Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Why Kill a British Actor named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog is the only source which has been examining the stage theater in Syria, it is evident to point something out, which only this blog has and that is the President has been telling you things which are not true concerning the Kurds being abandoned.

The Lame Cherry first informed you that Turkey was being led into Syria to make it an antagonist to Iran. The focus of President Trump has been the oil. Trump wants Turkey in and out of Syria, and Americans have been lied to in there is not much oil in Syria, because if there was not much oil, then why did Donald Trump send in US tanks to protect that oil?

Part of the answer is pipelines. And not much oil, is still billions of dollars the CIA and the various American political groups are getting a cut out of those sales.......off book.

It is a reality that the "Kurds" problem is they were selling oil to Iran. Let the Lame Cherry explain this a bit further as the Kurds were ISIS under Obama and his oil laundering terrorists. The Kurds that Donald Trump abandoned, were allied with Iran, and putting Iranian signatures on the oil, which is PIPELINE OIL.
Think of this as a camel trade to void US sanctions. The Kurds sell their camel to Europe with an Iranian name on it, and Iran puts a Kurdish name on their oil to be able to avoid sanctions.

That is what the entire Obama Syrian Civil War was about in Muslim factions, the US trying to muscle Russia out of the market control by Saudi control of Iranian and Iraqi oil flowing into Syria for sale.

But how does this fit with Donald Trump watching a Sand Nigger named Al Baghdadi being hunted down with dogs with his kids, instead of watching the World Series?
It either was this MI6 agent or it was not. If it was, it was a message to London. If it was not, then it was the Americans, Russians, Turks and Kurds, yes the Kurds were in on this, hunting down some obstinate son of the crescent, like that poor bastard in an ally in Fahrenheit 451, in order for all to declare victory and move on, as Iran was cut off from the Kurdish liaison in shipping oil, opium, arms and terrorists west into Lebanon.

That would be termed a preparation of a battlefield.

It would be pleasant if several million of those oil revenues would be donated to this blog, or at least the US Government could pay me the reward for locating Hamza bin Laden as was promised.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
