Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Racist Demomarxist

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As a woman, here am I, troubled by the racism in the Demomarxist party of 2020's nomination process. These headlines scream racism at the DNC.


Sorry Kamala, you are not Poconegro.


The end is near: Kamala Harris closing campaign offices across New Hampshire   hotair

Beto O'Rourke Is Ending His Presidential Campaign   breitbart

 Sorry Beto you have a penis that Disney has not made a cartoon over.

It is the expansive problem of the demomarxists, in the fiction of Designer Negro Obama, is not just the racism against attractive Negress, in Kamala Harris, being passed over for a pseudo Indian in Elizabeth Warren, the racist Republican in the race, but in pure psychopathy, why pass over a pseudo Transrace persona in Warren, and then in natural selection decapitate the campaign of Transrace candidate Beto O'Rourke?

Do genitals play a role in this, do the Demomarxist leaders simply have a fetish for fake Indians, while having a phobia about fake Mexicans? Is the fake feminine Transracial alluring to the elite billionaires, and is the body odor of a Beto repelling in his Transracial? Is all of this because the racists at Disney never made a Latin hottie cartoon for children to be sexualized by, while they have invested in making sexy Indians?

 Nominate my shadow nethers with your penis ballot.

Did Disney destroy Transracials, as they never have made any sexy Negroid or sexy Latins, and have been making reams of pro Jewish rat movies by Fievel, so the billionaires like Jewish Bernie, but are rejecting the pervert Joe Biden, as Disney never made any child sniffing heroes.

Elizabeth Warren concedes 2 million jobs could be lost under Medicare for All   bizpacreview

Should there not be a points spread, an Affirmative Action for attractive Negroes to overcome Disney prejudice?
Kamala Harris is a most beautiful woman. Certainly the only attractive democrat from Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and Amy Klobachar. She is far more alluring than the Republican sleeper of Elizabeth Warren who is in pure fascism offering up 2 million starving to death in her Medicare program.

Kamala Harris should be given a 15 point spread, to overcome the Disney Syndrome. Each candidate must provide Kamala with a percentage to make up for the prejudices against her, including spotting her several million dollars each.
I am sure she has taken it up the ass, like Pete Bungholer, so she should receive points for that. She should have points added for probably liking being sniffed as Joe Biden sniffs children, she probably liked being raped as Bernie Sanders wrote that women like that kind of stuff, so Kamala Harris is most deserving of a few points shaved from each candidate.

We must not allow Kamala Harris to be brought to ruin from a leftist voter influenced by  Disney and has made her a victim of racism.

The reality is, that this is a cruel world of reality, not some Elizabeth Warren GOP fantasy of Medicare for all, as 2 million reach holocaust. The cruelity of this all is that the decision must be made in Beto O'Rourke is expendable, in favor of Kamala. The Latin Transracialist  is moved aside by natural selection for the pure racial identity of Kamala Harris.

Granted like Obama Trump, in economics, QE 1 through 4, that debt is paid with debt, but can we really have a world where all the democrats are spotted 15 points, as there are only 100 points, and elections can not simply have 3000 points for all the candidates, or you will end up with Hillary Clinton declaring victory from the grave.

Disney in the CIA Mockingbird must not be allowed to choose demomarxist candidates, as all you get are whites elected as they have had enough of these Obama Chinoid Designer Negro.

This is the Lame Cherry in forensic psychology. You have just learned the Helter Skelter of this which is in those files which never see the light of day.
