As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There are revelations which can be pieced together in the reality of Attorney General William Barr, investigating as to the reason that the entire security and intelligence system in the United States triggered for framing Donald Trump, and it all comes down to what the Attorney General stipulated at the start of this, in, 'No one was giving him a straight answer" as to how all of this started.
That simple phrase opens a much larger mosiac of information, because when Special Investigator John Durham progressed his case file, Durham has focused on the duo of John Brennan and James Clapper.
This has expanded to CIA analysts who passed on the information to Director Brennan, in their reception and interpretation of Pissgate Dossier files, who have now lawyered up, which is a definite sign they are in legal jeopardy, for forwarding information which even FBI Director James Comey understood was bogus, in Donald Trump did not hire 14 year old prostitutes to urinate on the bed sheets in Moscow that Barack Obama slept in as Michelle cuddled in the next room with Val-erie Jarrett.
This though is a most interesting web as the Lame Cherry will reveal.
The prosecutor conducting the review, Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, has expressed his intent to interview a number of current and former intelligence officials involved in examining Russia’s effort to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, including former CIA Director John Brennan and former director of national intelligence James Clapper, Brennan told NBC News.
Durham has also requested to talk to CIA analysts involved in the intelligence assessment of Russia’s activities, prompting some of them to hire lawyers, according to three former CIA officials familiar with the matter. And there is tension between the CIA and the Justice Department over what classified documents Durham can examine, two people familiar with the matter said.
On Monday October 21st, 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, the Lame Cherry pieced together the platform which the coup against Trump was constructed, and it was the Non Governmental Organization of the Atlantic Council. Everyone and everything, including the set up of meetings was via the Atlanic Council, in London, and MI6 had just taken over as a major funder of the AC.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Face Impeachment and Coup
This Lame Cherry maintains the story in this is 3 parts.
Part 1: There was a hunt for Russian moles in the United States regime of Barack Obama.
Part 2: Robert Mueller the protector of America was dispatched to protect the identity of the MISSING LINK, the individual who set in motion the operation to flush out these treacherous moles in the Obama regime.
Part 3: There was a fail safe in this, in a select group of leftist was feeding information to Wikileaks, via Chuck Manning and Eric Snowden to stop Hillary Clinton who was turning America over to Russian oligarchs and to remove the supplanter Birther Hussein Obama from power who was placed there by foreign interests.
We know from FBI agents, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page's texts, that they were concerned in someone who was pointing a finger at them, by leaking their leaks in more detail. We know Strzok was investigating as a liaison for the CIA's John Brennan, this Trump non event of Russian collusion, which Strzok knew was bogus.
Stzok was using Lisa Page as a cover, as Strzok appears to have been part of an ultra Criminal Affairs group which no one knew about, and this as the Lame Cherry has postulated is why FBI Director Chris Wray has been stonewalling Congress in this as much as the AG's office, in a more damning story is hidden in this.
This brings us to the focus of the principles of the John Durham investigation. The first is Susan Rice, not named, but at NSA she was managing this to give Obama distance to his hands on direction of feeding this misinformation on Donald Trump to the regime at large, John Kerry being the worst stooge at State as he leaked all this to intelligence assets like Adam Schiff in Congress.
Susan Rice would be rewarded for her part to work for the Atlantic Council.
Susan Rice | Atlantic Council Podcasts
On March 17, just days before the President's trip to Cuba and Argentina, National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice discussed President Obama's vision for the Western Hemisphere and how, during his visit to Latin America, he aimed to solidify and advance this strategic partnership.The Insiduous Role of the Atlantic Council: Securing The 21st ...
"The Atlantic Council, which counts current National Security Advisor James L. Jones and UN Ambassador Susan Rice as former employees, is a non-partisan group with a mission of promoting international cooperation, particularly between the U.S. and Europe.
The next person of interest is CIA Director John Brennan, who admitted after Robert Mueller cleared Donald Trump that he has been misled by false information.
Brennan was the coordinator and the clearing house of the fake intelligence which was being collected and provided to CIA.
With his Bush associate, James Clapper, they literally produced the framing of Donald Trump, which was fed to James Comey.
Brennan would use the Atlantic Council as his propaganda platform against Donald Trump.
A Former CIA Director Describes the Dangers of 'Trump ...
John Brennan praises the advisers who restrain Donald Trump's impulses, calls out the president's "enablers" inside the White House, and considers the prospect of World War III.
In all great theater though, there is a Weak Link, and the weakest is Mike Morrell, and Intelligence Advisor to Barack Hussin Obama and champion of Hillary Clinton.
Morrell who appears to be a faggot, and was an early whisperer against Donald Trump on Charlie Rose, soon discerned he was being fed false information and fled media. That points to a weakness in Morrell in he is honest.
Morrell's honesty also has been revealing far too much as he appeared on CBS' Face the Nation as the story on the Durham investigation has been leaking this past week in it's expansion. On CBS, a very rattled Morrell, who was stuttering focused on some key aspects of this case, in he is concerned that he is about to face indictment for forwarding false intelligence, which was part of a coup against Donald Trump.
Morrell, is trying with CBS CIA Mockingbird platform to plead his case of innocence, which it does appear Morrell indeed was. Innocent to the point that he was hiding behind the fact that intelligence as MI6 and Mosaad were whispering that Donald Trump was a Russian asset, and this would mean that this must be forwarded. The problem in this is the Susan Rice email to herself, which was about cover for Obama in "only doing it by the book", as Rice and image Obama knew this was fake intelligence.
