Friday, November 15, 2019

The Bobble Head Economy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If Donald Trump keeps on with Bush and Obama Rapine policies, the United States are going to be covered with foreign shit from our toilets, which won't flush because of worthless Chinese parts.

- Lame Cherry

For all of you reading this, who have sold your souls to the world in not wanting the Truth, but desiring to be lied to about Donald Trump, two stories this week, prove the above Lame Cherry quote, in Donald Trump is overseeing in his first term, the destruction of America, from Protestant Christians to it's entire infrastructure.

The basis of this is Donald Trump cheering Paul Singer leveraging ATT, one of the last remaining communication giants, which actually functions in the United States.

Singer has forced ATT to hand over two board seats, but as Bay Buchanan points out, the handwriting is on the wall, in Mr MAGA's praising Singer over the target of CNN, is a reality that Singer, who started the Pissgate Dossier for Marco Rubio to buy control of the Jeb Bush regime, is going to start selling of ATT assets and firing thousands of ATT AMERICAN WORKERS, while hiring Curry Nigger Indians at less wages, which will make Singer billions again.

Singer's AT&T Bid Is Not About Trump or Reforming CNN


The reason the Lame Cherry states AGAIN, in what Singer is involved in for Wall Street piracy is the example of having watched Paul Singer, destroy rural America, centered in Nebraska in the family owned outdoor chain of Cabelas.

I had a first hand seat in this, as my brother worked for Cabelas, and he thought it would be a dream job. This all began as Obama was installed into the White House, when the Obama Super Depression began. Cabelas, was told in that horrid economy to begin taking on debt. They hired all the laid off corporate workers who had destroyed other corporations in 2008 and began an expansion in building stores in new locations.
All of that debt, meant Cabelas was selling stock and being traded. Paul Singer moved on Cabelas in this dire situation, took control, and in the end made billions.
Cabelas began firing Americans workers, hiring part time employment, and in reducing work force, reduced profit flow and in the end Singer sold Cabelas to Bass Pro Shops, who are Singer draconian in work force in firing people, and being quite clueless as to how to manage this type of retail chain.

There are myriads of people so disgruntled with Cabelas under Bass Pro, that they will never work for that corporate again. This is Paul Singer's doing, in impoverishing workers, taking away benefits and making conditions horrid to work in. This is what Paul Singer will do to ATT, CNN and whatever else he is about to leverage into the ground for Wall Street profits of the rich in their portfolios.

Added to this, is the new headlines of the euphoria of Wall Street making money on a US China trade deal. Translate this trade deal to more inferior Chinese manufactured goods being dumped into America, which will wear in in a few years, endanger people's lives and in reality cost you three times as much in replacement costs than if the product was South Korean, Japanese or American.

This is what Wall Street is driven by is sales. They can dump concentrated flow into China to exploit the Chicoms. The communists though, like when Cargill was selling them rat shit in American wheat, are not idiots. They will just clean the rat shit out, and put it into Walmart crackers and laugh at the profits as Americans eat that filth.
Peking is going to make up every penny that this trade deal leverages, and it will be Americans who are endangered and raped by these inferior products.

Geez Louise, can any of you point to a Chinese product and say you are happy with it? Rubber, tasteless oysters to metal parts so thin, they crack are what the Chinese sell to the world. Americans engineers once built products to last and built them to specifications beyond the necessary safety considerations "just in case".
When the US had a nuclear submarine go down in the ocean. That sub survived because General Dynamics built things which were beyond specifications. It is why F 16 fighters are still in the air after a generation, because Americans once built things to last as a matter of honor in America.

Donald Trump could not build his Trump Tower in this kind of Singer America, as the building would crumble by design.

So for all of you thinking the stock markets going up or trade deals are great, you are not the poor son of a bitch who just got fired for a foreign worker or the poor son of a bitch being told your 600 dollar part in your car that China made for two bucks just went out, and you are freezing your ass off in the dark, waiting for a 70 dollar tow job.

Breaking: Dow Jones Hits Record High, Jumps 100+ After US-China Trade Talks   hannity

Sean Hannity and his ilk can afford this kind of rapine, but Americans will not survive this Trump Economy, as the United States will wear out, will not be able to afford to replace product and Paul Singer's nation rapists will have all the money, and own the police state to put you into the camps.

Could any of you, go home at night and sleep, in knowing what you did in profit margins was killing innocent people in 737's falling out of the sky or some White guy is committing suicide because he can't hold a job to afford to live?

Paul Singer has no problem and Donald Trump cheers this kind of rapine as he tells you what a great deal he will get with China. The Chinese are goddamn crooks. You can't beat them as your money is good, but what you are buying is counterfeit.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said.
