Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Second Woman Trying To Impeach Trump for President Mike Pence

Once home of the Jew Cock
Juleanna Glover

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Until I found a Politico link written by Juleanna Glover, I had no idea who this clap trap was, but apparently when she was not and old hose bag, she was quite the self promoter in being part of the Hollywood DC Elite Social Scene, at least that is how it was put it, for ugly people who went to the White House and schmoozed with each other.

What Juleanna Glover........let's just call her JG as that is a better name as she has no fashion sense and with that odd name she sounds like some homosexual sex anyway Juleanna Glover or JG came up in Politico a wonderful scheme to get rid of Donald Trump. It goes against everything America stands for, but with Birther Hussein having paved the way, what is a little legal matter in Donald Trump's Rights.

What JG came up with is the Senate should impeach Trump on a secret ballot.  Yes the most important matter in a nation, and we should keep it hidden away, in the People should not know how their elected representatives vote.
JG has come up with a fool proof plan to overthrow the rule of law, in Mitch McConnell can just do away with the rules and vote in new rules with a simple majority. In this way, the world will be rid of President Trump, who apparently according to JG can then focus on his post Presidency of fighting a thousand years of criminal charges. Frankly I do not quite see the appeal in allowing yourself to be kangaroo voted out of the White House, so you can spend your fortune trying to stay out of prison on trumped up charges, but JG has this as the basis of her brilliant screed.

There’s a Surprisingly Plausible Path to Removing Trump From Office

It would take just three Republican senators to turn the impeachment vote into a secret ballot. It’s not hard to imagine what would happen then.

The word plausible means reasonable. Apparently JG thinks lynching, obliterating rights and destroying Donald Trump is reasonable and Trump should jump at the chance to be destroyed.

This is not the first time that Juleanna Glover though has lurched into interesting definitions and legalities. In her Politico bio, it lists her as a John Ashcroft girl. You will remember in this Lame Cherry connecting the dots that a great deal of this Katie Walsh flatbacker group from Robert Mueller, Christopher Wray are all John Ashcroft people which really looks nefarious in the connection of this former George W. Bush Attorney General in the people he put into power and left behind.

Juleanna Glover has worked as an adviser for several Republican politicians, including George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft and Rudy Giuliani, and advised the presidential campaigns of John McCain and Jeb Bush.

In reviewing the above, I count four people who would like to bury Donald Trump, one whose people tried to bury Donald Trump, and one who caused the Ukraine blow up against Donald Trump.
With an association and employer list like that, I would think Donald Trump would not be following this woman's advice as she seems to be kind of cut throat.

As a proof of this, Juleanna Glover, married a Jewish lobbyist named Jeffrey Weiss. He had sex with her a few times as they produced children, and then things did not turn out so blissful, and then the real Juleanna Glover appeared.

To review this, Politico just posted an article of a woman who:

Had charges filed against her in a federal court suit.

Juleanna Glover loaded spyware onto her husband's computer.

Juleanna Glover hacked into her estranged husband's email account.

She spied on her husband in order to gain information on his divorce proceedings.

This part probably deserves bold print:

Juleanna Glover threatened to ruin Jeffrey Weiss personally and professionally.

Juleanna Glover threated to KILL HER HUSBAND.

I think capital and bold is appropriate when you are terrorizing someone with murder.

When lobbyists fall out of love, it can get messy. Juleanna Glover and Jeffrey Weiss were among the city's most sociable young power couples until they split in 2007. On Wednesday, his firm filed suit against her in federal court in D.C., claiming she illegally tapped into his private computer files. The suit from Weiss's Global Policy Partners Inc. (first reported by Bloomberg) alleges that Glover put spyware on his laptop computer around the time they first filed for divorce -- and that she "broke into [his] e-mail account" to obtain "decisive, unfair advantage" in their divorce proceedings. And: That she allegedly used information gleaned from his files to try to lure GPP's clients over to her own firm, the Ashcroft Group, led by former U.S. attorney general John Ashcroft. Also: That she allegedly threatened Weiss that she would "ruin" him personally and professionally, and once told him, "I will kill you." Glover declined to comment. Mark Corallo, a rep for Ashcroft Group, said "the allegations are baseless and without merit."

Interesting that it was the Ashcroft Group which rose to Juleanna Glover's defense and has been linked in the back channels to the problems Donald Trump has been experiencing.

So in review of this, Juleanna Glover, of Politico, who threatened to ruin personally, professionally her Jewish husband, and then terrorized him with threatening to murder him, had a federal suit filed against her, has advocated that Donald Trump should be denied his rights and be lynched in the United States Senate, without the mob being held accountable by the People.

This is not so much of any sane mind taking this woman serious, but is more the question of how large of file does Homeland Security have on her and with Donald Trump in this woman's sights, does the Secret Service show up to interview her, and make frequent visits to her house to make sure she is staying away from the President.

It honestly astounds me, but yet it does not, that a woman terrorizing a Jew and threatening to murder that Jew, ended up hired on by John McCain and Jeb Bush. You have a John Ashcroft horse in the stable to have that kind of cover, and even more so in this coup against Donald Trump to appear in Politico, posting a tin foil hat solution to Donald Trump, not in satire, but in reality.

In reading what JG wrote on Politico, you can see she got really worked up over all of this Trump Torture stuff.

Once he leaves office, Trump faces multiple possible criminal investigations, at the federal, state and local level. He almost certainly knows that a President Pence could pardon him only for federal crimes. To avoid the prospect of serving time, Trump could negotiate a collective settlement—just as the Sackler family has done in the OxyContin matter—with all the jurisdictions now running independent investigations into his activities. Trump’s impeachment, followed by a quick resignation, might appease Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance’s and New York Attorney General Letitia James’s thirst for justice, making them more likely to agree to a deal.

The Lame Cherry in all of this returns to Webster Griffin Tarpley stating the cartel would split the democratic party into a communist and nazi faction to rule America. Into this, it will require in this facet, to have an array of absolutely bogus Pissgate Dossiers, Adam Schiff Impeachment and bizarre solutions which are insane from a Juleanna Glover, to stir up the people to distraction and go absolutely nowhere.
So JG does serve her purpose. She does though sound like she needs monitoring and probably is by state security.

President Trump said he caught all the coup plotters a few days ago.  I think he might have missed this Mockingbird asset as Juleanna Glover makes Joe and Mika sound reasonable. Then again, they are not divorced yet and putting spyware onto each other's computer and hacking into each other's accounts.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A quick clean cut is the best way to handle the President.

the sooner Trump realizes his best course could be to cut a deal, trading his office for a get-out-of-jail-free card—a clean slate from prosecutors

You know this is the second woman who has been trying to make Mike Pence the immediate replacement for Donald Trump.

Friday, November 8, 2019

I'm too Sexy for my Mike Pence

I'm too sexy for my Mike Pence...

Nuff Said
