Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The immoral pick pocket of Donald Trump

The priceless expression of Jared Kushner listening to Ivanka's thoughts.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Apparently for lack of donations from the rich, it is my fault that Donald Trump appointed Gary Cohn to write a tax package for the rich, which like all taxes WAS PASSED ONTO THE POOR, so in the end of 2019, Donald Trump in MAGA confiscated more money from rich Americans and poor Americans, than Birther Hussein Obama did in his record rapine of Americans.

In fiscal 2019, which began on Oct. 1, 2018 and ended on Sept. 30, 2019, the federal government collected $1,717,857,000,000 in individual income taxes, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement.

That was up $5,509,560,000 from the previous record of $1,712,347,440,000 (in constant September 2019 dollars) that the Treasury collected in individual income taxes in fiscal 2018.

It also is my fault that Donald Trump spends money like a mafia don handing out bribes to the cops so he does not get arrested, as Trump spending is rewarding the police and military state as a real quid pro quo.

In fiscal 2019, the federal government spent a record total of $4,446,584,000,000.
That was up $261,665,170,000 from the previous record total of $4,184,918,830,000 (in constant September 2019 dollars) that the federal government had spent in fiscal 2009.

What else can I take the blame for? Yes MAGA is dead because by posting that Donald Trump's policies would kill MAGA, I am somehow responsible.
I am also responsible I suppose for Donald Trump overseeing the replacement of the White race in America with millions of tan skin Jesuits, Muslims and Hindus.

Wait a minute, I am responsible for the myriad of Homeland Security Directors too, who will not listen to Donald Trump, as they just keep on legalizing foreigners, and remarkably, Donald Trump is appointing another open borders Director to bring in more foreign slaves.

Politico: Trump Eyes H-1B Lobbyist for DHS Chief Position

I am also to blame for your being dense bastards in wanting to believe in another fraud political leader, instead of looking to Jesus the Son of God, Who will not disappoint you.

For those who have forgotten what Donald Trump promised you in 2015, and it is almost impossible finding it, as Google has censored this blog in searches and the internet has wiped out most of the record of the Trump Promises, here is CBS from 2015 covering Candidate Trump who promised that people earning under 50,000 dollars WOULD PAY NO INCOME TAXES.

Much has been made of the fact that Donald Trump's tax plan is really, really good for Donald Trump. But by raising the point at which people begin to owe taxes and retaining key tax credits, the Republican presidential candidate's tax plan should also put more money in the pockets of the poorest Americans.
Under his plan, single people making less than $25,000 a year and married couples earning less than $50,000 would pay zero income tax.
"They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, 'I win,'" the plan says. "Those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each."

Now would you not think liberals in the press would be reminding Trump voters what a fraud this President is, if they really were out to get him? Yet they are cleansing the internet of all of Trump's broken promises.
This of course must be my fault too, as how dare the Lame Cherry actually remind all of you asstards what Donald Trump has done in betraying your vote from 2016. Again this is my fault for shining a light on your dim brains in making you remember things like:

Obamacare is on the books yet to be reactivated.

Aborticide is still the law of the land.

No peace with Russia.

Two Supreme Court Justices, one is a sodomite and the other votes to keep butchering babies legalized.

Gun control.

No secure border, Trump legalized so many foreigners that their numbers dropped trying to get into America, as this President provided them papers to work in America.

I certainly am not voting democrat, as Donald Trump is liberal leftist socialist enough in expanding Obama policies, but I will not deceive myself to the immorality of this kind of spending and confiscating wages of Americans.

This blog has not changed. I still advocate as I did with John McCain's 2008 run, which he stole, in every American should be a millionaire by the time they retire, simply by saving their wages and it begins with no Americans pay taxes who do not earn over 50,000 dollars.

I have not changed in I abhor an economy based on foreign tan skin slaves.

I refuse to support the genocide of Americans, Black or White Protestants in having their jobs taken from them and their children's future obliterated by foreign invasion which is legalized.

I am the only one reminding you of what Donald Trump was in 2016 and that information was all posted here, from his website, and it has all vanished, like the Animal Farm 10 Commandments.

The Bible says 10 percent in taxes. Any more than that is not acceptable, and yet Americans are paying record amounts in taxes year in and year out. The swamp is not being drained, it is expanding to a Trump flood plain, and no one is stating that this is not what anyone voted for, unless you were a Hillary zombie.

In trying to do this blog, I have been censored, people blame me for pointing out the facts of what Donald Trump did, Google represses my posts and censors them, and I have heard from people stating that Paypal "spins and will not load" or it will not accept their credit cards. Each of you who have not supported this blog, are the swamp rats. You are like the Biblical Israelites who ranted at the Prophets to not tell them the Truth, but to prophesy lies to them in how wonderful they were and how wonderful their corrupt leaders are. If I was a pied piper, I could have lied to all of you like all the other media, rallying you to fake impeachment to divert your attention to how you are being cheated or how much Donald Trump has accomplished.

Read what some DHS agents are saying about this endless Trump appointment of people who flood America with foreign slave labor.

Wolf has spent years advocating for “cheap foreign tech workers,” according to a senior DHS official, who said Wolf’s appointment might cause them to resign. “He was the lone voice the previous secretary listened to. Her views on border enforcement, public charge and protecting American workers are his views….I signed up for the Trump message, not the Jeb Bush administration.”

Donald Trump is running a Jeb Bush regime. That is from the inside at DHS.

Currently, displacing U.S. workers is allowed if the H-1B worker is employed by a subcontractor;

Advocates of common-sense immigration reform who work inside and outside the White House are still confused why the President's director of personnel would continue a pattern of installing DHS leaders who do not support the president's immigration agenda, reported NPR.

And who is appointing these Jeb personell?

Office of Presidential Personnel

  • Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential Personnel: Sean E. Doocey
    • Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Presidential Personnel: John M. Roscoe
    • Associate Director of Presidential Personnel: Jana C. Toner
      • Deputy Associate Director: Ryan Leppert

This all began when Donald Trump and Katie Walsh purged Trump staff by appointing the first DoP in Johnny DeStefano, who just left the White House..............to work for Juul, a poison e cigarette company.

I thought Trump promised that no one could cash in after serving his White House?

Gee another lie from Donald Trump, but I will be blamed for that too, as how dare this blog stick to American values of Truth, Justice and thee American Way.

What I do not get is the bizarre psychosis of most of you. You will not donate to the Lame Cherry trying to protect you, but you will support Donald Trump with a mania, as he robs you of tens of thousands of dollars in taxes in ever growing amounts.

Instead of giving to someone telling you the Truth, you choose to support someone who confiscates your money and lies to you.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

