Sunday, November 3, 2019

American 2020 Politick

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the fiery rhetoric of President Donald Trump and the incendiary palaver of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, there is a deliberate forethought from forces who have shoved America to this contention, in direct reflection to the elections of 1864 AD in the year of our Lord.

Even the ignorant have been exposed to Ken Burns blandishments of the Civil War propaganda, but Burns in his Niggerhead agitprop left unexposed the elements of his modern backers, which tied them to the murderous war of the 1860's in America.
For those who are flat world in their thoughts, Niggerhead sounds racist, but it is the definitive term the politics of the Civil War as it was Niggerheads vs Copperheads.

President Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy clung to the hopes of victory in the New York and London finance war in America, where the United States would have manifest not just one Confederacy, but two. Exiled ex Ohio Governor Clement Vallandingham, a democrat, spoke early of the Western Confederacy, breaking free from the Union too, in opposition to Abraham Lincoln bastardizing the war in desperation from one of the Union to one of Emancipation.
Americans wanted America as it was, the Constitution as it was and Niggers where they were. Their resistance to Lincoln though was met with prison, the gun and the hangmans's noose.

The hope of the Confederacy were it's agents sent to Canada to foment a rebellion in the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri to throw of Washington and New York City imperialism which was conscripting their poor sons to die in battle, as rich Roosevelt sons were buying their way out of the system.

The action in the American West was centered on the work of Confederates Jacob Thompson and Thomas Hines. Richmond had cut a bank note for them of 5 million dollars based in Canada, to produce an insurrection in the West. John Castleman and James Holcombe would complete the cast in Canada, as the warship Thistle ran the Union blockade and brought the conspirators into the British Realm.
This was not farfetched as the Sons of Liberty who began as Knights of the Golden Circle, numbered in the thousands in America. With the Irish democrats in New York, there was a massive resistance to Abraham Lincoln, which Lincoln termed 'The Fire In The Rear".

Insurrection was scheduled to begin on July 20th, 1864, with an uprising to free the Confederate POW's at the Federal camps  at Chicago, Columbus, Indianapolis, Alton and Rock Island. The South had as large of an army in Union captivity as General Lee had in Virginia. It was deemed if these Confederates could be liberated, armed from Union stores, and combined with another Southern invasion of Kentucky and Missouri, that the Union would crack.

Time is what was needed. General Joseph Johnston would have to keep General William Sherman at bay, General Grant could be pinned down by General Lee, and the rest would fall to the Sons of Liberty.
There were 475,000 Confederate ex patriots in Indiana, Ohio and Ilinois, Lincoln was convinced that there could not be that many disloyal democrats in the Union, but the situations was precarious, and if it was not for the lack of John Brown fire in these traitors and ruffians, Lincoln would have been brought down from within.

In the whirlwind of the 2016 elections and the incessant fake news in the aftermath, Americans are by design emotionally drained and not thinking. They do not process that someone of great power, has produced false narratives to distract and divide exactly as 1860 AD in the year of our Lord. The trust in elections is done. The trust in the Congress has been vanquished in Republicans can not trust their leadership and democrats have pinned their weak hearts to the heartless weaklings of Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff to hang Trump in a sour apple tree. That was the chant of Union Soldiers for Jeff Davis' end.

The Lincoln Nigger issue is the Trump Visa Vermin issue. In both cases Americans were disenfranchised to a genocide by a foreign people, who are a tool to both interests, one to exploit for money and the other to displaced Americans, allowing for the overthrow of the American regime.

The echoes of 1864 are in 2020 by design. America is being divided and winnowed, to cheat the natural born population from their children's nativity to be handed over to a Wall Street global Nazi Conglomerate managing the tanskins for control.

Lincoln's cabinet was as corrupt, disloyal and ineffective as Donald Trump's. Lincoln had Secretary Chase trying to be President as Mike Pompeo is, and Mr. Trump has Steve Mnuchin cutting deals for his financiers in rapine of America as Lincoln sacked his conservative loyalists in Montgomery Blair for the radicals and Donald Trump sacked John Bolton just fired.

The end of America is here by Obama Bush Clinton grave digger design. The United States is a population of 100 plus million foreigners who are not loyal. The White American Protestant is aging and dying, and is being supplanted. The America of 2050 on the other side is not going to resemble the corpse of 2020, no more than America resembled the America of 1860 when the year 1865 appeared.
The American 2020 Politick has already born the fruit of the Obama sprouts to bring about the American Genocide. America will become the same type of Sebastian Kurz African managed colony of the metro elites, employing robotics, looting natural resources for the conglomerates as the coloured skins are funded consumer markets to provide the illusion of commerce. America is China, is Asia, is Europe, is Africa, is South America. The world will be a feudal regime of internationalists, and that is the reality which those in denial must face.

Abraham Lincoln took State's Rights and shredded them for Federal Mandate of the police state. Donald Trump has been co opted to change the Lincoln Mandate to a progression of Wilson Roosevelt's National Socialism into the Feudal Internationalism, in the world being one colony from primates and wildlife parks for the elite which only they may vacation in.

You have always been informed of the facts, even if you do not believe it, as I reside in the future and see all. The reason you are informed is to not be caught unaware and then rise up to your own destruction as resistance to what is already completed is illogical.
There are two options in the first, Jesus returns in what I hope for, and produces by force His 1000 year reign. The other is that the devolution continues, and without the blessed Caucasian Protestant race in guiding civilization, the robotics will degrade, the tanskins will breed themselves to pandemic, and the Whiteskin will in 200 years begin to rise again and in 500 years revisit the holy of holies in the Bible, Constitution and Republican Government in the great struggle which will be battles again.

In that era, these writings will somehow appear again and be worshiped and glorified, where in 2020 they were scorned and not honored here. Children will be taught from these pages, and will condemn this selfish generation for the reprobates they are for leaving a poor orphan girl for dead, as the French did Joan of Arc.

I do not write for you. I write for your 7 generations grandchildren who will be ashamed of all that you were and are.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
