Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Not Barry Pepper, just the Prick who plays him in real Life

Coming to you from Gestapo High
and the SS  Academy of Nazi Schools

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Like most of the fang primates, I just do not like my shedding spots encroached upon. I have areas of interlude with TL and I just like being with normal people who are the same kind of ticks on the rug.

The other day, TL and I stopped into the eatery, and while it has been a number of years sicne I saw this grinning baboon, I figured out the hair thinned  primate  was someone I really detest, like major detest.

Here is the story in this boy, picked on me once in school. He has his teeth yet because the mother told me like the ignorant shrew she was to NEVER GET INTO  A FIGHT. She never clarified the fighting did not include the defend me part.

So let's call him..........Earl as  I hate that name too as it is pretentious. So Earl is at Adolf Hitler middle school and decides being a year old to bully me, in taking my school papers. Real prick about it, in examining the papers, giving approval of my grades and I really wanted to bust his chops and give him tooth main course.

So you know who bully was, in this blue eyed blonde skinflint, he was the son of a Methodist preacher. Yes the Methodists raised real pricks for preacher children.

It gets better though as I had a Methodist friend who was friends with Earl and I asked him why in hell he was with this prick, and he said he liked him. Yeah my friend was a fat kid, a year younger than Earl, so you kind of get what kind of non friends Earl had, as no one liked this little prick.
A few years later, some kids told me they asked the fat kid why he liked Earl, and the fat kid said, "Yeah, I kind of woke up to what a prick Earl was".

As time went by, Earl was Earl for a preacher's kid. Had the beauty queen on a date, and had her top off when some of my buddies shined them with a light. Beauty queen was a Catholic, so that is how that goes after confession on Saturday night.

Catholics are deliberate sinners. Lutherans are bold sinners, much to their harm, because a Lutheran knows right from wrong, but bulls ahead anyway. Methodists are small sinners. Baptists like to sin too much, and the rest got their sins ordered or like that Jehovah's  Witness cult claim they got no sin at all.

So small sinner Earl was all over the hot chick, who he eventually married, for reasons I will never in God's green earth, know why that Catholic married this pencil penis, but they went to a nowhere school, and upon graduating he got a job coaching boys basketball in shithole USA. I mean retards got hired there, so you know what kind of potential Earl had.
And yes I still grew with even more loathing for this loser.

So Earl and the Catholic get married in the Catholic shrine, as Methodists will sell out for hot tits and a vagina any day, as Jesus is just a guy on the wall, your preacher old man gets paid to lie about.

I kind of lose track of them, until they move back to the Brier Patch, where junior suckers another shit hole community to hire him for a job he is not qualified for, but they go ahead and pay for his education........
Earl is a clever bastard as they pay for his education, and he is gone out the door the school he once Methodist bullied me.
Earl in the meantime moves into developing real estate.....which does not go so well as they are still selling lots. Thing is Earl and the Catholic move into the show mansion........see  Earl really has a little dick as he keeps trying to get the bling, but then he was a shitty basketball player, a shitty coach, a shitty Methodist preacher and now a shitty con artist of shit hole communities in robbing them to pay for his education.

I think about this time that I have had enough of Earl, and sure enough his Catholic in stocking the mansion, orders furniture in, and a brown recluse comes in a box, bites her  and her arm almost falls off. I feel bad about that incident, but if you weren't with a Methodist con artist, you wouldn't be getting your limbs amputated.

This goes on for awhile and Earl is doing a great job in running another school district into the crapper.  I was told the children do not have to learn anything, can look it up on computer and Earl always has school out because he likes days off.

Earl in having all this, is not enough, so moved on to dumping SS Academy, for a metro superindendent's job. I mean dude has a mansion, is moving 200 miles away, has all those unsold plots, and to top this off, the Catholic has been teaching at her shit hole Catholic school for most of her life. Her religion must have been important as she never left her nativity, of course until Earl was dragging her around the globe pretending he was  not a failure.
That is what I do not get in all of this, in how someone could have all of that, money and a faithful Catholic, and he dumps it all and hustles another school  to hire him. Most people would just cruise to a good retirement and enjoy life. Instead, he is got the bills for the mansion which I know will not be sold, and then the bills for living in Nazi High School, and moving back and forth to do things which really sucks.
But that is Earl, and brings me to my hide away with the common primates, in I sit down and there is Earl about 20 feet away.

I start telling TL about Earl, quite loudly, and I study him, as he is sitting by some senile geezer who eats Fruit Loops or maybe that is Earl in I don't get a person who wears crotch crawler  dress pants, has his brown wool socks, open jacket, open shirt and a blue t shirt under it.
 As the story is being told, the Holy Ghost said that Earl did not flip me off, but TL said,' Earl just flipped you off".
Granted TL was laughing at Earl and I was sort of wound up over this con man, but I started laughing as he flipped me off like Obama does, you know faggot way in being subtle.

I mean here is a guy who has money, bosses kids around, a mansion, is pissing me off as it is past noon lunch period and he should be back at school and not cheating the public, and he has a PHD, and in just a few words, I got him so upset in being reminded what a worthless turd he is, that he fag flips me.
I noticed when he left he was afraid of the rain too in making the old geezer walk in the rain. Earl is the prick which just keeps on giving that venerial discharge.

It delights me like Conrad Dobler was delighted that Merlin Olsen was still upset about him 20 years after they stopped playing football. It does prove that I am the real deal in being as mouthy here as I am in real life and I have a knack about getting at people with the Truth and breaking their illusion into the mirror that reflects what absolute losers they are.

The thing is though is Earl called out to one person when he left, otherwise no one would have anything to do with him. That is what a glory whore is like in thinking they are better than everyone else, and  everyone else just would like you to drown in a vat of rat piss.

So I prayed about all of this and will continue to do it, as last time I unleahsed on them ascot folks  they had  problems in their lives. It just baffles me in people who are not comfortable in their own skin. I have my little nook and I do not want them in my nook. He still has his teeth and that reckoning as not been met, although I wonder about God putting Earl in my path as  I did enjoy it.  I doubt I will see Earl again as his Fruit Loops probably did not settle as well in his tummy after  my salting them down.

I was studying him though, in he was dressed kind of hot, like he was not generating heat. He was flushed though, and I do not think it was my kind words that got him hot under the collar. His hands were pale, so I am thinking Earl got himself some heart problems, which is fine by me, and him dying would be something I would probably have two beers over. Be a good thing, in the  Vatican would probably pray him out of Pergatory for a donation, but then where do you go when you are in Methodist hell, in fornicating, bullying, being a con artist and being all Pharisee in betraying people. Glad I am not God in sorting that out, as I can just enjoy Earl as  someone not uncomfortable in his own hide and nothing is ever going to fill that void. Must be a real peach for the Catholic to exist with that shit in knowing everything you got is because your husband conned people out of things and  nothing you can ever do will fill that void.

I will have to inquire on all of this to pray amp things up for the Lord, as I got a stake in this in teeth which are owed.

Yeah you should not pick on little girls in school as they do grow up as tools of the Lord and God keeps long records, even longer than my memories in it was not Turn the other Methodist Cheek yesterday, but despite what the Holy Ghost said, it was more "Fag Flip the Orphan Girl" as Earl thought he could get away with it.
Silly boy, I come through Spiritual doors that are unlocked or others have the keys for.

Time to have some recreation as I could use that trophy over the hearth I have in my head while waiting for the big donations from those rich people who think they are out of my reach too in the Spiritual realm.

Nuff Said
