Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Thanks to Nina

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Thank you so much!

It is my pleasure to pick up the sexy hints that Matt Drudge used to get wet willie over in the gossip, that Futurus Ivanka has taken the scepter to protect her father, President Donald Trump, from the unscrupulous Mike Pompeo, who wants to be President and Mike Pence who wants to be President with these bizarre Black Widows who he has triggered.

My wonderful day is fighting off a cold which came out of Mexican filth nowhere, trying to rest, but Poot depositing cat poop by the door, and fixing a door for Uncle for the 4th time, and his informing me I am not as skilled at fixing as he and his children are at breaking things.
Now he didn't say that, but that is the insult as I heard it.

Time to sneeze.

It will soon be time to take some medicinal German Red Eye as a chaser for Vitamin C which used to cause allergic reactions in me. Now I just burp or belch, according to your preference as some people like the words African American, Immigrant Mexican and Indian Visa Employees, to Nigger Nigger, Taco Nigger and Sand Nigger. I would think that powerful people make you a slave and displacing you for genocide as a Caucanig, would be more offensive, but I see lots of people smiling at the pet Nigs.

Wow that Red Eye is like NyQuil without the bad side effects of not having enough booze in it. Nothing like 200 proof grain Everclear to vaporize virus agents come from Mexican boogers wiped on American edibles.

I'm thankful for Nina and those who let me know I am not alone.

Most days God is not that mindful of me, but that is the burden of most Christians wondering where this Love is all about, but God is always there, and He makes things hard now, as it is easy later, after you prove you are not just a pansy ass, ready to spread your cheeks for satan again over some pleasure lube.

Yeah you don't get sermons like that at Jimmy Carter Baptist Bible Thumper religion. With all of Jimmy's money and that foxy Roselyn, I still would not want to be him. I think that hypocrite is hell bound, but I ain't the Great White Throne Judge, but having a leaky blood clot brain, having them cull children, being as asstard without having your head shoved up your ass,  money and Roselyn just do not even it out.

I bet though that ole George Bush, will be visiting the Widow Ros. George does not live by Michelle alone. Yes that old widder sex is hot in all that wailing and grief. Nothing like a bi sexual man to bring out the woman in a woman. I wonder if George put the paintbrush to Widow McCain, and that grieving daughter Meghan. Whole lot of woman that Meghan. Makes a man wonder if he would survive being the meat between that white bread of Meghan and Tiffany.
Now the President does not like plumpers, but I bet there are more 10 cc's for whole lotta Tiffany that Jewess Ivanka. A man can only pump enough Schindler's List gas chamber sex before it gets old.

I do like giving them the business. I like it that the monitors  have to read this shit, their eyes still get wide, they laugh, shake their head they are laughing at this shit, and then they have to write their reports about what a strange little orphan girl I am.

Working on my second shot of Red Eye, as it is medicinal after all.

Got these little half shots from the Thrift Store last year. See it is a numbers thing with people. You drink a quart of Red Eye and it is just one quart, but you sip a few half shots and you think you got something accomplished.

Got to go lotion my hands. No not for masturbating, but washing my hands from a cold chaps them, just like what I post here, chaps so many asses.

Oh the girl on top, is part of the charming ambiance, as surveillance which is required, can not be an evil thing in having hot girls in short shorts, as it is all in the line of duty.

See what happens when you are friendly, in you become a star to be envied, in everyone wants to star on the Lame Cherry and be like our wonderful President, Donald John Trump.

Hean Sannity and Cucker Tarlson never give the President this kind of adoration and help with his daughter who has had far too many donut moments. Protein is less fattening and in some cases it helps for a career in woodwind instruments.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am moved by the glide of the background riff, not much else, but it makes the song salvageable.

Nuff Said
