Friday, November 15, 2019


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I thought if I waited a day, that I would feel better, but we have ice fog and my head feels like someone hit me with a cast iron bat, so healing from a cold, gets this loopy post as I suck on a cough drop and have cinnamon rolls rising for tomorrow, as woman does not live by  cough drops alone.

DC dropped a nice note, and I wanted to brag on his son, having 133 IQ.  With me, I think they told me, "Don't worry about your IQ as allot of stupid people end up successful". Maybe that was my brother who the guidance counselor told him to not set his sights too high.

Hey LC & TL! I've been remiss, moved into our house no wifi yet. Keenan took an IQ test got 133. Thank ya'll so much keep up the Faith and the good works! PS you ruined Jerry Rafferty for me so "lets see what happens" lol

Speaking of which, the brother did not get the people who rented the mother's pasture contacted, so the rent check came in my name. Things got all buggered up when Obama was in office with the IRS. Now you have to file on both ends for hired labor, with social security numbers. As you do not piss people off in government or who are renting from you, the message was that I am tired of being my siblings banker, I should have sold or bought those few acres as the will stated, and not had this problem. He will have to pay me at the rate the IRS assesses me as bloggers get a higher rate, and it will not be at he 15% that he probably thinks.
Owning things comes with responsibilities, and my cousins own the other share, and I expect them to send a notice someday to buy it all as too many people own that Indian land of nothingness.
Just more chit that I did not need as I am in a foul mood over us not getting the Grandparents place, but we will see how things work out there as Uncle in sucking the restorative forces out of TL and myself, is doing better all the time. Who knows, he might need us at all, except for getting my ass chewed.

I have been waiting on the rich neighbors to get their corn out. Last planting, cold wet summer, winter fall, and the corn is wet. Corned needs about 13% moisture to store or you have to dry it. It usually beings at about 23%. So not having great fences, and out of feed, I have been trying to feed our cattle in the adjacent lots, as I do not want the cattle to get out, as I would never get them out of the corn forests.
So yesterday the fence was not working. Deer bucks chase does in heat, and break things. Then hunters chase deer and break things. End result I can not have down fences with standing corn. So I go out to check and the cattle had one of those NUTS days, like kids get before storms. They almost went through the fence acting hungry, with plenty of feed at their feet. One little shit did go through and that almost set off a stampede. Yelling with a store throat sucks, but I got them to follow me away from the fence, and then spent an hour fixing things as little shit hopped back in on a run.

Farmers are in fog mode as apparently are not getting things done as I would like today. Rich farmers are real ..........I just do not like them as they move like a herd of cattle froze to death.

I hope they will get their corn out, then it will not make much difference as straggler cattle in a field is not a problem to pay much attention to. It comes to that point and I will shut them in these small fields we have, and run a full charge fencer on them in less wire. The new fencers suck the real shit load compared to the old ones.

 I still have to check Uncle with TL on the daily mail run. We need a vacation like for months away from this, to just be ready for next summer. No one seems to get that part figured out as if being Jemima and Rastus is our nigger life's calling.

I remember listening to Jerry Rafferty in that Baker's Street. It was not rock and roll, and the station played it every hour, along with 15 minutes of commercials. It was pure torture and I hated that fruit. Loved Stuck in the Middle with You, but it seemed like there was nothing on the radio except Cheryl Crowe wanting to have fun of Paul McCartney and Wings, making music listening torture.
I suppose in a few years when the Booms all die, that the radio stations will play some Nigger rap shit that the Gens listen to.

Stay tuned as Mike Pence reaches stardom here on Monday.

Well, at least my chest does not feel like it has a bag of sugar on it. I am not coughing and only feel like hartebeast dung, so I should probably close this with a thanks and eat something, get Uncle uncled and maybe a short walk, and pack it up to rest....yeah I probably will get cattle in the pen tonight so be able to rest better.

Those deer are real vermin. I mean they are pretty, but they cause problems and I should just be able to blast the bucks as they rub on my trees killing them and after yesterday I was ready to get rid of our few cows and ask God to move rich people for money again, as vouchin' , as Gram would say around in the cold when sick is not fun.

Anyway, I need to move this 500 pound brain to the next subject.

God bless