That is Morrell's problem and why he is sweating it. He was like the nursery story of Chicken Little in he knew that the sky was not falling, but knew as a Clinton backer that if he promoted the intelligence as it stood, that Donald Trump could be weakened and Hillary Clinton would rise on 2020 to defeat him. The problem as stated is Morrell has an honest streak in him, and quit the frame up of Trump, but not before he did things he can be indicted on.
That is where the Lame Cherry progresses this to.

WATCH THE WEBCAST: A New Approach for the Middle East - MEST
They're on the website of the Atlantic Council and they are a terrific read. Some of the chairmen are here: Ken Pollack is here, we stole a lot of the ideas from his report. Mike Morrell is here - Mike Morrell is the source of the "new compact" idea that came from one of our senior advisor works.
MORRELL: And just to- just to add MARGARET, expertise, knowledge, experience are extraordinarily important to making the right decisions in government and that's what's being lost by not relying on these people.
MARGARET BRENNAN: I mean, the intelligence community has been accused by this president of having its own deep state of just- he was disrupting and they didn't like it and they pushed back, is the president's narrative around this. The attorney general who launched this investigation into the origins of the Russia probe, which concluded definitively that it was Russia that meddled in the 2016 election, seems to be expanding this probe.
MARGARET BRENNAN: What is the impact of this on the intelligence community?
MORRELL: So, I think that- that Durham investigation at Barr's behest into the intelligence community's work on the link between the Trump campaign and the Russians is okay in one respect and not okay in the other. The respect that it's okay is taking a look at what the intelligence community did and answering the question: was it done by the book from a legal perspective? Was it consistent with statute? That's okay to me. What's not okay is to put the analysts under a spotlight and say, "did they get the analysis right?" Why is that not okay for me? It's a- it's not okay for two reasons. One is that the Justice Department has no experience, no knowledge of, no particular perspective to bring to bear on analysis and they're likely to get the answer wrong because their standards of making a judgment are very, very, very different from the intelligence community standards. And I think there is going to be an effect on analysts who now have to go out and hire lawyers before they sit down with a Department of Justice prosecutor. There's gonna be an effect on analysts in terms of them saying, "do I really want to make the hard call in the future?"
MARGARET BRENNAN: Do you- John Brennan, former head of the CIA, and Jim Clapper, former Director National Intelligence, have- CBS has confirmed that they've been approached for--
MORRELL: Yes. Yes.
MARGARET BRENNAN: --to answer these questions.
MARGARET BRENNAN: Are you saying this is all political and not legitimate?
MORRELL: So- so there are questions, right? There are questions out there about whether the intelligence community and the FBI did the right thing, right? From a legal perspective, I think it's OK to look at that and put that issue to rest. I don't like looking at analysis because that's a completely different issue.
Mike Morrell is focused on the analysis. He is shaking over the Durham investigation, as he knows the analysis will not hold up and is trying to produce cover. Put this in simplistic terms as Rush Limbaugh used to say, "Obama's people did not have to be told at the IRS to frame Tea Party groups as that is why Obama chose them".
These intelligence annalists are bright people. They are political minders for Obama. They knew what needed to be done, and the consequences of their actions. They knew by forwarding bogus information on Donald Trump, that President Hillary Clinton would shut down any investigation before it began against them. That was all discussed over health drinks and bottled water. That is what permeated all of this, and it is what has Mike Morrell sweating. There was an understanding as to what was to be done, and who would give them cover, and their excuse would be, "The information, although as nutty as George HW Bush flying to Paris in a U2 spy plane to keep the Iranians from releasing Carter hostages, had to be forwarded........just in case".
I would not want to be Mike Morrell, as he was the one forced to go on CBS, as Brennan and Clapper have hid. His public fumbling of this shows he is under a great deal of stress, and he is the weak link, who will be a problem for the Obama faction, Hillary Clinton and those who were behind this framing of Donald Trump and that is not a healthy place to be.
This is the operational guts of the coup that image Obama ran against Donald John Trump. The Atlantic Council provided the situations, which were then fed to these political minders, who went with the message.
Somewhere yet hidden in this is the Peter Strzok investigation of Russian assets in the Obama regime. Somewhere in this is the Missing Link in the counter intelligence operation. Somewhere in this is the operation to remove the foreign asset control of the United States government which appeared in the Bush's, Clinton's and Obama's.
The reason William Barr is focusing on how this started, is because it was a real coup, and those who started this coup, were the factions guilty of the above 3 scenarios, which embroiled Donald Trump and America into this Crossfire Hurricane.
Atlantic Council Wicked Plans Backed by Barack Obama
From the White House perspective, the Atlantic Council is a tool to divide and conquer. It was dispatched to Saudi Arabia to split it from Israel in order to isolate the Israelis as per Barack Obama's long-term anti-Semitic plans to destroy Israel by empowering her enemies in the region.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
PS: If I were Mike Morrell, I would get the attorney that Mike Flynn has, and get a plea deal with William Barr and squeal like a pig to get it on record to protect myself, as his stuttering told those who were behind that, that he is a major problem for them.
Nuff Said