Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Ameican Clean Slate

 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have endeavored to explain to you the echoes of 1864 in the 2020 elections, as the same reality is at stake, in the American Republica was vanquished in 1864. 1864 was the afterlude to the upheaval of radical abolitionism, by the northeast financial interets to wipe out the South. Wiping out the South was not some theory, it wa the policy put forth in the Atlantic Monthly of July 1863 as espoused by Charles Sumner, entitled, Our Domestic Relations.

Sumner's treatise focused on TABULA RASA or  The whole broad Rebel Region was a clean slate, where Congress under the Constitution of the United States may write the laws. The President needed to step aside.

The South had abdicated their place in the Union, and thereby fallen under the exclusive jurisdiction of Congress. Tablula Rasa, or the clean slate, meant the entire South had no rights at all. The people were expendable. They were in fact to be removed, all property confiscated, and replaced with a 'race transplanted" fom the North. It was the greatest eugenics project ever devised, since the Assyrians removed the Samarians or Lost 10 Tribes and repeopled that entire region. The American South was vastly greater and had a larger population.

Montgomery Blari who was of the Maryland and Missouri Blairs, a powerful democratic family, who had joined in the Lincoln cause, was incensed by the Sumner manifesto. Blair was no shrinking violet, and had an ego, intellect and fortitude on the battlefield or politics which no one could match, as when his blood was up, he was devastating to all opponents. Blair stated, "We are menaced by the ultra abolitionists, which is equally despotic in it's tendencies and whic if successful, could not fail to bve alike fatal to Republican institutions."

In the end, Abraham Lincoln's better angels of our nature was assassinated, the Congress wrested by impeachment control of the South from democrat President Andrew Johnson and the South was federally occupied territory, where lackeys and Negroes were appointed over the surviving Southerners, no existing in limbo.

1864 mirrors 2020, for the simple reason, 1864 was about legalizing foreigners to vanquish a specific race of Americans, in this the Protestant Southerner to extinction. In 2020, the mirror policy is the extinguishing of the American Protestant as a political power, by erasing them with a slave race of Muslim, Indian and Mexican being dumped into the United States and legalized.

Radical Invasion is the genocide of the United States in 2002 and radical Emancipation was the end of the United States in 1865 AD in the year of our Lord. America was forever changed from THESE United States to THE United States in absolute federal power, abused by Lincoln first, Teddy Roosevelt in banking, Woodrow Wilson in socializing production, FDR in world war, and from that point, the United State ceased as a Republic, and became an oligarchy of mob rule, where one mob had the exploited workers and he other mob was the conglomerate socialist elite.
That is what the United States corpse is today. The White Protestant as much as the Black Protestant will cease after this 2020 election, as the policies whcih are in place will produce a Hindu, Jesuit and Muslim tanskin majority which will be used to legally overthrow the United States by Constitutional vote. The police state will back this and protect the overthrow, and the Americans will be criminalized in their 10th Amendment Rights as the Confederaes were criminalized in their 10th Amendment Rights denied.

America is a clean slate being written over, from the fonding Protestant Christian who God blessed, to the Visa Vermin without loyalty, intelligence or drive to sustain government by, of and for the People.

None of this is to be upset over, as America was extinguished a generation ago, as the World War II generation who should have stood for America, paraded around through the streets basking in their ignorance as Tom Brokaw termed them the greatest generation. 50 years ago they should have fought for America and died, instead of wearing those disgusting military caps of how they survived the war. They should have died for America, and not placed the America of their grandchildren into the tomb.

This is the last American Generation and this is the last American election, and it will be a lie, as 2016 was, as Obama lied about his changing of America, just as Bush fam lied about their agenda, which has brought America to this.

It is time to look for the retun of Christ, or remember the Prophecy of George Washington for the final war of America, where America will be cleansed and then repeopled by a those in Jeffersonian small cottages in the serenty of America as she was intended to be.

1864 is 2020 and 2020 is 1864 in the exact same issues and exact same treachery and misguided zealots of political angst, who will bring about tabula rasa, the clean slate.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
