As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Like most people when the internet was young and free, I was not educated enough in computers to understand about saving programs and files. So as they advanced, they got huge and as they got huge, adware was stuck in, in even the old version sites, and on those sites it is impossible to find the original versions as Microsoft has sabotaged most of them.
As my computer went tits up in the screen, I had to move into another old one, and with that comes the necessity of what I need to write this blog. That means a word program, a Bible program, a photo program and the program I am going to share in WordWeb.

I had this in the program version I copied, but it will not work on the 7 Pro which came on this computer. Odd shit in this as the Paint Shop Pro version I have in program, and not an install, will work here, but will not work on 7 Home.
That is bothersome as the online versions do not have the features my version has which was a copy off a CD long ago.
The same is true with WordWeb, in the original is 1.61 and it is a small program of a few megs. The new one is a bitch, with word pronunciation, all kinds of other additions, and the best one is, that it asks from time to time if you fly in a jet, and if you answer yes, it means you are rich and the program self destructs.
Oddly on the other computer it self destructed without me asking, which pissed me off, so on this one I found a real old version, downloaded it, and it works on this Pro in 64 bit.
It is not about spelling words as spellcheck does that and when I leave words misspelled or make up words, I do it deliberate. It just helps to have a program that I can past definitions on the blog or convey more expansive meanings of.
It all though comes down to a program that is small, is going to run forever and not being a pest as the new WordWeb is.
Of course this will not help you not being an asshole, good for porn or whatever else you are, but it is last of the good programs.
Nuff Said