Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Donald Trump Should Try Being President

One day Don will be just like me as a President
blackmailing states and piling up the bodies in prison.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I read a headline of another Trumpian Threat, this time against  the Shit Hole Ghetto of California, all I think is how unLincolnesque Donald Trump is.

President Trump criticizes Calif. Gov. Newsom over mismanagement, threatens to cut aid   oann 

See most of you are so caught up in thinking your brain shit does not stink, that you never come to the reality that you have no comprehension of HISTORY. See Ronald Reagan was a real tyrant, a real despot, are son of a bitch when it came to bitch slapping the states around.

Reagan got it into his head that the drinking age had to be raised nationally 'to save lives" and this dictator stopped paying money to the states until they submitted, and thus began seat belt laws inflicted upon Americans, due to King Ronald.

So when I see the crooks of California, exporting their high priced liberal rats to GOP states in ruing them, and making California a shit hole, and all Donald Trump does is threaten them, I brush it off in Donald Trump does not have the balls to be President.

Federal money, comes with federal regulations, and federal oversight. That oversight comes with federal police state enforcement. If Donald Trump does not have the balls to be President, by God, I have the ovaries to do the job in being Cherry Bey of California.
I'll clean that goddamn state up in 6 months, in the way Ben Butler cleaned up New Orleans in the Civil War.

Federal Money means federal control, and this Governor Newsom, every democrat and rhino would be in Alcatraz irons as the entire federal law enforcement would swoop in as Lincoln did with Maryland and those Nazi trains would run on time.

Donald Trump needs to stop being ballless and start putting a federal in charge, to audit that state, appropriate funds to the proper distribution and make California a Republic again.

See when it is Donald Trump in the WWE Twitter of Dan Scavino writing the tweets, it sounds all 2020 elections. When the Lame Cherry writes what other Presidents have done legally, then Donald Trump looks like the feckless wonder of fake wrestling.

Seriously, Donald Trump just federalized your local cops with murderous military weapons to slaughter you with. That is where this nation is going in Federalized Socialism, so why the hell not drop the hammer in 2019 and show the world what a right proper bastard Donald Trump can be in cracking the whip in California. 49 other states will exude with joy and delight as everyone hates California. Make California into Trumpafornia before election 2020 and every state will be begging for a federal Trump takeover, as most people hate their communist tyrants ruling over them.

That is what a President does. Reagan did it. Kennedy did it. Eisenhower did it. Washington did it. Lincoln did it It is time for a federal takeover of California to make the trains run on time. Ship them goddamn foreigners out and make them pay to get back in, and put up some real Treasury money.

Just do it Mr. Trump so we can call you Mr. President.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said.
