shove the grey bar up the Donald's ass.

Erickson goes on to reveal the salient point, in the Conservatives he had booked for the conference were in a panic over financial revenues drying up for them for being around Erickson, and that included the Mockingbird sponsors feeling the heat.
Use your head, do you really think these odd ball sponsors on radio really have millions of dollars to waste on talk radio, or do you think this is off book funding from the CIA set up by Bill Casey to keep the circus alive?
This is all intelligence operations, and the undercurrent of this all goes back to when Donald Trump won the presidency, the intelligence community backing him, immediately began shutting off funding as Obama did. Bill Kristol lost his empire over night. Erick Erickson lost Pinko State, and others who were on the IC funding list, suddenly disappeared along with their platforms as the money stopped.

As this blog revealed exclusively, Katie Walsh and Mike Shields, via Jared Kushner, have absolute control of GOP finance, and that is where half the money comes from. The other half is CIA off book funding from things like ISIS oil shipments, which readers have learned of here, what Erickson is revealing is, this group has sent out messages to the paid mic heads and the sponsors, that if they associate with Erick Erickson, they are going to discover all kinds of problems in their lives..

Donald Trump does not have absolute authority in this, no more than Birther Hussein did, but the cartel backing them, does have the power, and the word is out to put the sweat on anyone who rocks the boat in Trumpland. See the narrative has to be nutty for the left in Adam Schiff to appeal to those cranks. That is useful in alarming people on the right and triggering them to support Donald Trump. What Erickson did was disrupt the herd which the cartel will not condone, and for this Erickson's balls are now nailed to the White House wall as a warning to others.

I do not want to put the speakers at my conference, the sponsors, or this site in awkward positions because I defend someone like Taylor or publicly disagree with the prevailing bro-conservative ideologies polluting social media. Trump supporters engage in cancel culture too and while I support President Trump, I frequently disagree with him.

See if you play nice, after being a bad Jew like Mark Levin, you have your Pope boy, Sean Hannity intercede for you, and once Levin started Russian Jew threatening people for Trump again on his show, Levin became a darling, a real thumper for Trump. Erickson never had a Mosaad horse in the game for what he engaged against Donald Trump in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. Erickson apparently barely escaped with the sweat off his balls in surviving the purge, once he kissed Trump's ring and swore infidelity to Conservatism.
Yes let's face it, when Donald Trump was MAGA, Erickson worked against him, when Donald Trump became the talking Jeb, Erick Erickson swore he would vote for Trump.

Erickson in the following quotes reveals that he is about bankrupt. All he has is his show in Atlanta. He is markets himself and scrapes by on his own ad flow. He needed the Atlanta peanut cruise, and is holding out until 2020 AD in the year of our Lord to get a few more stations to try and keep the Resurgent online, as he is not getting any intelligence community or GOP funding, as Kushner and Walsh have locked those coffers tight.


Yes Erick, you are the Cuck of Atlanta now.

That is the reason Erick Erickson is important. He is a squealing pig. He grunted allegiance to Donald Trump and the first opportunity he got for impeachment, his true prejudices against Trump came spewing out. Kushner's minders or spies saw it, and they came down like the devil, as that is the cartel representation, and no one in the mafia likes being betrayed.

Erickson is fuming over this as he calls Trump supporters, SYCOPHANTIC CHEERLEADERS. See what I said about a little penis thinking he was the big cock on the block?

Erickson is in full retreat. He is running hard for Evangelical cover in hoping those widow mite election tray collections will sustain him, as he now speaks of faith and God.
He though resorts to ignorant conjuring in "wishes" which are spells, and "luck" which is chance. A real Protestant Christian has the sure Way in Jesus the Christ. Erickson's playing the Evangelicals is showing in his folksy manipulation of Christians for wishes and luck.

My radio show continues to grow. We are self-syndicated and handling our own advertising, which makes for stronger relationships to weather the storm of daring to be an actual conservative who tries to view my politics through my faith without sycophantic cheerleading.

 The show is just in Georgia now, but has grown to a dozen stations in three months and will have a good many more in January after existing obligations at those stations are gone.
I hope, through the growth of the show, I will be able to keep the lights on here and come back to the conference after we get through next year. I am used to making leaps of faith and depending on the generosity of others and God. Wish me luck.
In the meantime, I’ll keep writing here as long as I can keep the lights on

Donald Trump's backers have Erick Erickson by the balls. That means that Donald Trump has everyone by the balls, and is why Rush Limbaugh is so greasy for Trump, as Limbaugh was informed a while ago he was replaceable. The bottom feeder that Erickson is, never got the notice, except for the Don reaching out on a phone call to con him, but Erickson could not prove himself in staying true. He just had to go off to the Obama brothel and muff dive into the Bush fam again.

As for me, Google has censored search results, Facebook goes holocaust on this blog incessantly. People are not donating, the traffic numbers are manipulated down, and here am I not petty and stupid in trying to get the President on a stooge like Bill Taylor who is playing a part in the type of impeachment Donald Trump has engineered. You have to be aware enough to know who the props are, and not be under them when they fall.

Donald Trump in office or out of office makes no difference, any more than Hillary or Trump or Obama in office, as the system chooses and the system protects what it chooses. Erickson was pushing a story by Taylor that was for left wing media only. He should have fixated on something else like I did, in how fat Tiffany Trump is, as she is disgusting, and Donald Trump likes that kind of story, as her fatness reflects badly on him, and with public shaming, the President does not have to say that Air Force One has a weight limit, and Tiffany goes off and eats spinach for a year.

See you have to help the President at times, just like you have to post things so the intelligence community puts you on a list of observation they can exploit to monitor mob trends. I mean sucking on Bill Taylor's old dick to jism on Trump is just bad manners. Donald Trump gave Erick Erickson a reprieve and Erickson thinking his cock was large was waving it at the President again.

I make my offer again, bring in the big donations and I will go back to Jesus things and the brier patch, as the politics do not matter.  I will even write at times how fat Tiffany is, because she is a liberal and how Barron needs to stop looking like the kid who is going to grow up and get a degree in wearing slacks. just to help the President out, as Donald Trump is backed by the cartel and will win in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, so this sideshow impeachment stuff is just bad theater.

No need to bust a nut over and get pink like Erick Erickson.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
