Captain Jason McCord
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the 1965 television series, Branded, Chuck Connors stars as an Army officer in the Cavalry, who survives the Sand Creek Massacre, and is charged with cowardice for leaving his command, with no survivors.
While the series explains the noble efforts of Chuck Connors, protecting General James Reed, his commander who negotiated a treaty with the Apache, which kept the peace, as revealing that General Reed was suffering from dementia and had led his command of 31 into an Apache ambush, would have discredited him and destroyed the peace, it is never revealed how Chuck Connors as Captain Jason McCord survived.

General James Reed
There are only brief glimpses into Bitter Creek after this. At one point McCord is revealed to have been found at a ranch after the battle and he was in a coma for 10 days. In another episode, it is revealed in Very Few Heroes, that McCord was wounded and a Soldier was fighting over him and someone else to protect them in Clark Adams.
In the episode Katherine Hays portrays Adam's sister, Christina, and in a discovered letter, Clark reveals what a true friend Captain McCord is.

Christina Adams
I detest non endings and therefore will write a plausible ending to Bitter Creek, as Jason McCord was not a coward.
We have set in stone according to the series that McCord was called a coward before Bitter Creek by his General. McCord in turn relieves the General of command, but it is too late and the Apache attack.
Being overwhelmed and following the pattern that General George Custer was wounded at Little Big Horn and his command was reduced by attrition, we come to the progression that Bitter Creek in the last moments had two Soldiers surviving, the wounded Jason McCord and the fighting Clark Adams.
Captain McCord passes out from blood lost and exhaustion. Adams secures McCord to a horse in the waning hours, and mounts his own horse for a dash to safety. As the two set out on a gallop, Adams is shot and dies, McCord's horse carries him on into the night. The horse races on in fear, but after a day of being deprived of water, carries McCord to a ranch for water, where McCord's bindings have loosened and he falls from the horse.
The horse continues on after drinking and McCord stumbles into the barn to be discovered.
That is the lost story of Branded and concludes the mystery which no one else has.
Nuff Said