Friday, November 1, 2019

Trump Man 2020: Adam Shifty

Children should tweet and not be heard!


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In comparing the election of 2020 to 1865, I have written, and in the future postings here, are the lamentations that Donald Trump did not have and horses in the race as Abraham Lincoln had bribed the terrorist Jim Lane of Kansas to save him at the Baltimore Convention.

As I typed this though, I have been Inspired by the Holy Ghost, to see that I had already written what an asset the California Jew, Adam Schiff of the democratic party, has been for President Donald Trump.
Adam Shifty has led his mob to self devouring fanaticism over Robert Mueller, as Schiff, of the namesake of the notorious Rotshchild's monetary rapine, has been using John Kerry's State Department leaks to create a fiction about Donald Trump, as Donald Trump was sent free on the evidence, and once again Adam Schiff is making such a debacle of impeachment, in order to protect Donald Trump again, and to re elect the President one more time over democrat communists.

Can I be Ivanka's eunich?

I am wounded in this, that the delicate nature of the future President, Ivanka Trump, was not exposed to such political bruteness as all of this, not a fitting place for such overflowing grace and finespun quality to be open to such abuse.

Yes but the daring Ivanka in the blazing headlines, struck the match to Trump Brand defense in lighting the flame, that epic fire emblazoning upon the history to yet be written.

Trump admin reacts to impeachment vote, but fiery Ivanka beats them to the punch   bizpacreview

Lady Liberty


At least there were numbers of stupid people who tweeted back at Ivanka, leaving their ISP's for the round up when it comes to the concentration camps.

FEMA Camps

Did you notice that no FEMA camps are located in the area of the HAARP nuclear hot zone from radioactive fall out ?

 But this is about the future of Trump, the dynasty written in this epic course of the epic battle of political factions, not of parties, but of monetary ledgers of power which cut the cloth of the land, and make it cry and bleed, in a fabric of their miscontent.

The detractors who have attacked the fair and pleasant future president, Ivanka, have focused upon her father, but failed to draw the political rapier necessary in linking her National Socialist father to the National Socialist grandfather of all, whom the ledger keepers have all created this diversion for, in the spoken Webster Griffin Tarpley dividing of the democratic party into the Obama Communist wing and the Trump Nazi wing, to rule America to the tan skin conquest of the new Amerika.

der Marxist Lügenpresse!!!

Yes this is the stuff that Lincoln is made of. The shifting sands of democrats in the Blairs of 1864 with the Jews of 2020 in Schiff rallying to the transformation of America.

So be of good cheer Americans, of the left and the right, as your future is set. The President has full backing of Adam Schiff from inside the left and full backing of the right, in John Thune and Lindsey Graham.

Jim Lane secured the presidency in 1864 AD in the year of our Lord for Abraham Lincoln for a mere bribe, what tantalizing promotions lie in store for Secretary John Thune.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
