As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As I type this, I think our autumn lasted about 15 minutes and Uncle took up 20 minutes of it, as a blizzard appeared, and TL and I were busy harvesting what we could in the garden.
I think I could have floated Noah's boat, or at least Moses bull rush ark for how much I watered that garden from our well this summer, even with 13 more inches of rain than normal. God was very good in we were blessed with 5 buckets of potaotes, Viking and Yukon Gold, and a quarter bucket of green culls and about a 1/3rd of a bucket of ping pong and smaller potatoes. The rest were huge and big potatoes. That was nice for a change.
I was gardening in an old pig wallow, which was sand, and that helped. The thing is I raised 4 Kuri squash out of TL's metro seeds. The seeds I just tossed from that rotten fruit, God sprouted 1 plant in a pasture sod, on a trash pile, where Daisy and Baby Belle knocked it around all summer. The net result God grew 3 huge squash off one plant in an impossible location, and me with watering, I grew 4 squash out of 6 plants.
Good lesson there in Who God is.
My beans we should get seed back. The corn was ok......damned rats ate into the corn like there are not acres of that Monsanto shit around. We raised beets up the ass, and somehow with no heat, God grew quite a few delicious tomatoes. Big Boy and a Sweet Million. TL picked a bowl of the SM and a 5 gallon bucket of Big Boy.
Corn we did get a peach crate size full of the ears. Just need the big donations so we can plant that open pollinated corn on our land and expand out as I have been planning for years.
Beets we bot fruit box full of them at about softball size. As I said, things grow big, and how you do that is water, as that what most things are in water. I just turned the hose on, rand down the rows, let it flood to water standing and that is gardening in sand with a clay base.
I have no idea if I have any cabbages as the tomatoes grew to like 9 feet and covered everything. Melons......got 3 little ones I found, so am going to test them in a few.
Onions disappeared as was too late. Again, I need the big donations, the I get the tractor to dig to hell and back deep, and that is how you garden, after the watering like Heaven.
Chard did ok, but I am not much a chard eater, except for the blonde varieties. What I would like is the time to have built my cold frames for spinach......again Uncle was the priority on that, so nothing got done around here that I wanted. Great news in a blizzard and the Uncle was to show for things.
I ache horrid though from the digging and hauling things. I still have to move things in before the snow hits, but that will be tomorrow. I just think of God growing pumpkins that one year in the same sod and doing it a repeat as this year.
I did grow some Sunshine squash. Am sure I will hate them as I hate squash, but we were given them so it was impolite no try them.
As I did not raise any pumpkins a few years ago for our George Washington pumpkin pie in the shell, we got one out of the grocery. It has no flavor, but I like that better than too pumpkin. They are starting to resemble Small Sugar pumpkins with netting. They are squat, tall and regular shaped as the hybrid is breaking down. I think we were given by God 8 of them. All I wanted was two, one for Thanksgiving and one for Christmas, and these are too big. Not like TL and I can eat all of that now. Seems like since the mother died, we are barely eating anything. Helps on food bills, but the two of us can not get leftovers eaten, unless we are taking the mold off things.
So I have no idea what that tapeworm mother was eating or feeding things to. If we had the big donations, the world would be going along quite well with the kind of gardening does.
That is what I stated in I hope God grows donations, like he does squash in the sod. He makes the point and I certainly praise Him for it.
Of couse in the above photo, what caught my eye first was the Cub, not the blonde, and the Cub was what I was looking at wanting. That is just me though.
........and yes I am saving God's seed as those are the seeds which are blessed.
Nuff Said