Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Trump of State

Mina Chang is the U.S. State Department official who is being accused of lying on her resume. The allegations against Chang, 35, first appeared in an NBC News report on November 12. The report accused Chang of lying about graduating from Harvard, lying about a position she held at the United Nations and lying about speaking at the Republican and Democratic conventions.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In writing the Lame Cherry, here am I not so interested if another foreign agent infiltrated the US regime again in Mina Chang of Dallas, who is now the worst thing than .........well whatever is the worst thing like Christians in this world, for some reason.

The question is why are Mina Chang's lies and deceptions worse than some plagiarist like Joe Biden or some birther like Barack Hussein Obama.

I wonder if it is because Mike Pompeo who has been lying to Donald Trump, about things like Syrian chem weapons and moved his way up to Ivanka's Vice President, is too cock for his britches, and Donald Trump finally has figured out it is time to be rid of Pompeo. Maybe Nikki Haley is auditioning for that job.

But the fact is Mike Pompeo is the one who got fingered for attaching Mina Chang to Trump Brand.

Prior to her nomination, Chang didn't have a direct tie to the Trump administration, but Brian Bulatao, a classmate and business partner of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, was reportedly a regular at Linking the World's fundraising events.
The Hill reached out to the White House and the State Department for comment.

I like Mina Chang's style. She is perfect Asian, in she is pretty, White people think Asians are like pet rocks in you can keep them around and their heads are empty, but an Asian always has the grey matter working, and Mina Chang has baited all kinds of powerful people, with those open eyes, nice breasts and ability to make racists feel if they just pose with her, they are proving something.

Her is old Jew, Maddy Albright, who hates Dirty Serbs in racism, but she just loves posing with Mina.

Then there is another one of these rich Brit fags who looks like Mick Jaggers ass lint, leaning in on the lovely Mina Chang.

Apparently it is a big sin to embellish your resume, and Mina does that a great deal. The worst sin is to create a fake TIME cover to promote yourself on your own website, as a prop, as it is a CIA publication.
The thing is why so many of these anals are so anal over resumes is they had to get a cock shoved up their arse or suffocated by a cunt, to get those CIA jobs, and those padded resumes never lose that fishy scent and they get touchy about shit like that.

Mina Chang is just a good salesgirl. She knows how to sell. She got a military hero to marry her, as that pads the resume and talked her way into the State Department with Pompeo's help.
She didn't though like Jeffrey Epstein pedo her way to the top in Mosaad, and she was not a Soviet agent like Alexander Vindman looking to bring down Trump and she was not John Brennan's cock wad like that Eric Ciararella.

She appears to be just a hard working girl who came on the radar. Either she is there now to embarrass Donald Trump in the media, which not likely as they covered for Don being booed at UCLA. Looks to me more like Donald Trump took the message the Mike Pompeo is looking to sit in Trump's presidential chair and sleep in Trump's presidential bed.
That kind of 3 bears looking to oust Ivankalocks from the presidency, makes Mike Pompeo out to be the same kind of problem that Mike Pence is, with his woman coup plotters.

Now if she was an ugly woman, I would say Shang hai her, but as she is attractive, and if she gets rid of Mike Pompeo, what kind of reward would Futurus Ivanka provide such an accomplished woman? I say let Ivanka reward Mina Ching as she likes chinagirls. Loves that Wendi Deng in yacht trips and got a chinagirl managing her kids.

Yes sexy women make scandals so much more interesting, than two zip code size asses like Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
