As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I sincerely suffer the day, that I begin sounding like a goddamn liberal. Yet in these times of Obama changing the Birther issue by having SEALS blow a canoe shape into an actor portraying Sheik bin Laden, and glorifed by President Donald Trump in a White House meeting, to be followed up by the US Special Forces hunting Sand Nigger terrorists down with dogs in Syria as the President watched and tweeted about it, I always hear the whisper of President John Adams, in if they can do it to them, they can to it to you.
The saga of Julian Assange is as every bit English as Edward Longshanks brutal torture of William Wallace or Henry VI brutal murder of Joan of Arc, and it is all taking place in English courts, with Americans holding the robes of the equal brutes of the worst villainy vilified in history.
For being a leftist, who published documents leaked to him, exposing corruption of the American and world police state, Julian Assange has been abused in equal by the British to anything Fidel Castro or Saddam Hussein ever administered on the innocents of those regimes.
Former British Ambassador Craig Murray, who knows Julian Assange well, was present when he appeared in court on the 21st. Murray was shocked by Assange’s appearance, noting that he had lost weight and looked like he had aged considerable. He was walking with a pronounced limp and when the judge asked him questions, to include his name and date of birth, he had trouble responding. Murray described him as a “shambling, incoherent wreck” and also concluded that “one of the greatest journalists and most important dissidents of our times is being tortured to death by the state, before our eyes.”
The British court was oblivious to Assange’s poor condition, with Judge Baraitser telling the clearly struggling prisoner that if he were incapable of following proceedings, then his lawyers could explain what had happened to him later. Objections to what was happening made by both Assange and his lawyers were dismissed by the Crown’s legal representatives, often after discussions with the American officials present, a process described in full by Murray, who, after describing the miscarriage of justice he had just witnessed observed that Julian Assange is being “slowly killed in public sight and arraigned on a charge of publishing the truth about government wrongdoing.”
You remember the handsome man Julian Assange was, a short while ago. This is Julian Assange in London, as the Americans look on.

If Julian Assange was a fox in Prince Charles estates, he would have more protection and those abusing him, would be in custody on charges. If Julian Assange was a fox in America, Melania Trump would have with Eric's wife, rallied to save Mr. Assange from animal abuse, as Melania banned fur wearing in the White House and the wife of Eric Trump stopped dog racing in Florida.
Julian Assange though is a man, a white man, a white Australian, held a prisoner in worse state than the Tower of London where King Henry VIII was beheading his wives. There are laws forbidding this kind of heinous abuse of a human in London and DC, and yet Julian Assange is being made an example of, in the most gruesome of a slow murderous death at the sadistic hands of a police state.
The death of Julian Assange is the death of the Christian West. No one, including Donald Trump's pimp, Sean Hannity is demanding this human be treated with the rights of the accused. All have fallen silent as 'never again' Jews in the White House of America, are now part of this noxious eradication of the gold thread of the law, in all People are innocent until proven guilty.
These are the images of Peking, Pynongyang, Moscow, Tehran, Istanbul, not of Christian Protestant nations, and yet these are the images which join LaVoy Finnicum murdered in the snows of Oregon to Randy Weaver's wife at Ruby Ridge slaughtered in her home while holding her infant daughter.
All of these images have been there, known by the few, but hidden from the many. But now, the images are on display in a grande glaring epitaph on the soul of the West is as dark and dead, as anything held in the gulags of the Iron Curtain.
This is wrong. This is not American. This is not Christian. It is tragic that it must be said and it is tragic that it is left to said by a lone blogger, in one still small voice, saying this is wrong.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said