Friday, November 15, 2019

Don Deuce

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry is a lone entity of one poor orphan girl, I miss information out in the brier patch. I am sick at the moment from fatigue, but I was still out chasing cattle in below freezing weather, as things have to be done, including checking on the Uncle.

Like most of you, I noted that Donald Trump jr. was booed at a UCLA event. I happened upon an article off of Bad Blue, from the Daily Beast, and it was explaining who was behind the Trump media event at UCLA and who was behind the disruption, as 1/3rd of the attendees were from a specific group.

Each of you probably remember the AltRight of 2016, how they appeared out of nowhere, helped Donald Trump as a firewall against Hillary Clinton and then vanished. This set off a number of conservatives being banned online, including Alex Jones.
The AltRight were leftists, and skilled at their job, quite entertaining, and the leadership appeared to be FBI assets.

I state thee above for the reason, in reading the Daily Beast, I was reading a great deal of my information from this blog. I know the information I have assembled to be factual, and here was another group who were basing a great deal of what is here, on their agenda, as if you are not aware of it, just as the democratic party is splitting as Webster Griffin Tarpley stated was the cartel agenda. the conservative base is spliting, between America First which created a manifesto which was pro sodomy and pro Israeli state, and what is termed a splinter group called the Groyper Army. This is the group which was booing Donald Trump and has been in a war of words with the America First group of #NeverTrumper Ben Shapiro and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk promoting the homosexual and Jewish agenda.

As I read Daily Beast, I knew what I was looking at, was another intelligence and security operation. You get control of ideas, by having your stooge, Bill Ayers, lead the Weather Underground to prominence and then blow them up, when they get out of control.

As I stated, I know my data is correct, and the projections are absolutely sound, as when I stated Trump's policies would not create MAGA, but destroy MAGA. Therefore my data is sound, it means that those who are engaged in completing these operations of the replacment of Americans with foreigners etc... have created a campaign to taint the information as racist, anti semite etc.... in order to censor or stop the examination of that information.

In being so distracted, I had noticed how this blog is spiked in certain foreign nations on a rotational nexus. I knew I was being censored by the NSA Google platform. I knew I was not to be quoted even in passing on the talking heads. I knew donations are almost non existent. I had assumed it was entirely the Trump supporters not appreciating the evidence of how they were being taken advantage of. With the above though, it appears that the reality is the CIA, the same Control a group of leftists who moved to surgically remove the "Obama caste" from government and keep Hillary from the presidency, want as Sunprancer and Kushner tried in 2016 to shut down all fringe media, to have absolute control of the platform.Those who are running this operation, have moved to make certain the Lame Cherry is repressed, so they will have absolute control of the message in order to subvert it.

I will inform you at this writing, that in the future, "conservative" will be as Webster Griffin Tarpley stated, a third party, a Barry Goldwater pariah, and what will be termed conservative will be a sort of Homosexual Nazi who loves Jews. That is what the data shows is the primary focus of the contenders with the CIA's Groypers. This is a reconstitution of the Matt Drudge, Ann Coulter, pro queer subversion of CPAC which was fought off. The CIA behind this, is going to make conservatism as pro queer as the American Lutheran and Methodist religions, because it is from the same original source.

Kimberly Guilifloyle was put into place to help Don jr., become a political manipulate his father's MAGA Mob. At UCLA, she was a disaster in berating attendees and making Don jr. look like a cuck, much like he appaeared on The View.
Knowing Don jr's psychological profile, I highly doubt that he or his father set out to make him look like a cuck. As KG has not been fired, it means this is the course, in Don jr. is the figurehead of MAGA, while the underpinnings are going to keep whispering sweet Jewosexual to the followers, who are wondering what that has to do with America First.

It is why Groyper has centralized their message on the USS Liberty, which was in fact Tel Aviv terrorism against Americans. What the short of this is, Tel Aviv is going to be in control of the American National Socialists, who are going to evolve from the Trump GOP. Webster Griffin Tarpley was not wrong with his insider information from the elite, and this blog has not been wrong in examining the data, as it all fits.

In knowing how this works, this blog is on strangulation rations to gauge how you sheep will bleat.

I reckon that Groyper will disappear about 2020 just before the elections, as I figure that Mike Pence's coup and Mike Pompeo's coup, seem to have been Trumped out and they are moving to the endangered species list. What will appear, will be another FBI laced guiding force of the new sodom they brother and I am the Jewish keeper party.

Thing is, if you get that part, you start asking, then why is Alyssa Milano and John Cryer not putting on the Pepe headset as they all back the same policies.

Well that should get the thinking on the right track. Doubt it will do much good, as all them electronic trees have been wasted in these pages again. Odd with the almost absolute control of the message and media, that the CIA has resorted again to a counter psyop operation to keep things in order. Frankly, I think it has to do with budgets. See some suit has a division, and it gets funding, and it will not get funding if they admit something like, "Hey all these bleaters are asstards, they stopped thinking, stopped processing information, stopped caring, so shut down my division".

Don't figure that flies, so the disinformation campaign is just a bitch on wheels, as this all about bending the right over, spreading the ass cheeks and praising an 8 holed candle holder.

It must suck being Donald Trump Deuce in being made out to look like a cuck by the old gal he is shacked up with.  Damn not like she is Raquel Welch or something as that might make a man consider having his pecker laughed at, but take a frosty pile of cash to make that one slide for most people.....and that is one big brotherly love for Don to be doing this for Futurus Ivanka.

Hell Jeb did it for George, but he comes by it natural with that midget Mexican fetish and stuff.

You would think with the dime the CIA and FBI is dropping on this Groyper stuff and Ben Shapiro, that they could be putting the cash into here too. It is like, do you have the time or money to run your ass off to UCLA to boo ass Don Deuce? Hell no, yet they are all appearing on the dime.

Too bad Americans on the right, think free speech is free.

Fingered by Don Trump II

Groyper War

Tel Aviv Ben
