Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Joaquin Phoenix the Billion Dollar Hollywood Savior

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When this blog was Inspired to embark upon saving Hollywood, and that the only man to do it, was Joaquin Phoenix, the greatest actor ever. Most were puzzled as to what I was up to in this timeline, and yet with the Joker gaining 1 billion dollars plus worldwide at the box office, the fact is, once again by God, the Lame Cherry knew exactly what she was speaking about again.

Mr. Phoenix and others are contemplating the success and the appeal to fans, but there is not a secret in this movie, and I will explain to all the success, and it is because Joaquin Phoenix is not Ben Affleck.

Affleck destroyed the comic book franchises single handed.

All the attention has been a lot for Phoenix to wrap his brain around. This is an actor who has always held fame at an ironic remove, to the point that he made a fake documentary, 2010’s “I’m Still Here,” chronicling his supposed crackup and decision to become a rapper. “I don’t think I expected this movie to be successful,” he says. “I don’t know if I had any expectation. Honestly, Todd and I were just trying to make something that didn’t end our careers.”
Before “Joker” came along, Phoenix had turned down a number of offers to star in comic-book movies.

What you must understand the difference between Joaquin Phoenix and all these other unpopular genre comic heroes, is one thing, and that is Joaquin Phoenix can act. No matter the role, Joaquin Phoenix finds the human part in the role, which audiences can understand. He made the Joker human, but he did not make him humane. People can understand the Joker, but the sane ones do not want to be the Joker, beyond Halloween.

The above will read a s cliche, because you are missing what the Lame Cherry is explaining yet as she wrote this timeline. See Hollywood with their sex perverts, CIA manipulations, contempt for humans and psychosis, has rendered itself down to making things darker, more sinister, more bulging muscles, more jutting tits, more macabre depictions of the neo Wonderwoman who is horrid compared to the redemptive character of Lynda Carter as that character.
Tuning up the sound track, speeding the brain pace of the movie to rip audiences apart inside, and making everything like a nightmare is what Ben Affleck was promoting and people simply rejected being dragged through the rat shit gutter as they knew Affleck didn't care about them.

Counter this was a director who understood the human connection, writers who created a script and Joaquin Phoenix who worked, and he did work very hard to bring the Joker to a human character that people could understand ,without all the Hollywood shrill of having to make him a kindly queer, or a White Supremacist, to slap audiences in the face, but just have Joaquin Phoenix, show The Raven, let him show them Martin Chuzzlewitt, in Poe and Dickens weaving tales of human events, which we all go through, but most thankfully do not become psychotic, and the audiences will say, "but for the Grace of God go I'.
Those fans who celebrate the Joker in re enacting scenes are vicariously venting in a proper way, their repression in modern isolated smart phone culture, their walking on the edge as Phoenix portrayed. They pulled back, where Phoenix is weakness, could not laugh himself past the car crash of his life.

Joaquin Phoenix, pondered a great deal about what to say or not say about violence in this movie, and he was correct in being silent, because his acting was the statement, of portaying what everyone knew, in there are more people triggered to violence, not from guns or knives, but from being broken by society. Phoenix is the spider in the web, menacing, we all admire it in fascination, but no one wants to be that spider.

Mr. Phoenix did not want to be locked in a comic book character. He is not. Hollywood now owes this greatest actor ever, a series of truly redemptive characters to Inspire the American Way around the world again. Not as Hollywood in debauchery and hatred views it, but as Mel Gibson sees it. The correct step in this, is for Mel Gibson's group to lay a framework to produce the type of characters that Mr. Gibson brought to life in human form.

Joaquin Phoenix is the billion dollar actor. He gave Hollywood a lifeline. It is time that Hollywood rewarded their savior with the iconic roles that Bogart, Cooper, Wayne, Eastwood and Gibson have created in the what was the correct image of humanity, good or bad.

Nuff Said

