Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight
But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Rush Limbaugh said something interesting, and he was not baiting or leading the public, as he appears to be ignorant, but in his statement, he proved everything the Lame Cherry has been posting on the entire Trump Witch Hunt and Impeachment, and that is............never mind in that, but instead read what Rush Limbaugh said as I placed it in bold in the part which matters.
The Pajama Boy Whistleblower Revealed
Now Schiff and his buddies are saying, “Well, we don’t need to know the young whistleblower’s identity. We don’t really need to hear from the whistleblower.” Of course we don’t now — and everybody has known who this guy is for weeks, folks. Trump has known, Trump’s aides in the White House. Everybody has known who this guy is. For some reason beyond me, his name didn’t leak, and that’s a classic illustration of the swamp protecting itself. There’s another reason. Nobody would be impressed by this guy. He’s a kid — and I don’t mean to be insulting 30-year-olds.
Donald Trump knew who Eric Ciaramella was. Ivanka knew, Jared knew, every Trump loyalist knew and every Trump hater knew, and the name did not leak.
The name did not leak in a set up of Dick Cheney by Richard Armitage in Plamegate in Valerie Plame. The name did not leak in Katie Walsh's treachery inside the Trump White House.
Valerie Plame was rewarded. Katie Walsh has been protected and rewarded, and now Eric Ciaramella is being protected. Ciamarella in mirror image leaks like Stefan Halper, was leaking, and everyone knew who they were.
Rush Limbaugh is not doing the public a favor by mocking Eric Ciaramella as an Obama Pajama Boy. Eric Ciaramella is as accomplished as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. These young adults are chosen for ability and they nurture CIA associations in the Mockingbird.
Pajama Boy - Wikipedia
Pajama Boy. " Pajama Boy " is a descriptive term for a photograph posted online in 2013 by the American political organization Organizing for Action (OFA) of one of its employees, Ethan Krupp, in support of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as "Obamacare".
Donald Trump knew Eric Ciaramella's name and so did a host of people, and no one named him.
Why is that?
Think why would that be, why if you knew the identity of a person who is setting you up to be ruined, why would you not stop someone who is framing you?
If you have not donated, then you are that list of people who think you are so intelligent and have been speed reading what is posted here as you are so smart in thinking you know everything.
I have told all of you that one of the reasons all this is taking place with Donald Trump at the center is Peter Strzok was heading an elite internal affairs division, hunting some type of mole group in the system.
Part of Donald Trump was to flush the moles and their handlers.
That is what John Durham's role is. It all kicked into gear when Attorney General Barr flew to Italy, to review two blackberries that a British Maltese agent in Mifsud was using to frame Donald Trump. Italians had those blackberries for a reason to protect their operations. There was a group of assets who were assembled when foreigners installed Barack Hussein Obama into the White House. These are more than fellow travelers or Limbaugh Pajama Boys. This is an operational group of a connected viral group, using the American protocols and system against America. These are some of the best operatives and why they are where they were established as political minders.
Before the events of June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, when Obama left the building, the Control has been actively moving to root out this group of moles. Donald Trump knew who Eric Ciaramella was, along with the intelligence agencies loyal to the President's benefactors.
The entire Ukraine transcript was written, constructed, for these moles that Herbert McMaster kept in place, that Obama left in place as Susan Rice loyalists to sabotage Donald Trump.
How did Donald Trump know that Eric Ciaramella would bite on Ukraine as 25 others listened in? Because as a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, there is a double agent working in the control structure of the mole group, which established a counter operation to frame the framers.
The moles were told that their people were going to write a script to bring down Donald Trump. They heard what they were told and ran with it to the CIA, Adam Schiff and key democratic candidates, who were involved in this.
This was a sting in every operational sense of the word, and has been a series of stings. Donald Trump is one of the top intelligence assets in this operation and has been the target of the group, and has been feeding this group false information in order to ensnare them,

Ukraine Whistleblower Is a Biden, Schiff, and DNC Errand Boy
But the name of a government official fitting that description — Eric Ciaramella — has been raised privately in impeachment depositions, according to officials with direct knowledge of the proceedings, as well as in at least one open hearing held by a House committee not involved in the impeachment inquiry.
Donald Trump started his campaign with a poem about a snake, a real sidewinder. In Operation Trumpwinder, Donald Trump has the snake eating it's own tail. Rush Limbaugh's one expression has proven the Lame Cherry absolutely correct in the exclusive posted here.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Donald Trump did not leak the name of these moles, because his operation was a sting against them and those who are directing them.
How long do you ponder it will be, before the world takes credit in extolling the genius of Donald Trump, for which you first read of here?
Nuff Said
"Shambala" Three Dog Night - YouTube
"Shambala" By Three Dog Night "Shambala" By Three Dog Night. Skip navigation Sign in. Search. Loading... Close. This video is unavailable. "Shambala" Three Dog Night. Watch later.